Weight Loss Exercise

Healthy Snack Recipes

When you’re counting calories or being careful about nutrition, every bite counts including snacks between meals. Unfortunately it’s very easy for these grab-and-go nibbles to be unhealthy and unsatisfying. With a little planning and preparation you can come up with healthy snack recipes to fuel you and your family throughout the day. Sugary and starchy snacks will only give you a sugar rush, leaving you hungry an hour later. Healthy snack recipes, on the other hand, include “real food” that’s more satisfying and nutritious.

Plan Ahead

Healthy, well-balanced meals require planning, and snacks are no different. Potato chips and chocolate bars are convenient but they have no place in a healthy snack, except perhaps as an occasional treat. Stock your fridge with ingredients for quick and healthy snacks. Once a week, prepare healthy snack recipes and store them in attractive containers in the fridge or have them conveniently close to your keyboard. Whenever you feel like munching on something, there will always be a nutritious and delicious snack that you can get your hands on.
Healthy Snack Ingredients

Healthy snack recipes are easier to make if you stock up on healthy ingredients. Make sure you always have fresh fruits around the house. In addition to fruits, here are some favorite snacks to have on hand: nuts and seeds, carrots, celery, tomatoes, yogurt, whole wheat crackers, granola, muesli, hummus, dried fruit, and beef jerky.

Strike a Balance

A healthy snack is as important as a full meal. Try to include some protein, carbohydrates, fresh fruits and vegetables in your snack. A healthy snack is also a great opportunity to encourage your kids to eat nutritious foods. Set a good example. Munch on sliced apples with peanut butter, carrot and celery sticks, or a banana and it won’t be long before your kids will be eating healthier snacks too.

Healthy Snack Recipes: Quick and Simple

Kids (and grownups) love dips. A bag of carrot and celery sticks, cherry tomatoes and cucumbers will disappear like magic if you have a bowl of delicious dip to go with them. Try the low-fat Cottage Cheese Dip recipe below for a healthy snack:
? 2 cups low-fat cottage cheese

? 1 tablespoon dried dill

? 1 teaspoon garlic salt

? 1/2 teaspoon ground white pepper

? 1/3 cup low-fat ranch salad dressing

Blend together all ingredients until smooth. Serve with celery and carrot sticks or whole wheat crackers.

Want a healthy snack recipe that’s really easy? Make a simple trail mix by combining equal amounts of raisins, nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, cashews, peanuts, etc.), dried fruits, and toasted sunflower seeds. Store the trail mix in a large plastic container. For variety, you can toss in some chocolate chips or dried banana chips.

General Weight Loss Tips

Do it Anyway

This poem by Mother Teresa has been on my mind lately…

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

I read this a few weeks ago and thought it was profound. It’s not directly related to weight loss, but I think we all worry too much about what other people think. We know people who will dissect every word and every action- do them anyway. I love that. Do it anyway. Take care of yourself regardless of what anyone may think. Find your own path.

Yesterday was another good day of food and exercise. I feel good that I’m building a little army of good days behind me. They will stand behind me on the days when I want to eat my weight in pizza. I will say that I’m glad I started this post PMS. It’s not a particularly unstressful time either, it’s just less of a struggle.

I realized this week that the hardest thing about eating less and counting calories is me. I had to get over my stubbornness, my unwillingness to admit that I needed to do this to lose weight. I had to arrive, yet again, to this conclusion on my own.

I’m eating anywhere from 1,200-1,700 calories a day and I’m not hungry- I thought I would be. I’m not deprived. I’m not unsatisfied. I’m not just eating salads and carrots-I’m eating what I truly want to eat. I’m full on less. And I think it’s important for me to remember this. That I can get by on less and I’ll be better for it.

Last night I really wanted to eat out. Even after having lunch out with a friend. I tried to use the excuse of chicken still being frozen. I kept going back and forth mentally and I knew, deep down, that if I ate out again I would go over my calories for the day. It’s so much easier to eat more quality food at home with less calories. When I’m in a restaurant I often find it too hard to stop eating the giant portions put in front of me.

And now on to yesterday’s food:

Quiche again. I ate about half of what you see here. And 6 oz. or so of orange juice. 363 Calories

Lamb burger from Natasha’s here in Floyd. So good! It felt pretty light to me, and was of course, very flavorful. I ate all of the burger and about half of the crisps. 650 calories

Chicken on mixed greens with cucumber, feta, bacon and vinaigrette dressing. About 400 calories.

Not pictured:

1 serving cashews- 160 calories

Glucosamine chews- 70 calories

Total calories: 1,643

Exercise: 45 minutes of Insanity Workout (400-500 calories)

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General Weight Loss Tips

My 2011 Story

I’m slowly getting back in the groove of counting calories and I have to say that showcasing what I eat here is challenging me to make better decisions. You guys have been known to keep me on my toes with comments, so for the “eat more vegetables” reminders, I find myself throwing a salad on my plate where I otherwise would have went without.

I’m also drinking a lot of water. I find that I just don’t drink enough through the day and while water, juice and milk are the only beverages I consume on a regular basis, I’m just not drinking enough. I’ve got water bottles filled and in the refrigerator for easy access.

I’ve been thinking today about what my story will be at the end of this year. What I want it to be. Come January first I want to reflect on 2011 and be proud of the first three months of consistent exercise. That I stuck with it even when the scale was slow to move. How I believed in myself despite people asking “are you sticking with your exercise?” assuming I had stopped. A valid question giving my past history. I will talk about how in April I started to take my eating seriously with calorie counting, and how the hard part was doing it even on days when I really didn’t want to.

I will talk about how the scale started to move and I was seeing my weight go down each week. Every month my clothes were getting looser. By early Fall I had to buy new pants and by winter I was down two sizes. My face is slimmer and people are noticing. They will wonder how I did it- there won’t be a gimmick, no pills, not diet fad of the week and no restrictive plans. Just me believing in myself.

I will talk about how I feared not losing the weight- would I not lose weight even if I tried? I believed in myself and tried anyway. I will talk about how I learned to eat in moderation. How I found other ways to fill myself up.

I don’t know what my weight will be come January 2012, but I truly believe it will be significantly lower than it is today. On top of that I will feel the joys of being able to move a little easier and feel much more comfortable in my body.

What will your story be?

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