Weight Loss Exercise

How to lose 20 pounds in a month

For many people knowing how to lose 20 pounds in a month would be a dream. Put that dream right in front of you because I am saying that there are ways that you can lose 20 pounds in a month.

To get started on any weight loss goal is easy but you need a strategy and tactics in place to know how to lose 20 pounds in a month. Your strategy towards any goal is the broad strokes, the big concepts that are important. Here is your weight loss strategy

Increase your resting metabolism
Reduce your calorie intake
Quickly burn calories during cardio and weight workouts

Now that you have a strategy to lose 20 pounds in a month so now you need the tactics that will make it a reality. You need radical changes to lose 5 pounds a week.

How to lose 20 pounds in a month

How to lose 20 Pounds in a Month

Your tactics are the individual things that will make your dream work out for you.

How to lose 20 pounds – Eating Tactics

Plan your eating the day before – If you plan your eating the night before then you are not going to have to worry about getting into a struggle of eating these crappy foods and instead will know what you are going to eat when.

Eat 5 or 6 small meals a day – This is going to help you to raise your metabolism. When you eat often you are sending a message to your body that you are not going to starve and that you will always have enough to eat.

Have leftovers a lot to make it easier to eat good food – If you make giant helpings of meals then you will have lots of leftovers to choose from. One of the problems that I always hear from people is that they are worried that if they have to eat really often then they will spend their whole life preparing meals. this is just not at all the case.

Eat meals that are small – One thing that drives me crazy is how we allow our bodies to waste food. It is hard to find a steak smaller than 8 ounces in a restaurant but did you know that your body has almost no way for digesting and using more than 4 ounces of that steak?

Eat lots of fiber – Fiber will increase metabolism and make you healthier by cleaning out toxins.

Drink lots of water – Who cares what the so called experts say. Water makes your metabolsim faster and makes you feel great

How to lose 20 pounds – Exercise Tactics

Exercise twice a day – One 20 minutes workout in the morning and another one in the evening.

Do weights once every second day – Getting muscle will help your body burn more fat. The muscle takes a lot of calories to maintain while fat takes nearly none.

Split your cardio workouts between high and low intensity – High intensity to burn a lot of carbs off and low intensity to finish of the fat hanging around

Cardio is 20 minutes of hard cardio – Hard cardio is defined as keeping your heartrate up around 80% of your max. This will raise your metabolism for a long time 12 – 24 hours.

Walking or casual exercise can be an hour long – This is a great way to burn fat as you can exercise low impact by walking for an hour.

Weights should be basic exercises – Basic exercises are things like squats, bench presses, lunges, military presses. These exercises work a lot of muscle groups at once.

Healing between workouts is most important – Now that you are working out it is a good idea to get a lot of rest and sleep so that your body can recover. Your body only recovers when you are sleeping or at least resting.

There are no guarantees of course that you will lose 20 pounds in a month but just look at this plan of attack. Is this different than you are doing now? Are these new lifestyle changes possible for you? It is all up to you to see what radical changes that you can make in your life and what they will lead to. Good luck in your quest and at the very least you now know how to lose 20 pounds in a month.

How to lose 20 pounds in a month, 3.7 out of 5 based on 87 ratings Recent Tags: how to lose 20 pounds in a month, lose 20 pounds in a month, how to lose 20 lbs in a month, lose 20 lbs in a month, how to lose 20 pounds, is it possible to lose 20 pounds in a month, how to lose 20 pounds in 1 month, how to lose 20 pounds in one month, can i lose 20 pounds in a month, losing 20 pounds in a month, i need to lose 20 pounds, how to lose 20lbs in a month

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No Factory Food Week

I want to try an experiment next week, and I’d love to have you guys join along. It’s not going to be easy, but I’m excited. I noticed this week that a lot of the foods I have trouble with overeating are what I would call factory foods. Food that was manufactured or processed in a factory. This includes commercials meats.

A lot of the foods I eat on a daily basis have been processed some way or another: bread (sandwich thins), pickles, cheeses (that aren’t local/raw), frozen meals (even ones I consider to be healthy), condiments, snack foods etc.

This means that for one week (starting monday and ending the following Sunday) I’m only going to consume foods that are in their natural state. No fast food or eating out. Meat, dairy, and bread products will be purchased and made locally. That leaves produce, nuts and beans as my other main sources of nutrition. In short: if it has commercial packaging, marketing, tons of ingredients it’s off the list.

Time to get my menu and list ready for the farmer’s market tomorrow.

Leave a comment if you’d like to join in!

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