General Weight Loss Tips

Resound11 Prompt 02: Vices

Did you slip back into any old habits that you wish you hadn’t? Did you gain any new habits that you wish you would have walked away from? Did you discover the evils of Nutella? ‘Fess up … we won’t tell.

This prompt may sound dark and dreary, but we’ll be back to our sunshine selves tomorrow. Take today to reflect on a vice (or two or twelve) that you’d like to give up in the new year.

How will you resound? Follow along here. 

My biggest vice this year was watching TV and going to the movies. I love watching (good) tv. I’m watching Mad Men (again), I’m in season four of Parks and Recreation. I go to the movies with my husband at least once or twice a month. I love snuggling on the couch with him and kitties. I love going to the movies. I love every thing about it, the popcorn, previews and stories. Movies give me hope, inspiration and ideas. They have the ability to change my perspective. I saw Hugo last weekend and the artistry and story of that movie was astounding to me.

I don’t see letting go of a movie date night, but I would like to cut back watching so much TV, especially bad TV. Watching Whitney instead of being creative isn’t how I’d like to spend my time next year. I don’t want to use TV as an escape.

General Weight Loss Tips


This is me waving my white flag to the universe. I am done being sick. I’m tired of being sick. I’ve tried pretending that I’m not sick- showing up half-assed to meetings, my work, and everything else, but I’m not there. I’m half there. My body is present, but I’m not me.

I’m tired. I’m fatigued. I’m coughing. My ears are stopped up. My head is full. And I’m tired mostly, of being sick. I try very hard not to tweet “I’m sick. I feel like crap. I’m still coughing.” even though sometimes I want nothing more than to curl up on the couch with blankets, the remote and a cup of hot tea. Guilt free.

I want a break from responsibility, my to-do lists, I want to check-out and sleep. But, I can’t, because people depend on me and I have deadlines. But, like my last posts said, I’m done with over extending myself. With stress. With piling more stuff on my plate. I know, deep-down that this sickness is my body forcing me to slow down. And I’m fighting it tooth and nail. Because I just want to go, go, go.

Here is one of the books I’m reading:

And it’s speaking to me. Because I don’t want to be sick anymore, and because I don’t want to be depressed, and I really don’t want to be sick down the road. If I’m annoyed at a seven week cough, I just don’t know how I’d handle diabetis, cancer or heart disease. I’d check out.

So I’m going on a special “diet”, I’m trying this out for a month.  I say diet loosely because this isn’t all about weight loss. And it’s not about eating anything I don’t like to eat. It’s about eat less of the stuff that I know makes me sick. Weight loss is a perk, I won’t lie, but I just want to be well. I want to feel well and be less sick.

Time to go grocery shopping…

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General Weight Loss Tips

One Dinner For Two

This is a quick little post before I go crash somewhere, bed or couch, haven’t decided yet.

Breakfast was a bowl of peanut butter and jelly oatmeal. 1/2 cup oats, 1/2 cup milk, 1 T peanut/almond/cashew butter, 1 T all fruit jelly, 1/4 serving granola. about 400 calories

Lunch was a wrap: one slice deli turkey, one slice cheese, a bit of hummus and vegetables. A side salad with dressing and a handful of veggie chips. About 400 calories.

Dinner came around 7:30pm, both of us starving. We decided to share the chicken fajita dinner. I think I could have eaten 1/4 of this meal to be honest. I also had 12 chips with salas. 800 calories

Total calories: 1,600

I’ll be back tomorrow with a bit more energy.

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