Weight Loss Exercise

Quickest way to lose fat

In this age of instant gratification, it’s hardly surprising to know that an increasing number of overweight people are looking for the quickest way to lose fat. In fact, this topic has gained widespread media attention in recent years. With approximately 120 million Americans being overweight, I can assure you that this topic will remain in limelight at least for the foreseeable future.

So what exactly is the quickest way to lose fat, you might ask. If we go by all the media hype then we have to conclude that the answer lies somewhere between a new magic weight loss pill and some random revolutionary diet which will give us the ultimate slim figure before we can bat an eyelash. But in your heart of hearts you know that these things do not work. In fact many a times they will do you more harm than good.

The reason that such ‘Weight loss systems’ are bound to fail is because they focus more on decreasing body weight rather than lowering the body fat. The two are not one and the same and anybody who’s telling you otherwise, while selling their weight loss program, is a straight out liar. You will do yourself a favor by running away from them as fast as you can without ever looking back!

The above ‘miracle methods’ work only for some time during which your body starts losing water and it gives you a sense of satisfaction that you have ‘lost’ some weight. In reality, you will gain this ‘lost’ weight within a few days and after that perhaps even gain some more to make your condition even more miserable. The way to get out of this dilemma is to focus on losing body fat. In this way you’ll not only preserve but also gain muscle mass with an additional advantage of it being a long term effect.

Quickest way to lose fat – eating and exercise

Quickest way to lose fat

Quickest way to lose fat

Now that we have put all the ‘miracle methods’ aside, its time to focus on our original question of quickest way to lose fat. The quickest way to lose fat is NOT easy. I say so because you are limiting yourself on the time parameter while expecting quick results. Quick weight loss is achieved by combining the right diet along with following an optimum exercise schedule.

When we talk of diet then you need to control the amount of calories that you intake on a daily basis. Moreover, you need to eliminate all kinds of junk and sweetened foods such as fast food, beverages and soda. Notice I say ‘Eliminate’ and not ‘reduce’. This will of course be difficult if you’re a huge fan of fast food but then you’re also looking for the quickest way to lose weight, isn’t it?

Eating for fat loss

Moreover, your diet will now be composed of small 4 to 6 meals on a daily basis. These small meals should be taken after every 3 hours (approximately) and you must suppress your hunger in the meantime. Don’t give in to your taste buds and start munching high calorie foods like fried/French fries, potato chips etc. All your efforts will be in vain if you can’t control your urges.

Your ‘Small meals’ should consist of portions rich in protein, complex carbs and healthy fats. High Glycemic carbohydrates should be avoided at all cost and you must drink a lot of water during the interval between your meals. This water will also act as a filling agent and hence will control your urges thereby minimizing the calorie intake in your body.

Exercise for fat loss

Regular exercise is inevitable for quick weight loss. You’re not required to sweat out excessively at the strength training machines at the gym. Instead, you have to focus on interval training exercises. You must focus on adding muscle mass to your body while getting rid of body fat at the same time. This can best be accomplished by increasing the number of repetitions and decreasing the weight lift while doing any exercise.

Just as I have always said, the quickest way to lose fat is by eating small healthy meals often and getting plenty of exercise. This may not sound like magic but it definitely works.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Importance of Circuit Training in Men’s Fitness Workouts

Numerous studies show that regular exercise not only improves overall health, it can also add years to your life. One of the best men’s fitness workouts is circuit training, which combines strength training and endurance training. Men who incorporate circuit training into their fitness regimen can benefit significantly from it.

What is Circuit Training?

A circuit training program combines groups of cardio exercises with strength training exercises, performed at a fast pace with little to no rest period before moving on to the next group of exercises. One circuit or group of exercises can consist of anywhere from 6 to 10 exercises. You can tailor the intensity of your workout to suit your fitness level.

Why is Circuit Training Important?

Men often favor one type of exercise over another. For example, some men may focus on bodybuilding or strength training and neglect their cardiovascular health. Circuit training ensures that men’s fitness workouts develop not only their muscles but also their endurance.

