Weight Loss Exercise

Weight Gain Supplements: What You Need to Know

Weight gain supplements or weight gainers are supplements that are high in protein, carbohydrates and calories.  They are beneficial for people who are active and want to put on some weight and muscle mass.  Many people think it’s easy to gain weight, when in fact it’s not.  You need a nutritious diet plan and a good workout program to build muscles and gain weight, including supplements to provide the extra calories and amino acids your body needs to bulk up your physique.

Pumping iron and doing the right strength training exercises should go hand in hand with a weight gain diet plan and supplements for a complete body-building program.  Eating right is essential to a weight gain program, hence it is important to ensure that you are putting quality calories into your body.  Weight gain supplements provide a convenient way to get the necessary nutrients you need for optimum muscle growth.

What are Weight Gain Supplements Doing?

Weight Gain Supplements

Weight Gain Supplements

While most weight gain supplements are used for sports or bodybuilding, some people use them to gain more weight and improve their health.  AIDS patients and those with Crohn’s disease (an inflammatory bowel disease) can benefit from these supplements.

Weight gain supplements provide the calories people need in order to gain weight, and are very useful when the daily diet cannot provide the desired number of calories.

Whey Protein for muscle Gain – Whey protein is one of the most popular supplements for building muscle mass and gaining weight.  It is extracted from whey, the liquid that remains when milk is processed to make cheese.  A special process is used to extract the whey proteins, which are dried into a powder.  Whey protein is mixed with milk or water and consumed as a protein shake.  Experts recommend taking this supplement within 30 minutes after a workout so that the body can use the amino acids in the proteins for muscle repair and synthesis.

Creatine for weight gain – Creatine occurs naturally in the body, where it is involved in the production of energy.  Creatine supplements are taken to help delay the onset of muscle fatigue, allowing you to work out longer and build more muscle mass.  While it is generally considered safe when used in the dosages recommended by its manufacturers, there is some concern that creatine may cause liver and kidney problems.

Glutamine to help muscle gain – Glutamine is an essential amino acid found in muscle tissues.  It is believed that glutamine supplements can help limit the breakdown of muscles during exercise, thus leading to increased muscle gain.  Glutamine also helps improve the immune system and aids in speedy recovery after an illness.

Caffeine for Energy in the Gym – Although caffeine is not directly involved in weight gain or muscle building, it is a useful supplement for those trying to gain weight and develop bigger muscles.  Individuals who take caffeine before a workout are able to increase their load and become more resistant to fatigue.  Working out harder and longer has a positive effect on muscle gain.

Safety Concerns with weight Gain Supplements

Weight gain supplements are generally safe, especially when used as recommended by the manufacturer.  A few negative effects have been associated with creatine supplements, such as stomach cramps, nausea, muscle cramps and diarrhea.  High doses of creatine may cause damage to the kidneys, liver and heart.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Bodybuilding Workout For Building Muscle Mass

The most important thing you need for a successful bodybuilding workout is to be consistent. There is no getting around this: if you do not plan your training and do it at the right times, you will not be able to build muscle mass half so effectively.

Of course that does not mean training 24/7. Rest and recovery is vital: the muscles must have a chance to grow and build between gym sessions. However, you do need to decide how many days you will train and what you will do during each session.

If your bodybuilding workout sessions are too frequent, you will simply be frustrated by not seeing results. That is, unless you are very careful in planning which muscle groups you will work each time. If you truly want to train every day then it is possible to figure out something that will work: you would just need to work on fewer muscles in each session.

But there is another risk with working out too often and that is what happens when you cannot get to the gym for some reason. Maybe you go on vacation or you take a few days sick. It can be very difficult to get back into a seven day a week routine after a break. Training four or five days is easier to pick up again, at least for most people.

Four days could be enough for a beginner. In that case you could hit each muscle group once a week, or a maximum of twice. You would not end up with an elaborate bodybuilding workout routine but that can be all the better. Simple is often best when it comes to any kind of fitness or bodybuilding routine.

Keep in mind that bodybuilding has different requirements from strength training. While both bodybuilders and strength trainers can lift more weight than the average guy on the street, the strength trainer will be more concerned with numbers and the bodybuilder more concerned with muscle size and appearance.

You need to be clear about your goals because there are differences in how you train. For a bodybuilding workout you are going to be doing more reps with shorter breaks between series.

Do not compare yourself with others. This is almost never a useful thing to do in life. Track your own progress of course but only look at how far you have come, do not look at how much better or worse you are doing than some other guy at the gym. Especially, if you are bodybuilding, do not get hung up on how much weight you are lifting. That is not the important question, as we said above.

Anytime that you cannot make it to the gym, have some backup exercises that you can do at home. Pushups, squats, chair dips, crunches and similar floor exercises are very easy to do at home. It is a good idea to have dumbbells in the house and maybe a barbell if you have the space.

When you are following a bodybuilding workout at home, remember that it is still important to plan your routine and not to over train any muscle group.