General Weight Loss Tips

And the Cycle Starts

If talk about PMS or hormones make you squeamish, you might want to skip this post because I’m about to lay it all out.

I have really bad PMS.

And I don’t think there are many women out there that talk about it. When I talk about PMS or period woes in general other women seem to give me a look that says “yeah? what’s new?” or a look that seems to say “deal with it” or “I can’t believe you’re complaining about PMS”.  Looks aside, I want to know that I’m not alone, so I write this here because sometimes when a doctor asks me why I have trouble with eating, I want to ask them…is there anything you can do about PMS?

And while I take full responsibilty for my actions. Food doesn’t just go from hand to mouth on it’s own- I find the forces of nature to be a huge struggle for me when it comes to weight loss.

Here’s what I mean…

You know that in the past two weeks I lost 10 pounds? I’ve documented my food on and my thoughts here. For the past two weeks I’ve been indifferent to food. I took out the triggers and was seeing real results from it. I was going about my day working away at my desk and I would think “oh! I’m hungry. Time to eat…” and that was that. And then I’d go on without any obsessive thoughts about food.

And while taking out the triggers has helped (a lot) I can’t help but think that starting this new plan  during and right after my period made it that much easier. I was not battling hormones.

Here we are two weeks before my next period and I’m dealing with a strong desire to overeat. Part of me thinks “see this is what happens when you cut out delicious simple carbs! they come back and haunt you!” but I’m not and I wasn’t deprived. I eat what I want and what is delicious to me.

But this week, I want to eat everything in site. I’m bloated. I have feelings of hopelessness. I’m struggling with focus. I’m in the part of the cycle where it wouldn’t be just a taste of anything. One donut, or one slice of pizza would not satisfy me. It would need to be all or nothing.

And this is why losing weight is a struggle. For two weeks of the month, I could care less about food. I drop weight. 10 pounds is easy. And then hormone week stomps right on in. I’m retaining water. Before I know it I’m back up four pounds. And then I eat. And I’m back up another four pounds. And then I get sad and frustrated because yet again…I’ve lost and gained the same ten pounds– so then I eat. A day later I’m back right where I started. And this my friends, is my struggle. And I’ve never shared this portion of my issues.

For fear of advice, that “well, if you just did this…” or “if you weren’t doing that” or the “you’re doing it all wrong!” .

What I’ve decided to do is share. And that is right. I’ve also decided on an action plan. A two week action plan to get me through until I’m back to feeling normal about food.

It involves exercise, protein, fresh fruit and vegetables, plenty of sleep, journaling (lots of writing!), meditation and checking in with myself daily. I won’t let these two weeks derail my process. So what if I’m dealing with a little water bloat? It will go away and I will continue losing weight.

What I won’t do is bake, sneak around, or eat trigger foods. That’s the cycle.

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Diet Pills

Want to Lose 9 Lbs in 11 Days?-fat Loss for Idiots Almost Guarantees That

I have to say that Fat loss for idiots is the best thing that happened to the dieting and losing weight world. I have had weight problems over the years and they only got worse when I turned thirty, The logical thing, to me, was to try the most hyped diet plans on TV. Some of them worked to begin with only to stop at one point. I kept looking until I stumbled upon this diet plan. If you are serious about losing weight fast and safely continue reading if not sit back and have another slice of pizza.

You are wondering, just how effective is this Fat loss for Idiots? From all the disappointments I’ve had from previous diet programs, it’s only natural to get skeptic about diet programs. But truth be told, I lost about 4 pounds in my first cycle (11 days). This may not seem like much but great things start with small beginnings and the best part is I never went hungry implementing this diet.

This diet plan helps you lose weight and burn fat fast my employing a dieting strategy called calorie shifting. You will have a better understanding of lean proteins, fruits, and veggies in your diet. The fat loss 4 idiot’s diet plan consists of 4 healthy meals that need to be eaten at least two and a half hours apart. No counting calories (thank God).

Life in the 21st century is less physically demanding for most people, unless you are a caveman or a professional athlete. We live and work in air conditioned environments. Life is easy and food plentiful. Unfortunately in this era of processed and fast food we consume too many empty calories that do not match our physical activities and our bodies are forced to store these extra calories as fat.

Fat loss for idiots Calorie shifting strategy is a perfect remedy to this 21st century problem. So what is calorie shifting? Calorie Shifting is a way to induce a continued high metabolic rate by alternating the order you consume your designated four meals, thanks to the meal generator offered by fat loss for idiots. Most people think that going on a diet is actually cutting back on calories. When a person goes on a diet that reduces the intake of calories, the body’s metabolism slows down therefore storing more fat because the body thinks you are starving . Most people give up at this stage because they can not understand why they are gaining weight while on a diet. By shifting your calories and maintaining your calorie intake to normal you basically solve this problem. This cranks up your metabolism therefore allowing rapid weight loss. If you sustain this for a couple of weeks you will see amazing results.

Fat loss for idiot is called so because it is so easy to follow. You follow the program for eleven days after that, there is a 3 day cheat period where you can cheat a little and then repeat the 11 day plan again. Fat loss for idiots is that easy. You also get an informative hand book so you’ll learn the basics of how and what not to eat, and the important aspect of setting your weight loss goals in order to remain motivated.

You will get the best results if you combine good eating habits with an exercise regimen. Fat Loss 4 Idiots recommends that you get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. Though not a requirement it almost guarantees good results. For those who live in cold areas try taking a walk at the local mall.

I truly hope that this has helped you understand what fat loss for idiots can do for you. My goal was to show you how simple this diet plan is. Remember adjusting your lifestyle will ultimately help you live a longer and healthier life. Break the vicious cycle and let weight loss be one of the lesser problems you have to deal with so that you can take care of other important matters.

Diet Pills

Fat Loss for Idiots – Why Does It Really Work!

Fat loss for idiots diet is a program that works. It works because it, indeed, shock the body. What is "shocking the body, you might ask? Shocking the body is a technique that weightlifters have used for years.

Have you ever wondered how world-class weightlifters have been so big? By shocking the body. Shocking your body involves changing your workout routine every two weeks. By changing your workout routine every two weeks, your body never has a chance to enter his comfort zone. The human body has a comfort zone, which adapt to what you do. For example, if you do the same old bench press exercises over and over again each week, your muscle building effect, stop. You will lose your time in the gym. It's the concept behind the program Fat Loss For Idiots.

While the fat loss for idiots program you choose the type of foods you like and in turn generates power 11-day diet menu for you. Not just any food, we talk about nutritionally balanced here. So do not think you can buy junk food and it will be good. This program is called "Fat Loss For Idiots" for a reason. This is not your typical diet because you do not have to worry about depriving yourself of certain foods. You do not have to worry about counting calories.

You do not have to worry about cutting carbs. Because at the end of the cycle of 11 days you are lucky enough to have a 3-day pass the time. Meanwhile you can eat whatever you want, slice of pizza, a slice of cheesecake, etc. After 3 days of cheat time, the fat loss for idiots program will calculate for you a brand new diet plan for the next 11 days, most shocking of the body and refusing to let him adapt to the changes you've placed on it. Another unexpected side effect of this "shocking" is that you never get bored and in the process you will teach your body to burn calories and fat faster!

Because of this different approach to diet, the body indeed lose weight! You will lose weight if you follow this program! Therefore the program is called "Fat Loss For Idiots"!

Ken White writes on various subjects. If you want more information, visit my blog, Fat Loss For Real!

http://klw5200-fatlossforidiots. blogspot. com