Weight Loss Exercise

Positive Outlook Helps Focus

How you think and handle your emotions and stress is probably the most important factor in your general well-being or happiness. This, in turn, directly impacts your physical health and your abiliting for losing weight. And, when you think about it, even if it wasn’t connected to your health (it is!) would it still not be of primary importance?

Positive Outlook Helps Focus

Positive Outlook Helps Focus

Positive Outlook Helps Focus

It is no simple matter to ‘be happy’ or ‘think positive thoughts,’ or ‘relax and go with the flow.’ I put these in quotes because they sound like cliches, which they are. Still, they are of utmost importance. That is, what you eat, how you breathe and your thoughts all impact each other. That is actually why I chose to mention this subject. Because it is both the most important and hardest to practice when losing weight,

I wanted to set the stage with other, more straightforward things first. After all, it is easier to simply stop eating a certain junk food and start eating something healthy or to start exercising than it is to change your focus in a more positive direction. Yet if you start with better nutrition and more exercise, it becomes a bit easier to get more positive in your outlook.

More and more people are starting to believe in the notion that we create our reality with our thoughts and emotions. The Law of Attraction has become a popular subject since the release of the book and movie, The Secret (there is considerable debate over this, but I recommend you see it/read it if you haven’t already).

Whether we physically create our reality this way is debatable though some interpret quantum physics in a way that supports this. However, it is much more clear and obvious that, at the very least, our thoughts and emotions some say ‘attitude’ largely determine our experience of reality. This includes our well being and happiness. So, it follows that, if we want to feel good and be happy, we do best if we think positive thoughts and feel positive emotions.

The problem is that life, in the form of events, other people, memories, news stories and other sources, often sends things our way that we don’t find pleasing. So we feel angry, sad, nervous or some other negative emotion. This, in turn, sends signals to our body and all its cells and organs that causes stress. What is even worse, is that these signals tend to be self-replicating. That is, negative or stressful states tend to perpetuate themselves, causing more such states in the future. Fortunately, the reverse is also true the more you can feel good or happy, loving, relaxed, euphoric- the more you can feel good in the future. The body, once again, absorbs these messages as well and this has a very healing effect.

One very important aspect to have a positive outlook helps focus and how to do it is:


I was almost going to devote a whole post to this, but I am trying to keep this brief. Living in the present means that you let of regrets of the past and worries about the future. No one, except maybe some meditation masters living on a mountaintop, lives in the present 100%. It is still a worthy goal, though. It is most important, naturally enough, to let go of negative feelings regarding the past or future, but even positive ones can be limiting if they keep you from realizing your potential in the present moment.

A person who is often nostalgic about happy times in the past has a belief that the best of everything is already over. If someone is always looking forward to some future happy outcome, they, too, are missing out. The problem with the future is that it never arrives. When what we think of as the future does occur, there is always a new future to look forward to. It is a fact of quantum physics that time as we believe in it is not real. It is an intellectual construct that makes everyday life easier to manage. It is not real in any fundamental sense. Keep this in mind when you find your mind wandering into the illusions of the past or future.

So the first step in thinking more positively is to set it as a priority in your life. There are many tools to help with this several in this report, especially breathing and the techniques in the following chapter- but the particular techniques you use are secondary to your basic commitment to do this. You simply cannot have well-being if you are not thinking good thoughts. Period

So if having a positive outlook helps focus why not start this right now and change you life?

Weight Loss Exercise

Biggest Loser 2011

Well don’t know what to call this as we are so many seasons in but Biggest Loser 2011 seems good?

Anyway we are about three episodes in to the new season I guess and there has been lots of interesting drama and Biggest Loser 2011 has been fun to watch for the first time in a while for me, maybe just my motivation but I am liking it.

Trainers on Biggest Loser 2011

Biggest Loser 2011

Biggest Loser 2011 Trainers

This season we have our old standby Bob Harper but also we have two new trainers; Dolvett Quince and Anna Kournikova. We knew what to expect from Bob Harper and he has been tough and successful but he seems to be letting the new trainers get lots of attention as well.

Dolvett Quince – Dolvett has been a great trainer and a great character. He seems to be a great trainer and super tough, pushing all of his team really hard in the gym and not giving them a chance to slack off but listening to what their bodies are saying and not their whining or mental weakness.

Out of the gym Dolvett Quince has been really great with his team. Teaching nutrition, being excited for the future, being a friend and confidante and making sure that the team members understand that he is there for them. Can you tell that I am a big fan of Dolvett Quince?

Anna Kournikova – I never understood why Anna Kournikova would be a coach on Biggest Loser 2011 but now we get to see after a few episodes how she thinks, coaches, and brings to the Biggest Loser as a trainer.

Poor Anna Kournikova got saddled with the older people which through testosterone dropping in peoples bodies as they grow older makes her job really really tough. Not fair Biggest Loser producers! Anyway to be honest I don’t tink that in the gym Anna shows a lot of emotion, she does not take crap but her team has to follow her direction and she got a couple of whiny people right out of the gate. So far Anna’s team has lost two people but really I think her emotional attachment is her greatest strength and over time (she is not an experienced trainer) will be her increasing knowledge of training others and her background of success that she can communicate.

My Favorite Biggest Loser 2011 contestants

I am enjoying watching all the people of nthe Biggest Loser thins season. I tend to find that early in the season it is hard to follow everyone so I just watch passively and start cheering later in the season. Here are the people that I have really noticed so far.

Biggest Loser 2011Antone – Antone is a whiny bitch when he is working out. I love watching him push and push and cry and then take it up a notch. This guy is great and does not give up. With all hiw weight I expect that Antone will od well this season and I look forward to watching more of his backstory as well being a former pro athlete

Biggest Loser 2011Jennifer – Jennifer is just plain fun and gets really excited about the weigh ins which is pretty important. Being in the background on TV I think that she tends to see things from the outside so she will be able to play the mental game well later on. Fun to watch and she keeps losing which is great to see.

Biggest Loser 2011Mike – Mike lost big this week, 17 pounds I think and being a teacher and football coach he knows what it takes and I always see him working hard and not complaining, just quiet in the background on Annas team.

Biggest Loser 2011Ramon – When I first saw that a tattoo artist would be on I cringed. I have no tattoos but my wife has plenty and we watch those tattoo shows and they are cocky bastards. Ramon is not. What a lovable guy, fun, outgoing, and a great friend to everyone when they let him.

The only problems that I find with Biggest Loser 2011 are the same complaints I have had for years. Recaps after commericals (chubby people don’t have memory NBC?), obvious product placements, and especially the scripted way that each episode is setup, same as every year since the show began.

How about you? What are your highlights so far? I am thinking that this season Biggest Loser 2011 will be a good one although they still need to change things up with the staleness of the shows setup.

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General Weight Loss Tips

No Factory Food Week

I want to try an experiment next week, and I’d love to have you guys join along. It’s not going to be easy, but I’m excited. I noticed this week that a lot of the foods I have trouble with overeating are what I would call factory foods. Food that was manufactured or processed in a factory. This includes commercials meats.

A lot of the foods I eat on a daily basis have been processed some way or another: bread (sandwich thins), pickles, cheeses (that aren’t local/raw), frozen meals (even ones I consider to be healthy), condiments, snack foods etc.

This means that for one week (starting monday and ending the following Sunday) I’m only going to consume foods that are in their natural state. No fast food or eating out. Meat, dairy, and bread products will be purchased and made locally. That leaves produce, nuts and beans as my other main sources of nutrition. In short: if it has commercial packaging, marketing, tons of ingredients it’s off the list.

Time to get my menu and list ready for the farmer’s market tomorrow.

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