Weight Loss Exercise

Firming Up a Flabby Tummy and Finding Those 6 Pack Abs

Do you have a decent body except for that middle roll of flab that just doesn’t seem to go away no matter how much you exercise or attempt to spot reduce that area? The truth is that the spare tire around your middle is fat ? and you’re not going to see the 6-pack abs buried beneath until you get rid of it.

The trick to reducing fat around your middle is to reduce your caloric intake and eat foods that are proven “fat burners” such as lean protein, salads and vegetables. Reduce your carbohydrate intake, especially in the evening hours when your body is slowing down. Adopt a low fat diet for your lifestyle to burn the unwanted fat and eventually reach the show-off abs you desire.

There is a difference between toning your abs and reducing the fat around your middle. Toning abdominal muscles can be achieved by exercising, but removing the fat must take place from the inside out. It won’t do you any good to try spot reduction exercises if you don’t get rid of the fat first.

There’s no such thing as an immediate “fix” for a flabby tummy. You can spend hundreds of dollars on pills and creams, but you’ll soon realize that the only way to 6-pack abs is to work at it.

While you’re concentrating on a low fat diet, you’ll want to tone and firm the abdominal muscles that lie beneath the fat with exercise. The key to exercising your abs is to do the exercises correctly. If you’re concentrating on tummy crunches to firm your abs and performing them incorrectly you’ll never see success.

So, before you exercise, learn how to do it properly. For example, if you’re doing crunches, learn the correct method of breathing as you’re exercising. A number of good online sites contain information about how to perform abdominal exercises.

Concentrate on resistance training when firming and toning your abs. Use a “fit ball” (sometimes called “exercise ball”) for support if you have problems with your lower back. And don’t overdo it. Three sessions a week is plenty when you’re exercising muscles that have lain dormant for awhile.

Cardio exercises (aerobic) designed to rev up your heart rate can help burn fat, so be sure to include them in your exercise regimen ? and include the ones that work both your upper and lower body. It’s best to do cardio exercises in the morning ? and always on an empty stomach.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see results as fast as you’d like. Remember, those 6-pack abs are buried somewhere beneath that fat roll. It’s your job to find them.
Good luck.

Weight Loss Exercise

Begin Weight Loss With a Clean Slate – Fast Diets

Preparing your body for weight loss by choosing from the many available fast diets can give you a clean slate that will ensure the foods you eat on a diet plan are absorbed into your body the way they should. Valuable nutrients and vitamins can’t be properly distributed in a body that’s clogged with contaminates.

These pollutants inhibit the filtering organs like the kidneys and liver and restrict their effectiveness, causing the good food that you eat to be less effective in your weight loss program. But, when you begin a weight loss plan by fasting for awhile, these toxins are flushed from your body in a natural manner and the organs will be working faster and more effective when you begin eating normally.

There are many types of fast diets available, for almost any type of lifestyle. Some of the most popular ones include:

· Juice fasts ? Drinking only fruit and vegetable juices is a form of detox diet. No food is consumed during the fast ? only juices and water. Juice fasts are used for fast weight loss and stubborn pounds that you’re having difficult losing.

· Raw food fast ? A great alternative to strictly liquid diets, you can munch on raw veggies and fruits during the day and of course drink plenty of water. Sometimes juice is allowed on a raw food fast, depending on which one you choose.

· Tea fast ? There are certain types of teas that promote body detoxification and help you lose those stubborn pounds. Just be sure that you choose organically grown teas that are free from additives.

There are several different ways you can fast ? or make up your own. Fast on the weekends if you wish or fast one day and eat healthily on the next. When you’re attempting to lose weight, it sometimes helps to lessen caloric intake drastically for awhile. Your taste buds will be ready and willing to accept healthy foods that are free from chemicals and additives.

When fasting does its job, your entire system will be cleansed of most of the harmful side effects of eating what most of us are guilty of eating ? fast foods, processed foods and too much starch and sugar. The cravings for these foods will eventually disappear as you replace a “normal” diet with a healthy one.

Since your organs are more effective after a fast, they can do their jobs better and weight loss will be rapid. There are so many health benefits when you fast, but you also have to be careful about which fast you choose. For example, if you’re pregnant or suffer from a disease like diabetes, fast diets probably aren’t something you should try. Before any type of diet change be sure and get a complete checkup from your health care provider.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Dietrine carb blocker

What is the Dietrine carb blocker?

As you know I am a big proponent of using a good diet and exercise to lose weight although a carb blocker is an interesting idea. There is no such thing as taking a pill to lose weight and even if a pill did the job I am not sure that in the end it makes you any healthier than a classic couch potato.

Most of the time we can just exercise and have a good diet and will lose weight easily that way. Sometimes this does not work though. I get emails every week from people that seem to have trouble losing weight, if they just have two pieces of bread they seem to gain weight easily the next day. I have looked around for a long time for something that would help everyone with this problem.

I have just run across a type of diet supplement known as a carb blocker.

The Dietrine Carb Blocker works with your body’s own natural processes to prevent carbs from being stored as fat. The effective ingredient works by neutralizing the alpha amylase enzyme, effectively limiting the breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose and fat, meaning that your caloric intake can be dramatically decreased, even with carbohydrate-rich foods.

This all may seem a little technical, but the upshot is fairly simple. The Dietrine Carb Blocker will prevent your body from turning carbs into excess fat, safely and easily. It starts working immediately, so you simply need to take two capsules before eating any especially starchy meals.

Are carb blockers a scam?

So my next step was to look around and find something that would work and would not be some kind of scam. I had a few qualifications for a good carb blocker:

  • Had to be natural – Who wants to pollute their body with chemicals?
  • Had to be cheap – Health food stores always seem to charge a ridiculous amount for what you get
  • Had to be proven effective – There are far to many scams in the diet industry and I didn’t want to get ripped off.

I found a bunch of products out there and the trouble was that many are fly by night operations that you can not get hold of by phone, or they exagerated claims (if you could lose 30 pounds a month wouldn’t every have used your product?), and finally most of the products were some kind of crazy dangerous ephedrine product that didn’t actually block carbs at all but could instead cause heart problems.

Dietrine is a carb Blocker

Dietrine carb blockerIn the end I did find one product that seemed to be a good carb blocker and that is a product called Dietrine. Dietrine seems to give me all of my qualifications. It is made out of beans, you can only buy it online so there is no five layers of middlemen selling to the health food store. And the company has been around for a long time, you can even phone them to ask about that.

If you are one of those people that seems to gain weight far to easily from Italian food or can not seem to lose weight even with diet and exercise than it seems like this Dietrine carb blocker product may be exactly what you are looking for.