Weight Loss Exercise

Best Ways to Quit Smoking

Best Ways to Quit Smoking

Best Ways to Quit Smoking

Best ways to quit smoking are what lots of people are looking for when quitting. There are many ways to quit smoking but regardless of your reasons you will need to either quit by tapering off or quiting cold turkey.

There is of course a good strategy for both of these methods of quiting smoking. And I would like to flesh out these two methods to quit smoking and then I will let you decide which is best with my bit of ideas.

Best Ways to Quit Smoking

So If you want to know the best ways to quit smoking and want to try tapering off to quit smoking here is how to do it. First take a day and answer a few questions. When do you smoke? How many cigarrettes do you smoke in the morning? In the afternoon? In the evening? When do you have a real urge to smoke? Now that you have this list you need a plan. You want to start your first day with a victory so you will plan the first day cutting down by not feeling guilty about smoking but instead smoking when you really need it. Make a goal of how many smokes you will have that first day and then you can go to bed on that first night knowing that you did well.

Every day after this you wnat a goal and you will start to need a way to cope with not smoking during the days and nights that you really have a nic fit and an urge to smoke. Eventually you will be down to just 5 cigarettes or so a day and one day you will have to make that leap to being a non smoker.

Best Ways to Quit Smoking – Cold Turkey

The other of the best ways to quit smoking is to just quit cold turkey. To quit cold turkey you need to do the same as above. You will start with one day where you just smoke as usual and write down when you smoke and why. What are your triggers and when are you times that you really struggle and feel the stress of needing to smoke.

Once you have figured this out you set a date and get rid of all of those smoking paraphernalia. You need to get rid of all cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters, actually anything that reminds you of smoking or makes you more comfortable to smoke. Also it is important to stay away from smoking situations like bars, smoking restaurants and in those smoking spots that we all see and look for when we look for a place to smoke.

On that first day without tabacco, cigarettes and nicotine expect to have conflicting emotions about your decision to quit. Quitting is hard but if you give yourself the chance you will be able to quit smoking easily enough and after just a few weeks you will have the confidence to not think of yourself as a smoker anymore and then you will really be a non-smoker.

If you want to know a product or two I have also written a page on the best way to stop smoking as well with some things that will make the struggle easier.

So what is the best way to quit smoking? I have tried a few times and was always unsuccessful but finally I stopped smoking by going cold turkey and have now been quit for 12 years. Realistically, as you may have figured out the best ways to quit smoking are really to quit the best and most convenient way for your lifestyle.

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Weight Loss Exercise

How To Change Your Eating to Lose Weight

How To Change Your Eating to Lose Weight

Change Your Eating to Lose Weight

The way you eat can have just as much to do with your weight gain or weight loss as what you eat. By changing a few things regarding how you eat, you can actually save calories and feel fuller. These techniques are easy to follow and will not draw a lot of attention to your weight loss process.

1. Chew your food slower. Many times you eat fast and hurriedly. This can cause you to eat more calories than you actually think you are eating. My chewing your food slower and taking smaller bites, you can make yourself feel fuller and lose more weight.

2. Eat off a dark colored plate. Yep, even the color of your plate can make you hungrier or fuller. Use a cool or dark colored plate to cause your mind to relax and enjoy the food better, hence causing you to eat less and slower.

3. Relax and de-stress before you eat. Many people are emotional eaters and stress will cause them to eat more. Relaxing will allow you to eat less and enjoy your food more.

4. Have some water with your meal. Feel free to drink water between bites and before your meal. This will make you feel fuller and be better hydrated.

5. Leave the room that you are eating in after eating. This way you can feel completely done eating. Dishes and leftovers can wait for a few minutes while you relax and begin to digest your food.

6. Focus on one thing at a time. Yes, it can be tempting to read the paper or watch television while eating, but this can distract you from your portion control and can even create a habit. This can cause you to want to eat every time you watch television, rather than watch television while you eat, causing you to eat more calories.

7. Designate areas of the house in which food is allowed. Not only will this keep the house cleaner, but it will also teach you to only want to eat while in those designated area. This can help to keep cravings and temptations at bay.

8. Buy salad plates and use these instead of dinner plates. These are smaller and will make whatever you put on them look bigger. This will trick your mind into thinking that you have eaten more and therefore are not hungry for more.

These little changes are simple and easy to implement but are also very effective for controlling your appetite. Such simple techniques can help you to retrain your brain and body, causing further weight loss. With such simple techniques, there is no reason not to be able to stick to your diet plan, provided it is balanced and reasonable.

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Weight Gain During Menopause

Weight Gain During Menopause

Weight Gain During Menopause

Weight Gain During Menopause is a real issue for most women after a certain age. You reach for that favorite pair of jeans, you try to slide them on but they wont button. You struggle from day to day to keep the weight gain off of your once fabulous body. But the rolls and layers of fat keep coming on that body of yours. You diet and exercise on a daily basis but those 10 to 30 pounds just wont come off. You join a gym or a woman’s work out class but you still jump on the scale and it still reads the same. You just want to scream or jump back in bed and hide under the covers. Is this you?

Weight Gain During Menopause

If you are coming on to that age of reaching that big 40 or you are gaining ground to the 50 age mark then you are more than likely in what is called the menopausal stage of life and this weight issue is one of the common symptoms of the menopausal stage. There are many other symptoms to the menopausal stage of life but in this article weight gain is what we are going to concentrate on. The reason for this article is that in today’s society our looks mean so much to woman. Weight gain during menopause, even if it is 10 or 20 pounds, can mean so much to a woman at this stage in life. Weight gain can bring on depression and anxiety which in turns can bring on the terrible hot flashes.

Weight Gain During Menopause – Why?

What causes weight gain during menopause in these bodies of ours? It can be one thing or a combination of many things. Toxins, stress, exercise, diet, emotions, anxiety, and hormones all can play a major role in weight gain. As the old saying goes, putting the weight on is easy and fun but taking it off is the hardest thing to do. Especially if you are in the stage of life called permenopause or menopause.

If you are in the stage of life of perimenopause or menopause more than likely your hormones are playing a huge factor in your weight. These hormonal imbalances are causing your body to store unwanted fat. The reason for this is that your body is feeling the affect that your hormones are hitting rock bottom and they are looking else where for a replacement of the hormones so the body turns to these fat cells. Studies have shown that woman tend to be insulin resistance do to their diet. When this happens the body converts every calorie it can to fat.

Stress and Menopausal weight gain

Stress plays a large role during this time in life of perimenopause or menopause. Stress hormones can block weight loss in a female. Even if you are dieting long term stress causes the body to go into what is called hoarding. Your body is putting on this fat and then you start to stress out about it and you start what is called yoyo dieting which in turns causes more fat to hoard in your body. It is a no win situation. Stress at this point can not only cause weight gain, but can cause depression, anxiety and make you feel unwanted and insecure about yourself.

You need to break this curse. You need to find yourself a support group and also have open dialogue with your partner at home. Also talk to a qualified physician about what you are going through. I mentioned qualified physician only because there are many physicians that do not understand what women are going through during perimenopause or menopause. Many physicians will say that these symptoms are all in your head and that you need a therapist instead of a medical doctor. Don’t fall for this, ask around and talk to your girl friends to find a positive qualified physician to hear your case. Don’t hold these feelings inside you, this will only cause your stress level to rise and cause other terrible symptoms to occur. Open communication is the key to good health and feeling better about yourself. Give it a try today, you will be glad you did.

Weight Gain During Menopause is an issue that many people deal with and I hope these tips help you out.

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