Weight Loss Exercise

Aloe Vera Juice Weight Loss

Aloe Vera And Its Benefits

Aloe vera is a medicinal plant known for its cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. Itâ??s widely cultivated and used as an alternative cure for different health conditions. Aloe vera is commonly used for the following purposes:

It is used as an additional ingredient in lotions and body creams because of its soothing and moisturizing effects.
Aloe vera is added to face creams and gels because it is rich in Vitamins C and E which are known as potent antioxidants that keep skin supple and young-looking.
Aloe vera sap and derivatives are used in making soaps, shampoos, moisturizers, and make-ups.
It has been found to have healing properties and have been incorporated in gels and creams used as topical treatments for wounds and burns.
It is use as an herbal form of treatment for health conditions like constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

Aloe Vera Juice And Weight Loss

Aside from the above stated benefits of aloe vera, studies have shown that drinking juice made from natural aloe vera gel extracts will help you on your weight loss journey. Here are some facts why aloe vera juice will make you lose unwanted pounds in a natural way.

Aloe vera juice contains natural and effective detoxifying properties that cleanse the colon and remove harmful toxins. This results in a more effective absorption of nutrients from the foods that you eat. Your body also becomes capable of absorbing most of its sources of energy like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. This fuels your body and prevents the release of hunger-inducing hormones that signal your body to consume more food.

Aloe vera juice also contains high concentration of natural collagen proteins. This type of protein is not easily absorbed in your digestive system. Your body will use and burn more fats in order to fuel the digestion and absorption processes of these collagen proteins.

Since the collagen proteins from aloe vera juice are not easily absorbed by your body, you feel fuller for longer periods of time. This decreases your food and calorie intake while your body turns burns fats to boost your energy and fuel your activities.

How To Make Aloe Vera Juice

Make your own aloe vera juice and enjoy its natural health benefits that also double as a weight loss beverage. It is important that you have prepared all the materials and equipments that you will use for the aloe vera juice extraction process. Natural aloe vera gel easily oxidizes and loses its potent ingredients that aid in losing weight once exposed to air.

You will need the following:

A paring knife
Basin of cold water


Aloe vera leaves
Lemon or honey to taste


Harvest aloe vera leaves and trim the edges using the paring knife.
Rinse them in a basin of cold water and split the leaves into two halves.
Scoop out the translucent gel and put it inside the blender together with lemon or honey according to your preferred taste. Run for about 2 minutes.
Transfer the mixture in a container. Refrigerate it immediately.
Scoop one to two tablespoons of aloe vera gel mixture in a glass or water. Stir and enjoy.

Weight Loss Exercise

Vegetable Juicing For Weight Loss

When you gain so much weight and you want to lose some, you might think that it is not an easy thing to do. There are so many ways to lose weight but do you really know the most effective way?

Juicing for weight loss has been around for years and has been widely discussed in magazines, the internet, and other forms of media. Vegetables are known to be a very healthy and detoxifying food. Many people use vegetable juices to detoxify and help then in their weight loss journey.

Several research studies show that you can actually lose weight efficiently by drinking vegetable juices. Some people can lose as much as 3 to 4 pounds a day. As the fast continues, the average loss is one pound per day.

Vegetables are proven to be very effective in weight loss. Vegetable juicing for weight loss also offers a wealth of health benefits for the body. It is a good replacement for water detox regimens. Water fasting may soon be phased out and vegetable juicing will be the primary way to lose weight or an alternative when you do not have time to work out in a gym.

Exercise is still recommended if you want to achieve the best and fastest weight loss results. Vegetable juicing and exercise can melt down unnecessary pounds and make your body look great.

Vegetables To Juice For A Start

Turbulence Training

Vegetable juicing may not be easy especially when you are not used to eating vegetables. The following vegetables will help give you an easy start:





These vegetables are a good start and as you get used to vegetable juicing you may want to add more nutritious ones.

Best Vegetables To Juice

You will get the most benefit from intensely colored vegetables. Dark green leafy vegetables are best for juicing. You can start with the following green leafy vegetables:




Cabbage juice is considered one of the most healing nutrients for ulcer repair because it is a good source of Vitamin U. Vitamin U stimulates the production of mucin, the protective layer that coats the digestive system.

Do not use the same vegetables every day. For a better juicing experience and wider variety of nutrients, rotate your vegetables. Use carrots to add sweetness to your vegetable juices. Carrots are rich in antioxidants and the sweet taste makes the process more enjoyable.

Weight Loss Exercise

Lemon Juice for Weight Loss

Lemons as Natural Weight Loss Enhancers

Losing weight has never been easy, especially if you have passion for food or you simply cannot resist the urge to eat.

Lemon Juice for Weight Loss

Lemon Juice for Weight Loss

As you go on in your weight loss journey, you will encounter countless numbers of diet approaches, supplements, recipes, and menus that promise to make you shed off unwanted pounds and help you achieve the body you have always been dreaming of. This will pose another problem in terms of choosing the right one that will give you positive weight loss results without the negative side effects on your health. Some do not give long term effects while others simply do not produce any weight loss results.

This is the reason why health professionals like doctors, nutritionists, and dietitians promote natural weight loss routines by utilizing plants and vegetables that the human body readily accepts without drawbacks in the end.

Lemons are among the many fruits that were found to be natural weight loss enhancers. These fruits have health and weight loss benefits that aid in losing unwanted pounds fast without the use of other artificial and harmful chemicals that may harm your body. Some famous people and celebrities even testified how lemons help them lose weight and maintain their shapely bodies.

Lemon Juice For Weight Loss

Among the many popular diets that use lemon fruits is the extraction of natural lemon juice that possesses all its essential and potential nutrients necessary to lose weight. Lemon juice contains the following ingredients:

Citric acid that boosts your digestive system and expel harmful toxins out of your body.

Pectin that turns into a gel that coats your stomach lining. This gel is not readily absorbed in the stomach. Your body uses calories and burn stored fats to break down pectin gel into smaller particles that your digestive system can absorb. This gel also makes you feel fuller for a long time thus helps you decrease your food and calorie intake.

Vitamin C that improves your immune system and at the same time boosts your digestive system for a faster metabolism.

Lose Weight by Making Your Own Lemon Juice

Regularly drink a glass or two of lemon juice for weight loss and to maintain your body. You can make delicious lemon juice right at home with these simple-to-follow steps.

Ingredients for Master cleanse

  • 1 medium-sized lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of maple syrup
  • 12-16 oz of water
  • Cayenne pepper or honey to taste
  • Ice cubes

Equipment needed

  • Blender
  • Knife
  • Drinking glass

Preparation of Master Cleanse recipe

Thoroughly wash your lemon specially if you want to include the skin as part of your juice drink (lemon skin contains the most amount of pectin which effectively promotes weight loss effects).

Slice the lemon into two to four halves.

Run the sliced fruit together with the two tablespoons of maple syrup on the blender.

Pour the mixture on your drinking glass. You can add cayenne pepper or honey according to your preferred taste.

Add ice cubes and enjoy your lemon juice

The master cleanse is very popular and is a very good way of doing a cleanse, perhaps the most popular these days. The lemon juice for weight loss diet or cleanse can be very difficult to follow so I recommend the popular master cleanse ebook to help you out.