Weight Loss Exercise

What is Mindset and Weight Loss?

I found this great article from Michelle Hastie who is a fitness and lifestyle coach on the power of mindset when you are trying to lose weight and wanted to share it with you today. I believe (as does Arnold Schwarzenegger) that any kind of body transformation is 90% mental. Get your head in the right place and you can make huge changes.

I used to tell people that, “I help women entrepreneurs lose weight by mastering their mindset”… I say used to because what has become clear to me is that most people don’t truly understand what it means to master their mindset.

What is Mindset and Weight Loss?Mindset to many people means how much they are willing to push through or have willpower. They say, “Oh Michelle you are so right, mindset is the most important thing because you have to be able to fight your mind when it tells you to eat cake, or take a nap instead of the gym.” To me this is not mastering your mindset it is mastering your will. This comes in handy if you are competing or on a reality show trying to win a million dollars by standing on one foot the longest. This is not real life.. unless you plan to be in competition mode forever.

What is the Truth About Mindset and Weight Loss you ask?

To master your mindset for weight loss you must have mastery over your thoughts, your beliefs and your patterns. In other words, you want mastery over who you are “being” not what you are “doing.”

This takes extreme consciousness… you cannot run on auto-pilot or you will continue getting the same results you have always gotten. You also have to be extremely honest about where you are and where you want to go. This means if you hate running up and down those damn stairs you can’t use that as your tool to overcome your mindset because all that will teach you is how much will power you have… it will not change your thoughts about it, your beliefs about it or your patterns for real weight loss results that last. You cannot go from hating the stairs to loving the stairs by forcing yourself to run them each day. You either change who you are being and become someone who truly loves running stairs deep down or you accept that stairs aren’t your thing and there are million other ways to move.

When it comes down to it, most people will only force themselves to run those stairs because they believe if they push through the weight will come off their body. While this may work for some, it won’t work for most long term because you can only fool yourself for so long. The truth always comes out and it always sets you free.

So, it’s time to ask yourself…

Do you want to master your mindset or do you want to master willpower?

If you want to master your willpower I can write out a year long exercise and eating plan for you and you can see how religious you can be following it. It leaves no wiggle room and if you have an unexpected party or dinner it will throw everything off. If you get invited to Mexico the whole plan will be messed up and frankly it’s extremely unrealistic and will not last long term.

Find out who you are “being” right now that is creating you current results. Your thoughts, beliefs and patterns. Decide who you want to become and write out what this person would think, believe and what patterns they would have. Become this person immediately. Be conscious in your days to notice when you slip back in to the old way of being. Eventually this new way of being will simply be who you are. You will automatically think the thoughts of someone who is at their goal weight. You will have the beliefs of someone who never struggles with their weight and you will run patterns automatically that are in alignment with your highest goals.

Which one sounds better to you?

If you are ready to master your mindset try out our home study program “The 7 Ways to Lose Weight While Living Your Life” Have fun “being” someone who automatically loses weight while living an incredible life.

As a Mindset Mentor and Results Coach, Michelle Hastie teaches conscious entrepreneurs how to live their absolute truth in order to live in their ideal bodies forever. If your body isn’t you, then your negative thoughts, beliefs and patterns aren’t you either. It’s time to change who you are being in order to live your most incredible life, in a body you love.



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Weight Loss Exercise

The Truth About Wrinkle Creams

When I say “top wrinkle creams” you probably think of the ones you see on television or at the cosmetic counter, the ones you see advertised by major celebrities in the glossy magazines. Those are the ones, right? They wouldn’t be so popular if they weren’t really good, would they?

If I suggested that you buy a lesser-known skin care product from a small company that advertises primarily on the Internet, you would probably balk and feel that the larger cosmetic companies are more reputable and you should buy their products. But here’s something you should know.

The Truth About Wrinkle Creams

The Truth About Wrinkle Creams

Truth About Wrinkle Creams

Those large companies are not thinking about your skin when they make their products.

They’re thinking about their own skins – and their bottom lines.

Here’s what goes into those top wrinkle creams: petrochemicals, acrylamides, parabens, alchohol, and other synthetic chemicals, including carcinogenic substances and neurotoxins.

The Real truth about wrinkle creams is that at the very least, what you’re putting on your skin with many creams is not good for your skin; at the very worst it could make you sick.

Why would they do this? Because these ingredients are cheap. They can make a greater profit.

Why are these products so popular? Because, as I pointed out at the beginning, they’re on TV, they’re in glossy magazines; they’re advertised by major celebrities. The celebrities don’t realize what they’re advertising. They probably believe the products are good.

But they’re not.

So what is the alternative to these top wrinkle creams that are really not what they’re cracked up to be?

Where to Find Quality Wrinkle Creams

Remember the lesser-known skin care products from the small company that advertises primarily on the Internet?

These companies create natural, healthful products and care about their customers. Knowing that you need natural ingredients, you can seek out companies that make natural products that meet your needs.

Ingredients in Quality Wrinkle Creams

Truth about wrinkle creams is that some ingredients to look for in real “top wrinkle creams” are Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin A. These nutrients will help reduce and protect against the effects of aging by protecting against the sun, defending against toxins that invade your body, and increasing collagen production to keep your skin smooth and firm.

Natural ingredients are always going to be better than synthetic; that’s the first key in finding a great wrinkle cream. The top creams, by revenue, are full of chemicals and your skin will not react well to that kind of treatment.

To get even better results, research your specific skin issues and find the best ingredients for your situation before choosing a cream. This will catapult your results into an even more successful realm.

So don’t let your purchases be fueled by marketing and glitzy campaigns by Hollywood. The truth about wrinkle creams is that you should just stick to good ingredients not packaging

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Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind By Doublas J. Lisle

Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind
by Douglas Lisle, Ph.D.
Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind


The One Key Concept in Making Food Choices

Stop Guilt from Stopping You

Fix Your Environment and You Fix Yourself

In this two-part lecture series, Dr. Doug Lisle explains how to achieve weight loss success. Drawn from his work with thousands of patients, Dr. Lisle unveils the surprising – and inspiring- truth about how to reach your goals. Whether your goal is to lose weight or some other personal achievement, the ideas in Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind can be an invaluable aid in helping you to get what you really want.

Buy Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind By Doublas J. Lisle at Amazon

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