Weight Loss Exercise

What is Mindset and Weight Loss?

I found this great article from Michelle Hastie who is a fitness and lifestyle coach on the power of mindset when you are trying to lose weight and wanted to share it with you today. I believe (as does Arnold Schwarzenegger) that any kind of body transformation is 90% mental. Get your head in the right place and you can make huge changes.

I used to tell people that, “I help women entrepreneurs lose weight by mastering their mindset”… I say used to because what has become clear to me is that most people don’t truly understand what it means to master their mindset.

What is Mindset and Weight Loss?Mindset to many people means how much they are willing to push through or have willpower. They say, “Oh Michelle you are so right, mindset is the most important thing because you have to be able to fight your mind when it tells you to eat cake, or take a nap instead of the gym.” To me this is not mastering your mindset it is mastering your will. This comes in handy if you are competing or on a reality show trying to win a million dollars by standing on one foot the longest. This is not real life.. unless you plan to be in competition mode forever.

What is the Truth About Mindset and Weight Loss you ask?

To master your mindset for weight loss you must have mastery over your thoughts, your beliefs and your patterns. In other words, you want mastery over who you are “being” not what you are “doing.”

This takes extreme consciousness… you cannot run on auto-pilot or you will continue getting the same results you have always gotten. You also have to be extremely honest about where you are and where you want to go. This means if you hate running up and down those damn stairs you can’t use that as your tool to overcome your mindset because all that will teach you is how much will power you have… it will not change your thoughts about it, your beliefs about it or your patterns for real weight loss results that last. You cannot go from hating the stairs to loving the stairs by forcing yourself to run them each day. You either change who you are being and become someone who truly loves running stairs deep down or you accept that stairs aren’t your thing and there are million other ways to move.

When it comes down to it, most people will only force themselves to run those stairs because they believe if they push through the weight will come off their body. While this may work for some, it won’t work for most long term because you can only fool yourself for so long. The truth always comes out and it always sets you free.

So, it’s time to ask yourself…

Do you want to master your mindset or do you want to master willpower?

If you want to master your willpower I can write out a year long exercise and eating plan for you and you can see how religious you can be following it. It leaves no wiggle room and if you have an unexpected party or dinner it will throw everything off. If you get invited to Mexico the whole plan will be messed up and frankly it’s extremely unrealistic and will not last long term.

Find out who you are “being” right now that is creating you current results. Your thoughts, beliefs and patterns. Decide who you want to become and write out what this person would think, believe and what patterns they would have. Become this person immediately. Be conscious in your days to notice when you slip back in to the old way of being. Eventually this new way of being will simply be who you are. You will automatically think the thoughts of someone who is at their goal weight. You will have the beliefs of someone who never struggles with their weight and you will run patterns automatically that are in alignment with your highest goals.

Which one sounds better to you?

If you are ready to master your mindset try out our home study program “The 7 Ways to Lose Weight While Living Your Life” Have fun “being” someone who automatically loses weight while living an incredible life.

As a Mindset Mentor and Results Coach, Michelle Hastie teaches conscious entrepreneurs how to live their absolute truth in order to live in their ideal bodies forever. If your body isn’t you, then your negative thoughts, beliefs and patterns aren’t you either. It’s time to change who you are being in order to live your most incredible life, in a body you love.



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Weight Loss Exercise

How To Lose Weight With MMA Training

The thought of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) for most people brings to mind two men locked in a cage, trying to knock each other out or making the other person submit through painful joint lock or choke. However, MMA is much more than that. For example, it is a great way to lose weight and get fit. Joe Riggs, a former Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC) fighter, started MMA training weighing almost 300 pounds. He made a name for himself in the UFC fighting at 170 pounds. He lost all of that weight through MMA training.

MMA Training

There are three main martial arts involved in MMA:
1. Muay Thai kickboxing
2. Wrestling
3. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)

MMA schools typically offer courses in the individual disciplines with a combined MMA class for those who are more serious and considering actually engaging in an actual MMA fight. Because of the skill level and physical conditioning required to fight MMA, most schools will not let people train Mixed Martial Arts until they have achieved a proven ability in at least one of these three arts.


