Weight Loss Exercise

30 Day Fitness Challenge

Today I am starting a 30 day fitness challenge. I know that it may seem strange that the owner of a blog dedicated to fitness is starting a fitness challenge with himself but it is high time.

We all move forward in lurches, making changes small and large and then coasting a bit until the next go round and I am the same as anyone. This Summer I have been doing a lot of coasting, exercising randomly, eating only so so and just letting myself enjoy Summer in a somewhat lazy way.

Not Anymore

We got back from camping a few days ago and now I have decided that it is time to do a 30 day fitness challenge to get myself back in tip top shape. I weighed myself last night and I am sitting at 203.4 pounds and my daughter took before pics of me (not sharing those till later) and so today I am getting everything cleaned up as far as diet and exercise are concerned.

30 Day Fitness Challenge Starters

Preplanning meals – I will be preplanning the weeks meals so we don’t eat take out as much

Portion control – This is a big one for me. My wife cooks very healthy stuff but I don’t always say no when I should

Junk Food – I am not very good lately. I have more than my one allotted treat per day but at least I have given up the coke and coffee that were such a problem over the years

Everyday Exercise – I am not exercising daily and I can feel it in my strength, agility, energy, and concentration on tasks. Also I get tired easily (sleepy tired I mean)

Prioritize Rest and Fun – I have not been prioritizing much lately and it is starting to show. I need the “To do” and “Not to do” lists to come back into my life

Keep my mind sharp – I have to start trying new things and getting my mind sharp by doing the things that I am not familiar with, maybe a new sport but at least changing a few things up in my regular daily routine.

So that’s me. how about you? Are you interested in following along or taking part? I will be posting lots of my findings, feelings, and frustrations, so we can all go through this together.

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High Protein Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Pancakes

I think I have mentioned a lot of times now that having breakfast is really important. The fact is that your body has not eaten all night and is very catabolic (eating itself). While this may seem good because you could also be burning away at your fat, the fact is that your metabolism is slow and you want to pump that up so that your body can start working correctly.

The other thing that is really important is to get some protein in first thing in the morning. This is important for two reasons, first to make sure your muscle cells are being rebuilt, and second is that protein tends to keep you full longer.

I ran across this recipe for High Protein Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Pancakes that looks really good and easy to make.

Try making them this weekend and see how you like them. The oatmeal is great for you, the protein is great for you and of course apple and cinnamon together tastes really great

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Emulate Olympians – or at least cheer!

I am off on holiday this week and went camping for a few days with my family. A nice break at a lakeside campground that let me really recharge and get ready for the second half of this year.

Along the way lately I have found out I need a root canal, a new hot water heater, and during camping I realized I am not a very good camper. But I love camping anyway.

Now today I have been watching the Olympics. You just know that for these guys last week and this week their whole world has stopped and they all know that this is the most important time in their entire career to peak in their entire sports career.

My son Jaiden hanging in a hammock

My son Jaiden hanging in a hammock

So for me life goes on, for these guys life is at a stand still.

What can we learn from the Olympians?

Really I have to wonder how we all look for success in the bank, on the scale, at the workplace, in our neighborhood, and in the eyes of our family and friends on a daily basis when these Olympians gauge themselves on the public stage once every four years.

We have to stop looking at the short term so much and look at making lasting change. On my Facebook page I like posting success pictures and stuff saying things like “today matters most” or “Tomorrow doesn’t count – only today” and I always agree with that, todays actions really do lead to tomorrows results. But also it is easy to get discouraged looking at what you have gotten done today.

I think really we need to look at always getting better, it does not always happen today, but know that over time we are always moving forward.

So in all our struggles, me with my teeth and hot water heater, you with your own struggles, We really just always have to look forward and move forward. Be inspired by these Olympians and the sacrifices they make and the satisfaction and victory they all feel these two weeks. It comes again in four years but these days are magical for them and us.

Lets celebrate together

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