Weight Loss Exercise

Green Detox Smoothie

Just made me a green detox smoothie. This thing tastes great and is really easy to make. I used a handful of washed kale, half a can of pinapple, one banana, and one peeled orange.

Green Detox Smoothie

Green Detox Smoothie

Although this tastes think and great there is a change I will make next time and that is to freeze the pineapple and the banana or maybe use frozen oranges. The consistency is good but it is not as cold as I would have liked. Sadly my daughter does not like bananas or pineapples so this was not a green detox smoothie for her but it is for me.

Benefits of a Green Detox Smoothie

Kale is super high in Vitamin K (1300% of a daily amount), Vitamin A, and Vitamin C as well as having a lot of digestive abilities.

Pineapple of course is great for helping digestion because it cantains Bromelain. as well as being high in Vitamin C and Manganese, and has many Anti-Inflammatory  Benefits.

Add to this the antioxidants in both bananas and oranges and you can see this green detox smoothie really packs a punch all in one big glass.

Green Detox Smoothie

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Moroccan Spread

This food was at my house a week ago…

We decided, in the creative circle that I’m in, to combine themed dinners with our meetings. Last week was Moroccan and heavens it was good. Everything felt nourishing and warm. Lots of chickpeas, tomatoes, eggplant and honey. One lady tossed oranges with honey and cinnamon- brilliant!

Do you belong to any supper clubs? 


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Successful Sunday

If most days this year were spent like yesterday, it’s safe to say I would be in a very good place come 2012. And I want to make a note about it here as a reminder.

I woke up and ate a breakfast of an egg sandwich on whole wheat, flax toast. The egg was from a friends chicken farm and it was delicious with a little butter.

For a snack later I had a clementine. And a bit later a cup of chocolate chai tea, unsweetened.

I did close to an hour of Tae Bo Elite Bootcamp level 2 (my favorite ever!) with Billy Blanks.

And then our dinner was hosted by his mom and we had potato soup, bread, salmon, mashed butternut squash, and steamed brussel sprouts.

A couple of hours later I made a fruit salad (I was craving something sweet) with a mixture of apples, bananas, mandarine oranges, raspberries and chopped walnuts.

And now I’m off to make Monday just as good…

Staring with a similar breakfast (it keeps me full and satisfied), a date with Jillian this morning, a date with Billy later this evening with Josh, and then some nice shrimp pasta with creamy tomato sauce.

Let’s make an exercise date together! I’m promising to do Tae Bo this evening around 5:30pm, will you do some form of exercise with me? Let me know in the comments.