General Weight Loss Tips

Wait for Hunger Challenge: Week One

I debated what I would call this challenge.  I went back and forth on using the word “hunger” because it’s loaded. Because people in the world are actually hungry and do not have the luxury of eating when they’re not. There are also people in the world who deny themselves food when they are hungry. I first called it the “feeling it challenge” and then the “wait for it challenge”. And then a million other combinations of words that just didn’t feel right. So in advance, this challenge means exactly what it says: waiting for hunger to eat.

In the past week I’ve been challenging myself to 1) wait for hunger to eat 2) stop at the first signs of full 3) feel the feelings of wanting to eat outside of hunger 4) sit down and eat without watching tv or being in front of the computer 5) find something else to fill the need 6) eliminate guilt from eating. I’m realizing that when I wait for hunger, it takes less food to make me full. When I eat from habit or emotion, I will never, ever be full. This is profound for me. It is profound because I know how much food I need in a day. When I eliminate guilt, the power is gone.

In the past two times I’ve gone out to eat, I’ve slowed down. To drink water, to have conversation, to look around. I’m not stuffing food in my face. I’m making different decisions. When I’m at home, a different challenge arises, having food around all the time. So I make myself think harder. To write down what I’m feeling and to do something else. Anything that will make me happier than overeating. This challenge is not about guilt, deprivation or starvation. It’s about eating, stress free, and then stopping. It’s about moving on.

Yesterday I was more productive and happy  than I’ve been in a long time. I created a task jar where I write down all of the tasks I want to get done on post-it notes. I fold them up and drop them in the jar. I shake it a little and pick one at random. I do that task and nothing else. I was focused. And it worked for me. I completed 14 tasks. I was only tempted to overeat once (yogurt with dark chocolate peanut butter). I got stuff done that I’ve been sitting on for weeks. Stuff I was waiting for the “perfect situation” to complete.

I bring this up because I found something that worked for me. I’ve been making to-do lists and detailed plans using other peoples methods for as long as I can remember. I just don’t work that way. I get overwhelmed, I find excuses and then I just drop it all. I become paralyzed by methods that do not work for me. And the same goes for eating. All I need to change my life if is to wait for hunger. I know how to eat. I know how much my body needs to lose weight. I trust that in myself. When I count calories or eliminate food, it’s because I don’t trust myself. And I end up eating without hunger. Programs, for me, cover the problem. They put power in food, rather than me. I know it works for people. But, as I sit here, still in need of losing 150 + pounds, I need a new way. My way.

So if you feel like you might benefit from this challenge, I encourage you to leave a comment. For the next week I’m making a promise to myself that I will not eat when I’m not genuinely hungry. If I want to eat, I will write instead. I will sew a skirt. I will blog about something fun. I will decorate my house. I will hug my husband. I will do something, anything, that fills me up without food. This isn’t about counting calories, or feeling guilty over any food decision I make. This isn’t about nutrition, or avoiding food groups. It’s simple: only eat when you’re hungry without distractionsand stop eating when you’re full. If you’re in, I will support you in anyway I can. I will correspond in the comments. I will visit your blog. We can do this!

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Weight Loss Exercise

How to Lift Weights Properly for Strength Training

Ever wonder how to lift weights properly? Lifting weights is the best way to build muscle mass, gain strength, and improve your physique. However, strength training puts a lot of stress and pressure on your body especially when you begin working with heavy weights. Regardless of whether you are lifting heavy or lighter weights, it is vital to do so correctly. Before doing any strength training exercise, it is important to learn how to lift weights properly.

Always warm up before you begin your strength training exercises. Walking or jogging on a treadmill is a good way to limber up your muscles to avoid injury. There should always be a gym instructor or fitness professional present when you exercise. A gym instructor can show you how to do each exercise properly, what equipment to use, and how to use it.

