Weight Loss Exercise

2 Huge Factors That Can Cause Weight To Fluctuate On The Scale

If you often weigh yourself when trying to lose weight, you may have noticed that your weight fluctuates on a daily basis. In fact, your weight in the morning may be completely different from your weight at night. However, it’s usually when there is a gain between one day and another that often makes us sad and frustrated. That doesn’t necessarily mean that your weight loss efforts are wasted. There are several factors that cause weight to fluctuate on the scale.

Water Weight

bathroom-scaleIf you go on a fad diet that involves lots of liquids and a very low calorie diet, you may see very good results initially where you lose many pounds within a single day. This is because what you have lost is not fat, but water. When you eat a regular diet again, water weight is usually gained back.

Several other factors cause one to retain water including dehydration, increased consumption of sodium, as well as menstruation (for women). You can prevent water retention by drinking lots of water and restricting your intake of salt.

Muscle Weight

Often exercise is a big part of a weight loss program, and if it is a big part of yours, chances you will sometimes see a gain in weight displayed on the scale. This is especially true if you frequently incorporate weight training as part of your exercise program. This gain in weight is not because you’ve been slacking off on your diet and putting on fat; instead, it’s possible that you have been putting on muscle.

Muscle is denser than fat, so even if you gain a bit of muscle you will probably see a bigger number on the scale. Don’t worry if this is the case. If you are concerned, use a measuring tape as a supplementary way to track your weight loss progress. If you are losing inches, even though your scale says you’ve gained weight, then it’s probably muscle that you’ve gained!

There may be other factors that lead to weight fluctuations, but these are the main two. So the next time your scale seems to be yo-yoing back and forth, don’t stress about it. If you can’t help stressing about it, then instead of weighing yourself every day, weigh yourself every week to get a more stable picture of how you are doing with your weight loss. In the end, your weekly weight is what matters, and not your daily weight.

Weight Loss Exercise

Boost Your Energy with Natural Detox

Have you ever tried to boost your energy  with natural detox? Most of us take better care of our automobiles than our bodies. We take them in for regular checkups and change oil and filters often so that they work to their optimal capabilities. But we sometimes ignore our bodies when they become sluggish and don’t work as they were meant to.

The truth is that our bodies need the same type of care that our cars do ? including periodic cleansing and refueling. If we don’t get the car out of the garage for years, it wastes away and so do we if we don’t exercise. Exercising on a regular basis will boost your energy and help flush out toxins that can pollute your body and begin to shut it down.

Boost Your Energy with Natural Detox

Boost Your Energy with Natural Detox

Boost Your Energy with Natural Detox

Natural detox diets don’t require any supplements or special equipment. The foods you eat and liquids that you drink will naturally detoxify your body’s internal system and get it back to excellent working condition. There are many detox diets available for you to choose from, and the one you choose should depend on your lifestyle and how committed you are to the detoxification process.

To boost your energy with natural detox involves eating natural foods that specifically target your energy. You may want to completely cleanse your system before beginning a natural detox diet by using one of the liquid plans such as Lemon Detox Diet, Aqua Detox or any other plan that is specifically meant to clean out your system and prepare it for the consumption of solid foods.

Herbal teas are another way to detox your system the natural way and improve your energy level. You can research these teas online or in your favorite herb shop ? just be sure that those you choose are grown organically and without any preservatives or additives.

The whole idea of going through a natural detox plan is to avoid foods that are difficult to digest or those that add contaminates to your system ? and to only eat those foods that are naturally grown and help to cleanse your system.

Eating naturally doesn’t mean that it has to be boring. There are many recipes available online to boost your energy with natural detox that use only ingredients that are good for you and that will help your system stay free of contaminates. These recipes can be fun to assemble, pleasing to the eye and very delicious.

A natural detox plan will bring you to your best weight and optimal health. You’ll notice a change in your energy level almost immediately and your skin and hair will look healthier too. Then, follow a plan that lets you eat healthy, drink plenty of water and exercise on a regular basis to maintain the changes you’ll enjoy by a boost your energy with natural detox.

Weight Loss Exercise

Flush Out Fat With These 5 Tips

Kicking your metabolism into shape so that you burn more calories rather than adding more fat to your body may take some drastic measures. Flushing the fat from your body is one way to increase your metabolic rate. It also rids the body of toxins that cause you to feel bloated and sluggish.

Fat tends to find a home in your body in three main areas ? butt, hips and thighs. Flushing out the fat targets these areas of your body rather than other diets where you may actually lose muscle mass.

Here are five tips for flushing unwanted fat out of your body that will lead you to weight loss success.

1. Lower calorie intake. Calorie count should be between 1000 and 1500 daily for the first couple of weeks.
2. During your fat flushing diet, you should add some good fat (such as flaxseed oil) as well as some protein, vegetables and fruit. Spices (such as cayenne pepper) are also a great addition to the diet plan.
3. Drink plenty of water, green tea and other liquids that act as a diuretic to flush out toxins and fat.
4. Get plenty of sleep. Sleep acts as a restorative process for your body and shouldn’t be neglected.
5. Keep track of all your activities, food and drink. You can jot the information in a notebook or enter it into one of the many online “journals” that are available.

Exercise is also important during this time, but don’t overdo it. You may feel weak because of decreased calorie intake. A brisk walk around the block or ten minutes on the treadmill will suffice.

After two weeks of the above regimen, you can increase your calorie intake to 1500 calories and add more carbohydrates to your diet. Follow this plan until you reach your desired weight. By then, your metabolism will have the boost it needs to work more efficiently.

Some medical professionals find that drastically lowering your calories is unhealthy and maintain that you’ll eventually put the weight back on. It’s true that you lose weight rapidly and unless you stick to the diet, you’ll more than likely put the pounds back on at a later time.

But you have a deadline to meet (such as fitting into that new bikini before your first trip to the beach), try the fat flushing diet for a couple of weeks to see quick and pleasing results.

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