Importance of Circuit Training in Mens Fitness Workouts

Benefits of Weight Training Exercises

Here are a few reasons why men should use a circuit training routine:

  • Ideal for beginners: If you are starting an exercise program for the first time, circuit training can help ease you into your fitness regimen. Circuit training conditions the entire body and prepares you for more advanced fitness programs. Keep in mind that you can vary the intensity of your workout.
  • Convenient: Circuit training allows you to get a full workout in a short span of time. You can even design a circuit training session that requires little or no exercise equipment. You can incorporate exercise routines that utilize only dumbbells or your body weight. If you are pressed for time, simply ramp up the intensity of your workout. You’ll get a full exercise in as little as 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Improved fitness level: A circuit training session consists of a mix of exercises that use different muscle groups. Because of this, circuit training can help men develop bigger muscles while improving their endurance and cardiovascular health. Circuit training also aids in weight loss. It can help you burn up to 30% more calories.
  • Eliminates boredom: If you lift weights or work out on a stationary bike day in and day out, it’s very easy to get bored. Circuit training in men’s fitness workouts keeps your exercise sessions fresh all the time. The variety of exercises helps keep you interested and motivated. By changing the exercises with each session, you’ll always be eager to keep working out.

You can also change the intensity level of your training session. By eliminating the possibility of boredom, you’ll be more likely to continue with your fitness regimen in the long run.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Remedies For Tinnitus Or Ringing In The Ears

There are almost as many remedies for tinnitus as there are causes of this debilitating condition. Tinnitus is very common and while it may be a temporary condition associated with ear infections or other problems that can easily be cured, it is sometimes more serious.

While it is often called ‘ringing in the ears’ it is not always experienced as a ringing sound. It may be a hissing or buzzing sound. It may be in both ears or just one. It may be more noticeable at certain times of day. Sometimes there is pain in the ear and sometimes there is not.

What Causes Tinnitus?

The first thing to understand is that having tinnitus does not usually mean that you are going deaf. While it is sometimes associated with hearing loss, there are many other causes too. These include:

  • ear infections
  • high blood pressure
  • low blood pressure
  • allergies
  • ear wax buildup
  • thyroid problems
  • stress

As you can imagine, many of these conditions are easy to treat and the tinnitus will usually go away as soon as the problem is solved. Some of them, like high blood pressure, can have serious consequences if untreated, so you should see a doctor to establish the cause and remedies for tinnitus and any underlying problems in your case.

Remedies For Tinnitus Or Ringing In The Ears

Remedies For Tinnitus

Occasionally the tinnitus will be linked to something that is harder to treat, such as a head injury or Menieres disease, which is an inner ear disorder that affects balance and hearing. People with Menieres disease will have dizzy spells, sometimes falling over. There can also be periods of uncontrollable eye movement, nausea and excessive sweating.

Because there are so many different causes, clearly there will be many different remedies for tinnitus too. Here are some of the natural remedies that have worked for some people.

Massage And Manipulation as a Tinnitus Remedy

Head and neck massage has helped some people. Cranio-sacral therapy and acupuncture are other forms of treatment that may relieve the pressure in and around the ear.

Vitamins And Minerals as a Tinnitus Remedy

Mineral deficiencies can cause tinnitus, especially deficiencies in magnesium, potassium or zinc. Vitamin deficiencies may affect the circulatory system and contribute to the problem too. However, overdose of some of these nutrients can cause problems too, so do not take high doses without being tested for deficiency. Taking a good daily multi vitamin and mineral supplement should be enough, along with a healthy diet containing plenty of vegetables.

Herbal Remedies For Tinnitus

Gingko Biloba extract is often used by herbal medicine practitioners to treat tinnitus and other conditions that may be associated with it, including headaches, dizziness, depression and concentration problems. Black cohosh may be recommended where the tinnitus is associated with the nerves in the ear. Hawthorn may be helpful where there are circulation problems or blood pressure issues. However, do not be tempted to self prescribe.

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

This is a form of counseling which teaches sufferers to stop paying so much attention to the noise in the ears. This has been tested on war veterans and found to be very helpful in cases where other treatments have not solved the problem. Hypnosis is another therapy that can stop tinnitus from bothering us so much. Although these treatments that work with the mind are not exactly remedies for tinnitus, they can make a huge difference to someone whose life is being made miserable by this annoying and sometimes disabling condition.