Weight Loss Exercise

10 minute workout

I always look for a quick workout and a 10 minute workout sounds great to me. This is a busy time of year for a lot of people and I am no exception. I slacked a little over the last couple of weeks with my workouts and here I am at 5:30 in the morning, when I should be sleeping sitting on the computer.

I am pretty happy though because I just got a workout in.

Nothing feels better than working successfully towards your goals and so I am pretty excited to be back on track. You could get on track to and if you are smart about it you can get in some short 10 minute workouts and feel like I feel this morning (although you may not want to get up this early for a workout).

How can you get any kind of workout in 10 minutes?

10 minute workout

10 minute workout

10 Minute Workout

Well Craig Ballentyne, the Turbulence Training guy, gave me this 20 page guide that gives you a four week plan of 10 minute workout plans to get yourself going. Not only is there 5 sample 10 minute workout routines but there is also 10 tips to safe workouts and a some stretches to get you all limbered up. The guide has lots of pictures to so that you don’t have to guess what the exercise should be like.

The best thing about the 20 page guide is that it is free.

Just click this link and the guide will open up the pdf right in your browser window, it is an Adobe Acrobat file.

This is a great deal (free is always good in my book). Let anyone that you think is interested know about it and we can all get in great shape by the new year

Take this 10 minute workout or one of the many in the book and see what you can do over the next few days.

  • 10 minute workout

10 minute workout

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General Weight Loss Tips

Resound11 Prompt 02: Vices

Did you slip back into any old habits that you wish you hadn’t? Did you gain any new habits that you wish you would have walked away from? Did you discover the evils of Nutella? ‘Fess up … we won’t tell.

This prompt may sound dark and dreary, but we’ll be back to our sunshine selves tomorrow. Take today to reflect on a vice (or two or twelve) that you’d like to give up in the new year.

How will you resound? Follow along here. 

My biggest vice this year was watching TV and going to the movies. I love watching (good) tv. I’m watching Mad Men (again), I’m in season four of Parks and Recreation. I go to the movies with my husband at least once or twice a month. I love snuggling on the couch with him and kitties. I love going to the movies. I love every thing about it, the popcorn, previews and stories. Movies give me hope, inspiration and ideas. They have the ability to change my perspective. I saw Hugo last weekend and the artistry and story of that movie was astounding to me.

I don’t see letting go of a movie date night, but I would like to cut back watching so much TV, especially bad TV. Watching Whitney instead of being creative isn’t how I’d like to spend my time next year. I don’t want to use TV as an escape.

Weight Loss Exercise

Making December Count

I have already started to see the emails and blogs posts and even new stories about New Years Resolutions for next year. Very sad, we live for today and already supposed to look at a month or 13 from now?

Anyway, by my watch there are still a few weeks left in the year, actually 24 days if we start from tomorrow. Plenty of time yet to finish the year with a bang.

Making December Count

Making December Count

So this is my plan and I hope you try it out too. I know that it is easier to succeed if there is a finite time than a huge time limit, so maybe this is our time to jumpstart before the new year even gets here.

Here is the plan for Making December Count

1. Look over your goals from the beginning of the year or try to remember back if you did not write them down. Are they relevant? Did you achieve any of them?

I like to start with this look back because in 11 months lots may have changed in your life.

2. So where are you now? Is there anything that has bee gnawing at you that you have been not quite finishing? Have you resigned yourself to waiting until the end of the year before you start anything?

3. So if you look at those first two questions and are really honest with yourself then your head and your heart should be in a great place to move forward. Your head may be saying “Wait, next year is almost here” and your heart may be saying “Lets simplify and get some of these old things out of the way”

Whenever you can get your feelings and emotions as well as your tactics in place you can achieve anything. If you don’t have these aligned then you will find you spin your wheels.

Since we are just going to try to drive some results out of the next 24 days I want you to looks at a couple things that are important. Maybe, like in my case improve my health, and organize my home and work life. You will notice that these are not real goals. Who gives a crap about real goals when we only have December to worry about anyway. So we are just going to pick off issues one at a time.

4. Make a list  all the things that you want to do in these two areas of your life and just to help you out I want to suggest that you break the things down into chunks that you can get done in a day or during a day. Here are my examples:

Improve my health – Do cardio, eat less refined foods, do weights, cut down on coffee, increase food intake, get better quality sleep.

Organize my home and worklife – Get critical tasks done before noon, spend two hours an evening with the computer off, read with the kids, take my wife out for lunch, Get the day planned the night before.

Again these are just directions, not the goals that I will be hammering on in a few weeks time but the goal of all this is to make some change in your life and to institute change.

5. Get these lists on a piece of paper that you can carry with your or tape up or even put on your fridge put this list in front of you. The idea behind this is that while you are working on structuring your day better today with one thing on the list you can also see the other parts in your life to work on in the rest of the list.

If this process seems tough then you are doing it all wrong. For all the tough parts of making changes in your life there should be at least a balance off of satisfaction and a better quality to your days.

Let me know how this works out for you. I have just started this December adjustment in protest to setting resolutions and giving up on 2011 and we can refine it as we move forward over the next few weeks before starting goal setting in earnest for 2012.

  • Making December Count

Making December Count

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