Weight Loss Exercise

Best Bench Press Workout

The world will never agree on the best bench press workout to get you stronger in the fastest time possible. Advanced lifters use an in-depth training system which includes bench press bands and chains for greater resistance. They are effective but may be rather complicated for a person entering the bench press world for the first time. Also bear in mind that just because another method is simpler, i.e. not involving chains and pads, doesn’t mean that it’s not as effective. It is! It’s just different.

So let’s get to your bench press workout.

Bench Press Workout Technique

Best Bench Press WorkoutFirstly, getting the correct technique is vital. You are going to be lifting larger and larger weights as time progresses in your bench press workout and it is absolutely essential to get the right technique to avoid future injury. So, you need to use good leverage and be stable to bench press more weight. Lie down flat on the bench and using your middle fingers, hold the bar over the engraved lines. Gently shimmy up the bench so your chest is under the bar which is still on the rack at this stage. Steady your feet firmly on the floor and raise your shoulders away from the bench.

Then arch your back and place your neck and trapezoid muscles on the bench so only your butt and trapezoids are touching the bench. At this stage the bar, which is still on the rack, is still above your head. Now, squeeze your shoulder blades together and keep them squeezed throughout the lift. This will assist you to remain stable and lets you use your triceps and lats along with your shoulders and chest to move the weight.

So the next step now you have this position is to place about 25% of your bench press maximum weight onto the bar. Maintain your position as above and lift the bar off the rack. Have it at arms length above your chest then lower it, keeping control, to slightly under your nipple line. During the lift, your elbows should be at a 45 degree angle to your body leading to good leverage and line. Now, in a straight line, press the weight back to where you started.

Bench Press Workout Tips

Your bench press workout will change and vary over time. A time tested tip for when you are pressing the bar upward is to try and pull the bar apart. This helps you lock out the weight and you can angle your index finger knuckles towards you which makes it easier.

Now it’s time to add some more weight for your bench press workout. Place 55% of your bench press maximum onto the bar and using the same start position as above, repeat 5 presses as above. Ensure you adequately stretch and rest for at least 3 minutes between each set. Then you will be ready for the heavier weights.

Now put 75% of your maximum bench press onto the bar and lift for 3 repetitions. Rest and stretch as above and then place 80% onto the bar and lift for 1 repetition. Now place 85% of your maximum onto the bar and do 7 to 9 sets of 1 repetition, remembering to rest and stretch between each set as above.

Now it’s time to recover from your bench press workout. It is recommended to take some whey protein and creatine within 60 minutes after your bench press workout to gain in strength and size in a faster time.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Power walking is Healthy Exercise

Ever since I took a power walking class in college, I have been hooked. If you are thinking about learning how to power walk, I strongly urge you to do so. It is fun and a great way to get in shape and stay healthy. Friends and family members can join in, and it ends up being a great way to bond as well. So, spend a little bit of time learning about power walking. You may find that it is just what you are looking for. We will discuss the fundamentals of power walking, as well as go over a list of the equipment that you need to get started.

What is Power Walking?

Power walking is Healthy Exercise

Power walking is Healthy Exercise

Many people may ask what exactly is power walking? You have been walking for years, but chances are, you haven’t been utilizing all of your muscles. Power walking is achieved by walking at a brisk pace, while tightening up all of your muscles. You should feel your abs and butt tighten as you walk. You can pump your arms for added resistance as well. When done correctly power walking can give you the benefits of cardio and strength training at the same time. When you first begin power walking, you will notice the difference right away. Your entire body may be sore after your first workout. This is completely normal and means that it is working!

Before you head out, you will need to get a few supplies. Most of them you probably already have, so it won’t take much to get you started. The most important piece of equipment is a good pair of shoes. Power walking takes a toll on your feet, so it is important to have good arch support. You can probably use a pair of shoes that you already have, but I would invest in a good arch support insert to breathe new life into your shoes. You will also want to invest in some good workout clothes. Choose fabrics that are breathable, and reflective if you plan on power walking outdoors.

Dealing with Weather for Power Walking

Choosing where to walk is also important. If weather permits, you can always head outdoors to do your walking. Look for a local track or park that offers no traffic or distractions. Treadmills offer a great alternative for those that like to power walk at odd hours or in the privacy of your own home. Look for one with a long deck so that you can stretch out your legs between strides.

Last but not least, make your walk fun. Bring along a cd player or Mp3 player to keep yourself entertained. Bringing along a friend is also a great way to keep entertained, and catch up on the latest gossip. Of course, you can also take your power walking time to reflect on yourself. Think about the upcoming week and center yourself. If you are using a treadmill, try to put up pictures of an exotic local, so that you can pretend that you are walking on the beach, etc. Or you can always catch up on your TV watching. Whatever you decide, make it fun. You are more likely to walk longer and get a better workout if you are enjoying yourself.

Marcy Jenkins is a personal trainer and freelance author. She is a contributing writer to a site providing free treadmill tips and consumer information. Marcy wrote this article on Power walking.

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General Weight Loss Tips

Back to The Grind

Hello Monday! I have to say this: I (with my husband) worked out six days last week and it was awesome. Most days we worked out in the morning and a couple of the days we worked out in the evening, but we did it! We were sore pretty much every single day. Insanity was majorly ass-kicking. By far, the hardest workout I’ve ever done. Ever. We scream at Shaun T during the suicide drills. I hate you Shaun T., but I love you too.

I like the schedule we set up: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Insanity. Thursday is one hour of yoga and one hour of strength, and then we finish with Insanity on Friday and Saturday. Our goal is to complete the 60 days worth of Insanity and start running outside again when it gets warmer.

I’m staying away from the scale for awhile, and hope to find it again mid-February or March. Truth be told, and saying this here makes it seem even crazier, but often the reason why I give up so soon on diet and exercise is because I don’t see immediate results on the scale. Which is crazy, but somewhat true for me.

For example, this past week I worked my butt off with exercise. I was consistent, I ate well, I cooked at home a lot, I counted and tracked calories. I worked for it. But, in my mind I think “okay I worked hard, have I lost 50 lbs yet?!” or “how could I NOT lose 10 lbs this week?” it’s so crazy, but I let the scale guide me rather than my actions. I’m looking for insant results and when the scale doesn’t show it- I give up.

So I don’t know what I weight, or how much water or weight I’ve lost. And I won’t know for a least another month. I’m letting my actions guide me right now. I’m trusting that I’m doing the right things for the results I want. Moving more+ eating less. That’s all I can hope for. And I had a real moment with myself when I said “If I just lose 40 lbs this year, that would be great”.

So with that said, I’ve got another week of action goals. Six days of exercise, just like last week. Count and tack calories and cook often.

What are your action goals this week?

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