Weight Loss Exercise

Diet Scams and how to spot them

I am sure that most people that have tried a diet have wondered about all of these diets or plans that seem to go to be true. I have found a great site for researching Diet Scams and it is worth checking out.

Also Ediets has a diet scam page. There are also other kind of scams, every now and then some kind of product comes on the market that is supposed to help you lose weight and often they can be dangerous.

It all comes down to a few factors to see if a weight loss plan makes sense to try or if it is a diet scam.

1. Does the diet have a reason to work? Do you do exercise to increase metabolism? Do you decrease your caloric intake to lose weight? If not it is probably a diet scam.

2. Is the diet sustainable for the rest of your life? Most diets are just that, a diet to be on for a few months with no plan as to how you will eat after it is over. Although some of these work it is really a diet scam if there is not plan that you know of to come off the diet.

3. Is there some strange herb that will increase your metabolism? I have seen at least a couple dozen of these magic herbs over the last few years and none of them has stayed for long. One of the problems is that to increase your metabolism to magically lose weight these herbs are a danger to your heart or liver. All of these herbs are in my opinion a diet scam unless they can prove otherwise with scientific backing not just testemonials.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Step By Step Approach To Setting A Realistic Weight Loss Goal

A lot of people will say “I need to lose weight” but they do not know how much weight they really want to lose or how they are going to go about losing this weight. Having a plan and realistic goals can make a big difference in the success or failure of your weight loss plan. Most people do not know how to create a realistic weight loss goal though.

Weight loss goal setting is the first and most important step to losing weight. There is not a set method for setting weight loss goals, but there are some tips to make these goals more effective. These tips are easy to follow and are highly effective at creating realistic goals that can actually be achieved.

1. Determine how much weight you really want or need to lose in order to be healthy. Your medical professional can help you to determine how much weigh you need to lose. This will be done through a person’s BMI and body fat ratio.

2. Break this large goal into smaller goals. A good average to think of is a pound a week. This is a healthy amount of weight to lose in a short period of time and keep it off.

3. Write down your weight loss goals. This way the goals will be more solid and they can remain fresh in your mind. By writing them down, you can feel more accountable for the weight loss and less likely to cheat on these goals.

4. Write down how you plan to reach your weight loss goals. This can be through diet or exercise, but in general it is more effective to use a combination of exercise and dieting.

5. Focus on and celebrate the small weight loss goals, the 1 pound a week goals. This way you experience the joy success on a regular basis without the frustration of not completing the goals quickly. Be sure to celebrate the big goals with a bigger celebration than the small goals.

6. Review your weight loss goals on a regular basis. You may find that you need to change some of these goals based upon your changing body fat ratio and increased muscle mass. These changes can often indicate that you are further ahead than you think you are.

By taking this step by step approach to setting your weight loss goals and then completing them you have a higher chance for success. This can help you to become healthier and experience more energy. This can also improve your overall self confidence and self esteem as you complete the goals that you have set in front of yourself.

Article Word Count: 454

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Free Weight Loss Plans and Programs

Trying to lose weight is a difficult task. Not only are you being bombarded with new diet fads that promise hard to believe results, but you are also being bombarded with information that is completely false and if you try these plans you are going to less likely to stick with the new idea of losing weight. This is why it is vital that you find a healthy diet weight loss plan. Not doing so will only cause you to avoid all weight loss plans in the future and you will ultimately never lose the weight.

There are many websites that offer a free diet plan for you to utilize so that you literally lose nothing when you try these new diets. So how can you find these diets? A simple search online through a search engine will give you thousands of hits. The work then begins as you need to decipher between those that are considered a healthy diet and those that are nothing but fad plans that will only have you lose the weight for a short-term basis. You goal is to find a weight loss plan that teaches you a new way to eat without having to starve yourself in order to finally shed the pounds. Too many times people give into these plans that promise losing twenty pounds within two weeks and are surprised that after they stop the plan that they actually gain that weight back or even more weight.

So, what is the criteria that you should set for a free diet plan? For starters, you should make sure that the plan includes a balanced diet in that you are getting foods from all of the food groups. If you are only eating one type of food, for example, the cabbage diet, though you may lose weight quickly because you are essentially starving your body, you will not keep this weight off. Secondly, you want a plan that will help you lose weight by changing your life. You should not look at this as it is just as though this is temporary and once you lose the weight that you want you can then eat whatever you want. This is where most people find the hardest point to accept, this new plan needs to become how you eat from now on, so that you maintain the size that you want to be once you get there.

With the invention of the Internet, it has literally made it easier to find these free diet plans, which saves you money and the number of resources that respond when you simply type in ‘free diets’ is incredible. However, what should you watch out for? Watch out for fad plans of course, but how can you tell if the plan is a fad? Do a little extra research on the plan that you are interested in and find reviews of what other people say, look at the aspects involved in the plan to see if they appear healthy and above all else, ask your physician before you begin so that they too can look at the aspects in the plan. Also, watch out for those plans that say that they are free then ask for your credit card number in case you ever want to buy something else from them, this can more than likely be called a hoax since they are asking for your personal information.

Overall, use your common sense. If the plan seems to good to be true, then chances are that it is. Once you start it if it feels as if you stay hungry or you notice that you begin to have side-effects such as headache, nausea, fainting or whatnot from the particular plan you choose, then see a doctor as it could be this particular plan is just not giving you enough substance to survive.

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