The workout for any of these arts is intense. Students can expect a warm-up that includes a series of body-weight exercises, some with a partner and some without, that prepare the body for what it is about to face. After the warm-up comes a technique portion where the instructor teaches a skill followed by the students practicing, or drilling, the technique until they have it down. The technique portion of the class is followed by live drilling that allows the student to practice that technique against a fully resisting partner. Students who wish to focus only on the technique and not engage in the live drilling can elect to do that instead.

Improved Fitness

Lose Weight With MMA Training

Lose Weight With MMA Training

People who train MMA notice an improved level of conditioning pretty quickly. They are learning not only how to move their own bodies in ways that they never have before but they are learning to physically manipulate other people as well. These classes leave the individual exhausted, exhilarated and ready to come back for more. MMA students will lose weight and stay fit regardless of whether they actually decide to engage in an MMA fight or not. For those interested in fighting, understand that good MMA trainers will not let their students fight until they are capable of defending themselves in the cage.

Robbin Grey is a freelance writer who loves writing about MMA and other various martial art styles. Robbin is currently writing for the MMA Zone where she specializes in combining MMA training with health and fitness.

How To Lose Weight With MMA Training, 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

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Weight Loss Exercise

What is the Cost of Gastric Band?

What is the Cost of Gastric Band? Individuals who are grossly obese (BMI higher than 40) are often advised to have bariatric surgery. While a number of surgical weight loss options are available, gastric banding is fairly common because it’s less invasive than other procedures and can be reversed. Choosing a weight loss procedure should not be based only on cost. Rather, the surgeon and patient should work together to choose a method that is ideal for the patient’s health condition and lifestyle.

If gastric banding is your best option, you need to know about gastric banding cost in order to make the necessary steps to be financially prepared for the treatment.

Adjustable Gastric Band Systems

In the United States, only two gastric band systems have FDA approval. They are the LAP-BAND and the REALIZE Band systems. Gastric band surgery involves implanting a medical device in the stomach to restrict food intake, allowing the patient to lose weight. The band can be adjusted as needed to decrease or increase the amount of food that can be ingested.

Cost of Gastric Band?

What is the Cost of Gastric Band?

Cost of Gastric Band

The prices of the two gastric band systems are comparable, and you can expect to pay anywhere from $12,000 to $25,000 for surgery in the US. The amount covers charges for the medical device, bariatric surgeon’s professional fees, cost of hospital fees, and anesthesiologist’s fees.

Gastric banding requires aftercare or follow-up treatment for the next two to three years and even beyond after the surgery itself. Follow-up treatment is necessary to monitor the patient’s health and response to the treatment. Fills to the gastric band can be provided as well. Depending on the purpose of the visit, patients can pay $35 to $200.

Factors Affecting Gastric Band Cost

It’s difficult to provide a specific amount for the cost of gastric banding surgery because the figure can vary from one patient to another due to a variety of factors. Among the factors that affect gastric banding cost are:

  • The patient’s health
  • Choice of surgeon
  • Medical facility where the surgery is done
  • Services included in the weight loss program
  • Geographic location

Comparison of Bariatric Programs

There are many bariatric surgeons to choose from, and while it’s important to have a competent surgeon at a well-equipped medical facility, patients also want their weight loss treatment to be as affordable as possible. When considering the cost of bariatric surgery, be sure to find out what services are included in the quoted price. The price may cover a complete program with full service that includes pre-operative tests and psychological evaluation as well as the surgery itself and after-surgery care including follow-up visits, band adjustments, diet and nutrition advice, etc.

Other bariatric providers may not be able to provide an adequate level of post-surgery care and support, or they may bill the expenses separately. Take note that many bariatric surgeons do not provide fills or adjustments to individuals who had their bariatric surgery done elsewhere that is an extra cost of Gastric Band surgery.

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