Weight Loss Exercise

Tony Robbins Tips for 2012

Tony Robbins is a guy that I have listened to for years but I took a break from him for the last few years thinking that the last thing that I need is motivation and the big thing that I needed was action.

Well times maybe changing for me. I watched this Tony Robbins video last weekend and it really fired me up, I was sharing it everywhere I could

Be warned the Tony Robbins video is 35 or 40 minutes long but I think this is a great break to inspire you. When I say inspire I mean that watching this video is not just to get you fired up and ready to take on the world but instead this video will give you actionable ideas for how to make sure that you know where you are going and why. I think mostly of this as a planning session and brainstorming and it should lead to another session for you to make sure you know what you need to do over the rest of the year.

How Tony Robbins Helps Build Standards

Looking at this video by Tony Robbins I just want to mention one thing and that is the idea of setting standards that you live by. By saying standards I mean that I think of myself as living a certain way, decisions to live by. Here are an example of 5 of my standards that I live by.

  1. I drink water all day long
  2. Exercise is a high priority everyday
  3. I never eat after dinner
  4. Fruit and veggies are great snacks
  5. I make sure I have goals for the week all the time

I know this list is just an example of a few things and I know I still come up short. I scramble around from task to task and leave a lot of things unfinished and I get distracted easily so I still have a lot of work to do.

I hope that Tony Robbins video as well as my own examples here can help you to set your own standards as well as look at, like I do, parts of your life where standards are missing. Tony Robbins is more than just a motivational speaker, I think that watching these Tony Robbins videos can help you build some needed structure in your life.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Starvation, suffering, and sacrifice

I keep watching Biggest Loser and get warped into their way of thinking that change has to happen before your eyes and right away. Fortunately none of us are on a TV show to have to lose it right away or get set home instead.

Two days ago I wrote about what we need to eat, yesterday was what to avoid but really as far as eating goes I would never want to choose to live with eating only fruit and veggies and meat. Really we have to figure out how to eat other stuff but not always and in a metered way. That is why I wanted to talk about sacrifice and suffering. But first lets hit on starvation.

Starvation is Not Dieting

I don’t think that any of us want to starve and if you are eating a few times a day, eating small meals that are full of nutrients then we will not starve. Years ago when I was struggling with money my wife asked me what was the worst thing that I was worried about. I told her it was food. I have a very close relationship with food, probably all of us do and she promised that we would not starve, sacrifice anything but food and shelter and everything will work out.

Anyway we have no reason to starve and that is where the suffering and sacrifice come from. If I tell you that you are not allowed to ever have a chocolate chip cookie ever again then you will think of nothing but chocolate chip cookies. So this is not a this or that or a never eat kind of concept but I really do feel that if you want something, be it a cookie or ice cream then you should be able to have a little bit and not have to live in guilt. But on the other hand, I never see a reason to eat a whole tub of ice cream either, there is just no point in that.

How to Eat, Think  and not Suffer

Starvation, suffering, and sacrifice

Ice cream is not food

What I am really saying that if all our gains or losses are in eating (not true exercise has a lot to do with it as well) then you want to fuel your body with water rich foods. After that make sure that you do that subtle mind change. Food is fuel and candy is just the junk that tastes good. Cheat with just small amounts of food so that you do not crave badly and overdo things. Remember you goal is to eat very healthy and the crappy food you eat, while not good, will not help you in any way.

Tomorrow I want to write more about emotional eating. Even though I touched on emotional eating here there is a lot more to talk about with that.

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