Weight Loss Exercise

Health Benefits of Omega 3 Vitamins

I have state in the past that I do take a Omega 3 vitamins pill every day. My wife calls that pills “Heart Pills” or fish oil pills. So I have no idea how this will change if I ever have to take real heart pills. Anyway in the search around for health info around the net I found this great articles telling us why we should be taking Omega 3 vitamin pills 

Omega 3 is the latest buzz in the health and fitness industry. Doctors and researchers all over the world recommend the intake of Omega 3 vitamins to treat a wide variety of diseases.

Health Benefits of Omega 3 Vitamins

Omega 3 Vitamins

While most of us have heard something or the other about these remarkable fatty acids, we are not sure about a lot of things concerning Omega 3. This article will deal with what’s, why’s and how’s of Omega 3 fatty acids.

What are Omega 3 Vitamins?

Omega 3 is the name given to a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids or essential fatty acids. There are mainly three types of essential fatty acids Alpha-Linolenic acids (ALA), Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

The Alpha-linolenic acids break into DHA and EPA during the process of digestion, since these two fatty acids are most utilized by the body. Omega 3 or the essential fatty acids are vital for the healthy functioning of all organs but they cannot be synthesized by the body.

Sources of Omega 3 Vitamins

Dietary sources of ALA include dark green, leafy vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flaxseed oil and Soya. DHA and EPA are found in oily fishes such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and sardines. The richest source of Omega 3 is considered to be fish oil since it consists of both DHA and EPA.

This brings us to a very important question. Why do you need fish oil or Omega 3 Vitamins supplements, when you could just eat fish regularly as a part of your daily diet?

Eating fish regularly can lead to deposition of toxins like mercury, metals etc in your body. This is because most of the rivers, seas and other water resources are becoming more and more polluted each day. However, fish oil supplements that are molecularly distilled are safe for daily consumption.

Molecular distillation is the process through which all toxins and contaminants are removed from fish oil at the manufacturing stage. Make sure you buy molecularly distilled, pharmaceutical brand Omega 3 supplements to ensure their purity.

Why do I need Omega 3 Vitamins fatty acids?

Omega 3 fatty acids are the building blocks of our cell membranes and neurological system. They play a crucial role in many functions of the body. There are endless reasons why you should make these essential fatty acids a part of your diet.

  • Omega 3 fatty acids reduce the Triglyceride level in the blood and protect against cardio-vascular diseases.
  • They prevent the platelets from clogging and control the cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • It helps in maintaining a radiant, clear and healthy skin.
  • Pregnant women are advised to take fish oil supplements which help in the healthy development of brain and retina in the infant.
  • Fish oil helps in fighting against eczema, psoriasis and other skin problems.
  • Fish oils act as antidepressants which is why they are used to treat diseases like depression and schizophrenia.

Thus, for a healthy heart and mind, it is essential that you make   Omega 3 vitamins a part of your daily diet.

Micheal Thomas is an editor for a series of health related websites. Learn about the best fish oil capsules that we ourselves use daily after extensive product comparisons and research over at

Health Benefits of Omega 3 Vitamins, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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Weight Loss Exercise

Flush Out Fat With These 5 Tips

Kicking your metabolism into shape so that you burn more calories rather than adding more fat to your body may take some drastic measures. Flushing the fat from your body is one way to increase your metabolic rate. It also rids the body of toxins that cause you to feel bloated and sluggish.

Fat tends to find a home in your body in three main areas ? butt, hips and thighs. Flushing out the fat targets these areas of your body rather than other diets where you may actually lose muscle mass.

Here are five tips for flushing unwanted fat out of your body that will lead you to weight loss success.

1. Lower calorie intake. Calorie count should be between 1000 and 1500 daily for the first couple of weeks.
2. During your fat flushing diet, you should add some good fat (such as flaxseed oil) as well as some protein, vegetables and fruit. Spices (such as cayenne pepper) are also a great addition to the diet plan.
3. Drink plenty of water, green tea and other liquids that act as a diuretic to flush out toxins and fat.
4. Get plenty of sleep. Sleep acts as a restorative process for your body and shouldn’t be neglected.
5. Keep track of all your activities, food and drink. You can jot the information in a notebook or enter it into one of the many online “journals” that are available.

Exercise is also important during this time, but don’t overdo it. You may feel weak because of decreased calorie intake. A brisk walk around the block or ten minutes on the treadmill will suffice.

