Weight Loss Exercise

Tips to Help Someone Quit Smoking

Many non-smokers are interested in learning how to help someone quit smoking. If you have a friend or relative who smokes, you may not realize how hard it is for them to give up this habit. Even though the smoker knows how harmful smoking is, wanting to quit and being able to quit are two entirely different matters.

You may have already quit smoking yourself, but that doesn’t mean that you can advise another smoker. Each person has their own reasons for smoking and faces different challenges in overcoming the habit. A smoking cessation method that worked for you will not necessarily work for someone else.

Figuring out how to help someone quit smoking requires you to be patient and understanding. Offer compassion, and remember that you can never completely know what the smoker is experiencing. It’s not particularly helpful to tell someone that you understand how they feel. Such statements can even be perceived as patronizing. Every smoker’s experience is unique, just as every person is unique.

Here are some suggestions for you if you want to help someone quit smoking:

1) Don’t expect the smoker to quit cold turkey
2) Encourage even the smallest steps to cut back smoking
3) Tell them that you have confidence in their ability to quit
4) If you go to a restaurant or bar together, sit in the non-smoking area
5) Encourage them to take up an exercise program — and then exercise with the smoker
6) Acknowledge their efforts to quit and give them positive reinforcement such as praise and hugs
7) Don’t tell them that you know how they feel
Be available if they want to talk about what they are going through
9) Help them find other activities to fill the moments during the day when they would normally smoke
10) Ask the smoker what kind of support they need from you

Stopping smoking is often a frustrating and painful task. The smoker truly needs all the support and encouragement they can get during this experience, in order to quit successfully. Even if the smoker relapses, you can continue to encourage them to try again.

Tips to Help Someone Quit Smoking

So what if it is really that easy? What if all your beliefs about how hard it is going to be to quit are completely false? What if, after just one session of hypnotherapy or NLP you find it incredibly easy to become and remain a happy, confident non-smoker for life? The reason why hypnotherapy NLP are so successful is because both our beliefs about smoking and our habitual smoking behaviours reside within your unconscious mind. So whilst consciously we may wish to quit, all too often our all powerful unconscious mind simply would not let us.

Check out Quit Smoking Today now.

Supporting your friends, relatives, and co-workers in their bid to stop smoking is very considerate on your part. As everyone knows, smoking is a deadly habit that is fiendishly hard to quit. Your support might be the deciding factor that helps the smoker give up smoking permanently.

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Why Today Was Awesome

Today I created a list to live by based on what I consider to be a successful day. It’s slightly embarrassing to share this on the internets, but I really love lists and encouragement so here goes…

To take care of my body by:

Exercising: 60 minutes a day (taking Sunday’s off)

Eating Well: planning meals a day ahead, taking time to cook and count calories

Caring for my skin: Washing my face morning and night, using moisturizer

Caring for my teeth: brush morning and night (minimum), floss and use mouthwash

Caring for my feet and hands

To take care of my environment:

Keeping the dishes clean:  not going to bed with a dirty kitchen

Making the bed and putting clothes away

Quick tidy-up in the bathroom, living room and dining room

Caring for plants and animals: watering and tending

To Work Hard:

Complete “musts” on to-do lists

Complete small chunks of large projects daily

To meet deadlines and fulfill expectations, to do more than expected

To Be Creative:

To blog daily

To create new jewelry

Create new recipes

Take photographs

Paint and sew

To Connect:

Return emails as I read them

Stay in touch via phone, email, visits, twitter and facebook

Leave comments on blogs

Take time to do something fun with husband every day

Plan special events with husband, friends and family

All of the red tasks are items that I checked off my “successful day” checklist. I won’t do this every day, but it’s good for me to check in with my goals and to see if what I’m doing every day is taking me closer to them.

I’m making a true effort to get my eating in check this month. I feel like I keep saying it, but I really need to do it. It’s not that I feel that I’m eating horribly, but I can do better. My plan is planning. For tomorrow I have my breakfast and lunch already planned out and prepared with the calories counted. Everything is in a container and ready to go. I feel good about this, but I always feel good on day one. We’ll see.

We’ve entered week SEVEN of insanity and I just cannot believe it. I can hold a steady plank pose now. My stretches are much deeper and I am moving better in general. I’ve noticed that I don’t want to eat bad foods because I am having the thought “I won’t feel good enough to exercise if I’m bloated, or feel sick from food”. Having that thought is shocking for me. That is a thought that I think truly healthy people have; considering food choices because of how they makes you feel. I want to do so much that eating poorly would only take my energy away. I’m just now realizing this, food=energy, bad food takes energy, good food gives energy. Why did it take me so long to realize this?

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Reviews of fat loss: lose weight in 2 weeks

You can lose weight in 2 weeks and achieve the ideal weight you want, but first you should put some planning into your program fat loss before starting so you will probably have a better chance of succeed.

Here are four important tips:

1) Know what you want to lose weight. This is very important because if you have a solid goal in your mind, then it becomes harder to achieve your plan 2 weeks of fat loss.

2) Get professional advice before starting any fat loss for the security and major health concerns. If you're overweight, you should definitely do it! If you have any health problems, it is essential to discuss with your doctor before starting any program for fat loss that significant changes in diet and exercise can place additional burdens on your body.

3) Request support from friends and family to help you in your goal of losing weight. You must understand that it is very important to get away from negative people and those who do not really offer any help because there are always people who do not want to see you improve in your life and achieve your goal of losing weight.

Show them that you can do. Let the world see that you can lose weight in just 2 weeks!

4) Take a picture of your body at the beginning of your program of weight loss. Stand in front of a mirror and watch your body while visualizing how you want it to look. Usually, we often forget how much progress we make. But with a photo, you can look back and it gives you the encouragement you need when there are times you feel that the course could be a little more difficult.

You can start your "Lose Weight 2 Weeks" program fat loss now comparing the products of fat loss here: Fat Loss Reviews

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