Weight Loss Exercise

Can You Slow Down Aging?

The aging process can’t be stopped in its tracks or slammed into reverse gear but it can be tricked into slowing down. So what can you do right now and in the future to live longer and look good while you’re doing it?

There are some obvious tricks to slowing down Old Father Time and some that are a little more obscure, but your attitude is just as important as the actual methods themselves. Some people have a very positive outlook on life, always get things done and get going when things get tough. Others let life and circumstances dictate their lives and are likely to age much more quickly.

Let’s have a look at some of the important ways in which you can, starting today, start holding back the aging process. Clearly the order in which these appear will have a different impact depending on your priorities. Let’s start with the killer?

This is definitely a no-no. Smoking not only makes you look older by adding wrinkles to your face, it has a huge impact on your health and longevity.

A Healthy Diet
Eating in moderation will keep you much more fit and able to do the other things which will keep you younger-looking and with a younger outlook on life.

If you exercise on a regular basis it can keep you younger looking for many more years than being a couch potato. Being active and occupied is clearly a major factor in defying the aging process since you’ll be more fit and less susceptible to illness and disease which can strike people down before they’ve lived their lives fully.

Drinking Alcohol
Imbibing, which may be an enjoyable pursuit, should be tempered with moderation. Too much alcohol ages appearance and may even have an effect on the brain.

Cutting Down/Out Fast Food
It puts on weight real fast, and a gym membership isn’t always the answer if you are too tired to attend the classes!

Cultivating Friendships
Being social shouldn’t be ignored as this life activity keeps you active and feeling younger. Friends get you outside of yourself and remind you to laugh… which also makes you feel and look younger.

Do your research and find out which supplements are best for you. Vitamin E and Vitamin B are two thought to be very beneficial in slowing down body and mind aging problems.

Dealing with Stress
Too much stress is known to make people look older than they are, and have negative affects on the body too. Learn how to de-stress as much as you can and try not to get into situations that will stress you in the first place.

Drinking Water
It’s not everyone’s cup of tea? but water is really good for you. And while you’re upping your water intake, cut back on the coffee and sodas.

So what are you waiting for? Follow these tips and use common sense to not only stay younger-looking but feel younger as well.

General Weight Loss Tips

No Factory Food Week

I want to try an experiment next week, and I’d love to have you guys join along. It’s not going to be easy, but I’m excited. I noticed this week that a lot of the foods I have trouble with overeating are what I would call factory foods. Food that was manufactured or processed in a factory. This includes commercials meats.

A lot of the foods I eat on a daily basis have been processed some way or another: bread (sandwich thins), pickles, cheeses (that aren’t local/raw), frozen meals (even ones I consider to be healthy), condiments, snack foods etc.

This means that for one week (starting monday and ending the following Sunday) I’m only going to consume foods that are in their natural state. No fast food or eating out. Meat, dairy, and bread products will be purchased and made locally. That leaves produce, nuts and beans as my other main sources of nutrition. In short: if it has commercial packaging, marketing, tons of ingredients it’s off the list.

Time to get my menu and list ready for the farmer’s market tomorrow.

Leave a comment if you’d like to join in!

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Weight Loss Exercise

Secrets to losing weight

Secrets to losing weight

Many people struggle with losing weight either for a short time in the spring or summer or for their whole life. There are many things that you can do to make the difference between being overweight or not. Based on the way that your lifestyle is there are two big things that you have to concern yourself with, diet and exercise.

Diet is what you eat. We all know that we should not eat food that is bad for us but how about the flip side. How about eating more foods that are better for us. Today at lunch I could have gone out for fast food or I could have stayed in and eaten the soup and fruit that I brought with me. I ate the soup. Today is generally the way that I eat which is eating by design. I plan in the morning what I will eat and then pack it with me so that I do eat it and not something that is more convenient at the time. Tomorrow I may go out for lunch instead but I know that in two weeks I will have eaten all but three meals or so by preparing them myself and not by having a restaurant prepare them for me. I eat what I should and if I eat any prepared food that I know that it is one bad decision compared to all of the good decisions that I make.
Water is also a big part of my diet. I drink water throughout the day so that my body can easily digest my food and also so that I am not hungry and looking for some junk food.

Exercise is the other part of a great health plan and is the basis, to me, of how to best lose weight. I ride a bike to work all summer so I can get two good workouts in a day but on the weekend I take it easy so that during the next week I am not getting too sore to keep up my exercise schedule. Exercising one a day is a great way to get better health and if you can keep up a high heart rate of at least 30 minutes a day it will burn more calories constantly during the day every day. Now that winter is coming I will be balancing my cardio on an indoor elliptical trainer with some weights to gain a bit more muscle. The importance of weight training can not be understated. If you have more muscle your body has to work a little harder to keep itself going, this will burn more calories.

Lastly I think that losing weight has a lot to do with a great, excited attitude. I have always found that when I am in my best shape I have a great attitude about my exercise and my eating. Workouts are a breeze and I am working towards my exercise goals consistently. My eating is really good and I am proud of the things that I am putting into my mouth and finally my outlook is great because I feel excellent about the way I look and feel.

Adopt these tactics and your weight loss will be a lot easier and more fun than it has ever been before

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