After two weeks of the above regimen, you can increase your calorie intake to 1500 calories and add more carbohydrates to your diet. Follow this plan until you reach your desired weight. By then, your metabolism will have the boost it needs to work more efficiently.

Some medical professionals find that drastically lowering your calories is unhealthy and maintain that you’ll eventually put the weight back on. It’s true that you lose weight rapidly and unless you stick to the diet, you’ll more than likely put the pounds back on at a later time.

But you have a deadline to meet (such as fitting into that new bikini before your first trip to the beach), try the fat flushing diet for a couple of weeks to see quick and pleasing results.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Tips To Lose Weight

Are you looking for tips to lose weight? These tips to lose weight fast will help you. Keep in mind, however, that if you want to lose weight and keep it off that you have to change your lifestyle. That means following these tips consistently. It can be difficult to change life-long habits. Starting out is usually the hardest part. Once you develop healthier patterns, they too can become habits!

5 Tips to lose weight

1. Eat Healthier Fats

Tips To Lose Weight

tips to lose weight

The latest research on tips to lose weight say that it’s not so much fat itself that is the problem when it comes to health and weight loss, but the kind of fat. In general, it’s a good idea to avoid trans fats, which are found in many junk foods, margarine, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and baked goods such as cakes, cookies and donuts (you can find healthier, organic versions of these products).


Saturated fats, which are found in animal products are fine to eat in small quantities, especially if they are natural or organic.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are now called “healthy fats” contain essential fatty acids, especially Omega-3. These are found in almonds and other nuts, avocados, coconut and olive oils and flaxseed oil.

So, as a rule,the best tips to lose weight are that it’s best to avoid trans fats as much as possible, consume limited amounts of saturated fats (note -some people still label saturated fats as “bad fats” but there is compelling research that shows that many cultures have consumed animal products for centuries with virtually no obesity or degenerative diseases -see Weston Price Foundation for more information; the problem today is that most animal products are from factory farms, which use many questionable additives), and large amounts of healthy fats.

One Healthy Diet program is the Fat Loss for Idiots plan. Check out my Review of it

2. Exercise Intelligently

Besides diet the best tips to lose weight are that you need to exercise. The problem many people have with exercise is that they start out very enthusiastically and then, when that initial burst of energy wears out, they quit. If this is your tendency, you should remember that the real key to a successful exercise program is consistency. It’s far better, for example, to walk for forty-five minutes every day and stick with it than to be a “weekend warrior” and do strenuous exercise inconsistently. Don’t try to do too much, but make sure you get regular exercise at least three times per week.

Tom Venuto who created Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle is a great resource for this. You can read the review of his book here.

3. Pay Attention to What You Drink

Water and fluid intake can be at least as important as food when it comes to tips to lose weight. The best thing to drink is pure water. After that, stick to pure juices (in moderation; many juices like apple are healthy, but contain lots of sugar; even natural sugar can be fattening in large quantities), green tea, which has antioxidants that may help with weight loss, and herbal teas.

Avoid soda as much as possible, even diet sodas –most artificial sweeteners have potential health risks. One glass of wine or beer every day is fine for most people and may actually have health benefits. Beyond this, however, alcohol can be fattening and of course can contribute to other health problems.

4. Get Some Sleep!

While we all know that you need exercise to lose weight fast, oddly enough, sleep can also help. Recent research has shown a correlation between sleep deprivation and obesity. Apparently lack of sleep causes an imbalance in the body which inhibits the burning of fat. So if you have sleeping problems, you should address this. Regular exercise can help with this. Avoid caffeine or stimulants beyond the mid-afternoon. Certain herbal teas, such as chamomile and skullcap can also help with sleep.

5. Reduce Stress

Stress also makes it difficult to lose weight fast. This is probably related to the issue of sleep deprivation contributing to obesity. While we tend to think of sleep and relaxation as the opposite of what we need to lose weight, the fact is we need both activity and rest to be at our best and for our body to burn fat.

Tips to lose weight – Remember to do all these things together

So we don’t only need to get enough sleep, but we also need to be able to deal with stress throughout the day. If you have a problem with stress, try yoga or meditation. These also teach proper breathing, which is crucial for overall health, stress reduction and losing weight. So follow these tips to lose weight fast and you will be sure to do a lot better in your weight loss goals.

I really think that to lose weight fast you need to concentrate on all of these things. There are a ton of articles that I have written on weight loss and muscle gain but more often than not it is the time crunch that forces people to look for tips to lose weight.

Tips To Lose Weight

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