Weight Loss Exercise

How To Stop A Migraine

Wanting to know how to stop a migraine is a big deal for those that suffer from it. More than just headaches, migraines cause different symptoms which can be very debilitating and painful. By learning how to stop a migraine, you can save yourself from having to suffer.

Determine first if you do have a migraine and what kind of migraine it may be. The usual migraine symptoms are a throbbing pain on your temples as well as pain in one side of the head. This can also be accompanied by other symptoms such as loss or impairment of vision, nausea and even impairment of motor functions.

Once you have established that you do have a migraine, you can take the necessary steps to prevent and alleviate migraines.

Steps on How to Stop a Migraine


Prevention can be the best way to stop a migraine. Migraines are often triggered by external factors such as:

* Stress
* Weather Change
* Food Triggers
* Fatigue and hunger
* Hormonal imbalance

You can start by living healthier, eating fresh foods and getting more rest and sleep. Exercise regularly as well.

Food triggers suspected of causing migraines are those foods that are rich in tyramine. Tyramine rich foods are mainly those that have been aged and fermented. This includes ham, sausages, cheese and other similar items. Chocolate and caffeine have also been linked with migraines. Caffeine sensitivity however is very subjective. Some experience migraines from taking too much or withdrawing from caffeine. Stick to fresh ingredients and try to avoid preservatives and additives as much as possible.

To help you keep track of the possible triggers of migraine, keep a migraine diary. Whenever you suffer from a migraine attack, list down what you ate and what was happening to you at that time. This will help you link the causes of your migraines and avoid them in the future.

Ask your doctor about how to stop a migraine using preventive medicine for migraines. Medicines such as beta-blockers (heart medicine), anti depressants and anti seizure medicine have all had good effect with stopping migraines. If your migraines persist even after lifestyle changes then you may want to try these.

Analgesics and Medicine

When migraine attacks do happen, there are also several options for you to take. The primary medicines are analgesics such as NSAIDS (ibuprofen, Naproxen, aspirin, etc.) These help relieve the pain caused by migraines. Triptans can help with dealing with pain and nausea as well. Ergotamines are often used as another option.

Managing Your Migraine

Always consult with your doctor first before undergoing any therapy or medication. Some medicine may have side effects which can also be harmful for you. To help you ease into migraine prevention, take relaxation classes and undergo lifestyle changes.

Migraines can be very painful and can stop you from doing normal every day things. They can also increase the risk of other diseases such as stroke. Knowing how to stop a migraine is very important if you want to live a long, healthy and pain free life.

Weight Loss Exercise

Starvation, suffering, and sacrifice

I keep watching Biggest Loser and get warped into their way of thinking that change has to happen before your eyes and right away. Fortunately none of us are on a TV show to have to lose it right away or get set home instead.

Two days ago I wrote about what we need to eat, yesterday was what to avoid but really as far as eating goes I would never want to choose to live with eating only fruit and veggies and meat. Really we have to figure out how to eat other stuff but not always and in a metered way. That is why I wanted to talk about sacrifice and suffering. But first lets hit on starvation.

Starvation is Not Dieting

I don’t think that any of us want to starve and if you are eating a few times a day, eating small meals that are full of nutrients then we will not starve. Years ago when I was struggling with money my wife asked me what was the worst thing that I was worried about. I told her it was food. I have a very close relationship with food, probably all of us do and she promised that we would not starve, sacrifice anything but food and shelter and everything will work out.

Anyway we have no reason to starve and that is where the suffering and sacrifice come from. If I tell you that you are not allowed to ever have a chocolate chip cookie ever again then you will think of nothing but chocolate chip cookies. So this is not a this or that or a never eat kind of concept but I really do feel that if you want something, be it a cookie or ice cream then you should be able to have a little bit and not have to live in guilt. But on the other hand, I never see a reason to eat a whole tub of ice cream either, there is just no point in that.

How to Eat, Think  and not Suffer

Starvation, suffering, and sacrifice

Ice cream is not food

What I am really saying that if all our gains or losses are in eating (not true exercise has a lot to do with it as well) then you want to fuel your body with water rich foods. After that make sure that you do that subtle mind change. Food is fuel and candy is just the junk that tastes good. Cheat with just small amounts of food so that you do not crave badly and overdo things. Remember you goal is to eat very healthy and the crappy food you eat, while not good, will not help you in any way.

Tomorrow I want to write more about emotional eating. Even though I touched on emotional eating here there is a lot more to talk about with that.

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