Weight Loss Exercise

Quick Ways to Gain Weight

Most people are desperate to lose a few extra pounds, but there are also many people who are more interested in finding quick ways to gain weight. Being thin is not a good thing, because underweight people often have weaker immune systems, get sick easily, and recover more slowly from an illness. If you don’t want to look thin and malnourished, here’s what you can do to fill out your body in a healthy way.

High-calorie diet to Gain Weight

Quick Ways to Gain Weight

Let’s face it. You can’t gain weight if you don’t eat enough. The fastest way to gain weight is to include calorie-dense foods in your diet. In order to gain one pound per week, you need to consume about 500 calories more than you burn per day. Stay healthy by choosing high-calorie foods that are rich in nutrients.

  • Include healthy fats and oils in your diet. On a weight basis, fats and oils pack twice the number of calories found in carbohydrates and proteins. A tablespoon of fat or oil contains about 100 to 120 calories. Add healthy oils such as olive oil to salads, pasta, grilled meats and vegetables. Canola and sesame oil are also good choices. Nuts and seeds provide calories and heart-healthy oils as well.
  • Eat bigger portions. By eating more of your regular food, you’ll automatically consume more calories, which is a quick way to gain weight. Use a bigger plate so you can pile on more food. Try having second or third helpings.
  • Snack more often. Keep high-calorie foods such as nuts and dried fruits handy so you can snack on them between meals. Nuts provide about 160 to 200 calories per ounce. One-half cup of raisins has about 250 calories. Other high-calorie but less healthy snack options include cookies, chocolates candies, and corn chips. Frequent snacking is a quick way to gain weight.
  • Drink high-calorie beverages. Liquid sources can also add hundreds of calories to your total daily intake. Fruit juices, protein shakes and smoothies provide essential nutrients and calories. Avoid soft drinks; their calories come from sugars and are devoid of nutrition.

Exercise Regularly to Gain Weight

If you think that exercise is only for those who want to lose weight, you’re in for a big surprise. Regular exercise is a quick and healthy way to gain weight. A trainer can recommend exercises that will help you gain weight more quickly. Strength training exercises build muscles and help fill out your body. Extended periods of cardio exercise burn fat, so you may want to limit your cardio workout to no more than 20 minutes at a time.

The best exercises to gain weight are the ones that work multiple muscle groups. These exercises are called compound exercises. Examples of compound exercises are Squats, Deadlifts, Bench presses, and military presses. Doing lower rep sets (5-8 reps) for four or five sets would help to build muscle and your weight as well.

Physical exercise also has a way of increasing your appetite. When you eat more, you’ll gain weight more quickly.

Get enough rest to Gain Weight

You need to sleep and rest in order to allow your body to repair and rebuild itself. Muscle weight gain takes place while you sleep. Give your body sufficient rest so that it can develop muscle and mass.

Eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep are the quickest ways to gain weight while staying healthy.

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Weight Loss Exercise

5 Simple Steps to Gain Weight for Men

Being skinny or scrawny can be devastating especially for men. Fortunately, it’s possible to gain weight for men and develop bigger muscles. There’s no need to put up with being taunted or teased because there are many ways to add pounds and muscles to your body.

It’s true that some men are naturally skinny and have a hard time building a more muscular physique. Some people also have a fast metabolism, burning away calories even before they can be stored as fat. However, many men who cannot gain weight may simply not be getting enough calories and nutrients to sustain their body. A healthy weight gain plan and workout routine can help men who are struggling to add a few extra pounds.

5 Simple Steps to Gain Weight for Men

Add more calories to your diet – In order to gain weight, men need to eat more calories than they burn daily. You may think that you are eating enough but if your weight remains the same, you are not consuming enough food. If you want to gain weight fast, add 500 to 1000 extra calories per day to allow you to gain 1 to 2 pounds per week.

Your weight gain meal plan should include high quality protein sources such as beef, lean pork, chicken, fish, eggs and cheese. Milk is also an excellent source of protein. For a well-balanced meal, include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and healthy oils to your diet.

Focus on weight gain foods – One of the fastest ways to gain weight successfully for men is to consume the right types of high-calorie foods. Fast food and junk food are high in saturated fats and calories but they are an unhealthy way to gain extra pounds. Instead of building muscles, junk foods will only make you fat.

Learn to identify nutritious, high-calorie foods. Eat plenty of dense, whole grain breads, chunky soups, nuts, dried fruits, whole wheat muffins and pancakes, pastas and sweet potatoes. Add healthy oils to salads and pastas. You want foods that pack a lot of nutrients and calories per serving.

Eat more often – When you are trying to gain weight, it can be challenging to consume all the calories you need in just three meals. Increase your calorie intake by eating snacks between meals and before bedtime. For your snacks, eat calorie-dense foods such as sandwiches made of peanut butter and whole grain bread, protein powder shake, dried fruits and nuts, trail mix, cheese, etc.

Lift big – Men on a weight gain diet need to exercise in order to avoid getting fat. A strength training program is the best way to stimulate muscle growth. Lift weights at least three time a week, and aim to progressively increase the weight to boost muscle development and add bulk to your physique.

Go easy on cardio exercises – Cardiovascular exercise is important but if your goal is to gain weight and increase muscle mass, it’s best to keep your cardio workouts light. Too much cardio can burn too many calories and prevent you from gaining weight. Limit aerobic workouts to brisk walking or a similar exercise a few times per week.