How to Lift Weights Properly

How to Lift Weights Properly for Strength Training

How to Lift Weights Properly

Knowing how to lift weights properly will reduce the risk of injury and provide a more effective workout. The following tips are applicable when doing strength training exercises:

  • Choose a weight that allows you to perform 12 to 15 repetitions when you start out. Add more weights as you gain strength.
  • Control the weight and lift slowly from the original position. Return to the starting position slowly. Although you may be tempted to do so, do not allow the weight to drop quickly to the starting position. The downward motion is just as important as the upward motion. Both are necessary parts of lifting and will work your muscles in both directions.
  • When lifting, use your muscles to complete the motion and not momentum. Do not arch your back or rock your body to get the weights up. If you have to swing your body to lift weights, you may be trying to lift too much weight. Reduce the load and learn how to lift weights properly.
  • Move the weights through the full range of motion for the exercise. You should feel your muscles stretching and contracting fully with each repetition.
  • Don’t forget to breathe continuously while lifting. As you lift the weight, exhale through your mouth. Inhale through your nose as you lower the weight. A lot of people hold their breath when lifting weights. This is a dangerous practice as it can cause your blood pressure to spike.
  • Use a spotter when doing exercises where you may accidentally drop a barbell or dumbbell on yourself. Part of knowing how to lift weights properly includes making sure there’s another person close by to monitor you when you are working with free weights. You’ll be able to push yourself harder if you have a spotter who can help make sure you do not injure yourself as you make that final rep.

You always have to remember to be careful, mindful and focussed when lifting weights properly. Strength training can transform your body when done right.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Fasting Tips to Ensure Success

Whether you’re fasting to lose weight, cleanse your body or for a spiritual experience, you’ll want to do what you can to ensure that the fast is successful. When a fast is successful you can see it in your eyes and skin and feel it inside your body. Your eyes will be clear and bright, inside organs will feel renewed and begin to work properly ? and your outside organ (skin) will glow. These fasting tips should lead you in the right direction, but you should also make sure you’re following the directions of the fasting plan you choose.

Fasting Tips to Ensure Success

Fasting Tips to Ensure Success

Fasting Tips to Ensure Success

One of the main ways you can ensure fasting success is to select a time to fast when your life is least demanding. Stress and a noisy and chaotic environment will keep you from focusing on the fast and how you’re reacting to it. You’ll need to slow down while you’re fasting, meditate, keep a journal and allow no distractions that will pull you away from the fasting plan.

Don’t begin with a fasting plan you can’t possibly keep up with. If you’re new to fasting, don’t begin with a strict water diet and plan to be on it for days. A better plan would be one that allows fruit juices and fruits and vegetables. As long as you’re eating something, you won’t be as apt to become discouraged and quit the fast. If you enjoyed the fast and the benefits received you can later move on to a more rigorous plan.

Is Fasting Deprivation?

Fasting is the height of deprivation for some ? and a new-found friend for others. If you tell friends and family about the upcoming fasting plan you may have a different reaction than what you think. Some might warn that you’ll become ill or a number of other reasons that you should quit the fast immediately. Others may simply be skeptical of the process. Avoid negative comments and thoughts about the fast by keeping the plan mostly to yourself. If you follow these fasting tips and the instructions for the type of fast you chose, you should do well.

Prepare your body for the fasting process by cutting down on the amount of calories you consume. If you’re used to eating lots of fast foods, carbohydrates and sugar-laden foods, cut them drastically before the fast. Your body will be more ready to accept the nutrients and vitamins contained in your new diet. Also, avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.

You’ll need a good juicer for a juice fast and then afterward for creating your own. Juices at the supermarket contain additives and preservatives that you won’t want to contaminate your newly-cleansed body. The same goes for fruits, vegetables and teas ? be sure they’re fresh and organically grown.

The most important of these fasting tips is to see your health care provider for a complete checkup before embarking on a fast plan or any other diet that might make your system react in a negative manner. If you already have a health problem, such as diabetes, it’s even more important for you to have a checkup before beginning to fast.