Weight Loss Exercise

Why Tracking Is Key To Weight Loss Success

You may have tried various fad diets to try to lose weight, and all of them yielded the same results; you failed miserably. This is probably due to the fact that you went on a diet that you couldn’t maintain for the long-term. To lose weight, you need to undertake a lifestyle change, not a temporary diet. It’s more effective if you can just adjust your current lifestyle by making it healthier in several key areas.

One of the main ways you can start practicing this is by tracking the amount of calories you take in and burn on a daily basis to get a better understanding of why your old lifestyle caused you to put on weight.

Here are some reasons why tracking is one of the main keys to weight loss success:

Tracking can help you stay motivated on your weight loss journey as it is a systematic way for you to keep track of what you are eating. By tracking your calories, you will be less tempted to stray from your healthy eating plan, since if you want, you can always allocate calories for a special treat that you love, or if you overeat at a particular meal, you can compensate during another meal by eating fewer calories. This way, you will see results and stay motivated.

Tracking your calorie intake helps you change your eating habits, as you can learn portion control and learn to swap high-calorie options with lower calorie ones. Since you have a set amount of calories per day, you will be very careful with how much of the high-calorie foods you let enter your mouth.

Tracking the amount of calories you burn with your fitness endeavors will help you budget how much extra you can eat to stay on your goal, and at the same time give you a boost of encouragement every day when you see how many calories you have burned from your efforts. You will be more motivated to push yourself during workouts this way. More intense workouts mean more calories burned!

Tracking your weight loss or body measurements are a great motivation tool; when you can see the progress you’ve made in black and white, you will be very motivated to keep on going and achieve your goals. Sometimes subtle changes can be hard to see in the mirror. But when you see them on paper, you’ll know that you’re getting somewhere.

So as you can see, there are many benefits that you can get if you start tracking your calories and your progress in your weight loss. And don’t forget to make the most of the various websites and apps out there to help you keep track.



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Weight Loss Exercise

Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories

Weight loss surgery is one of the biggest life decisions anyone could make. Opting to have weight loss surgery is a crucial decision that cannot be taken lightly. Before arriving at a decision, people want to know all they can about the surgical procedure, what to expect, risks and benefits, and how it can possibly change their lives. The personal experiences of other patients who have undergone the weight loss surgery are just as important as scientific publications, if not more so. This is the reason why people want to read weight loss surgery success stories.

Importance Of  Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories

Reading success stories after weight loss surgery can provide inspiration to people who suffer from obesity. It tells them that there is hope yet, and they too can achieve a normal and healthy weight. Personal success stories told by real people can help allay any fears and doubts an individual may have about a surgical procedure. Weight loss surgery success stories are often accompanied by “before” and “after” photos that provide concrete evidence of what they can hope to accomplish with bariatric weight loss surgery.

While sharing your success story can inspire others, it can also benefit you. Your weight loss success can give you the confidence you need to face other challenges.

Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories of Real People

Lynda’s Story

Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories

Weight Loss Surgery

Lynda had been morbidly obese for most of her life. Standing only 5 feet tall, she weighed 305 pounds and had a BMI of 57. She felt constantly tired and depressed, and found it difficult to move about. Finally, she decided to undergo gastric bypass surgery in order to lose weight and improve her health. After her weight loss surgery, she was able to lose 72 lbs in just three months. One year after her weight loss surgery, she had lost a total of 154 pounds and her BMI had dropped to 31. Lynda now has more energy and her blood pressure is normal. She exercises regularly and does aerobics and weight training to maintain a healthy weight.

Robert’s Story

Grossly overweight and burdened with diabetes and high cholesterol, Robert finally realized that his only hope to achieve a healthy weight was to undergo bariatric surgery. He opted for duodenal switch surgery. Two years after the bariatric surgery, Robert had lost a total of 210 lbs. He is now physically active and is healthier than before.

Colleen’s Story

At age 50 and weighing 323 pounds, Colleen knew that she had to do something drastic to start losing weight permanently, otherwise she would die early. For many years she had been dieting and struggling with her weight problems. Because diet and exercise did not work for her, Colleen finally opted for weight loss surgery. The LAP-Band procedure helped her lose a total of 140 pounds. She now has more energy and exercises regularly by walking 6 miles a day to keep the weight off.

Weight Loss Surgery Realistic Expectations

Reading weight loss surgery success stories may give people unrealistic expectations about bariatric surgery. It’s important for people to keep in mind that they may not be able to lose as much weight in the same amount of time as someone else. Neither can weight loss after bariatric surgery guarantee that you will stop feeling depressed, unattractive or inferior, if you have been feeling that way before weight loss. Counseling can be beneficial for some people who have negative feelings about themselves.

Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories

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Weight Loss Exercise

Flush Out Fat With These 5 Tips

Kicking your metabolism into shape so that you burn more calories rather than adding more fat to your body may take some drastic measures. Flushing the fat from your body is one way to increase your metabolic rate. It also rids the body of toxins that cause you to feel bloated and sluggish.

Fat tends to find a home in your body in three main areas ? butt, hips and thighs. Flushing out the fat targets these areas of your body rather than other diets where you may actually lose muscle mass.

Here are five tips for flushing unwanted fat out of your body that will lead you to weight loss success.

1. Lower calorie intake. Calorie count should be between 1000 and 1500 daily for the first couple of weeks.
2. During your fat flushing diet, you should add some good fat (such as flaxseed oil) as well as some protein, vegetables and fruit. Spices (such as cayenne pepper) are also a great addition to the diet plan.
3. Drink plenty of water, green tea and other liquids that act as a diuretic to flush out toxins and fat.
4. Get plenty of sleep. Sleep acts as a restorative process for your body and shouldn’t be neglected.
5. Keep track of all your activities, food and drink. You can jot the information in a notebook or enter it into one of the many online “journals” that are available.

Exercise is also important during this time, but don’t overdo it. You may feel weak because of decreased calorie intake. A brisk walk around the block or ten minutes on the treadmill will suffice.

After two weeks of the above regimen, you can increase your calorie intake to 1500 calories and add more carbohydrates to your diet. Follow this plan until you reach your desired weight. By then, your metabolism will have the boost it needs to work more efficiently.

Some medical professionals find that drastically lowering your calories is unhealthy and maintain that you’ll eventually put the weight back on. It’s true that you lose weight rapidly and unless you stick to the diet, you’ll more than likely put the pounds back on at a later time.

But you have a deadline to meet (such as fitting into that new bikini before your first trip to the beach), try the fat flushing diet for a couple of weeks to see quick and pleasing results.

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