Weight Loss Exercise

Begin Weight Loss With a Clean Slate – Fast Diets

Preparing your body for weight loss by choosing from the many available fast diets can give you a clean slate that will ensure the foods you eat on a diet plan are absorbed into your body the way they should. Valuable nutrients and vitamins can’t be properly distributed in a body that’s clogged with contaminates.

These pollutants inhibit the filtering organs like the kidneys and liver and restrict their effectiveness, causing the good food that you eat to be less effective in your weight loss program. But, when you begin a weight loss plan by fasting for awhile, these toxins are flushed from your body in a natural manner and the organs will be working faster and more effective when you begin eating normally.

There are many types of fast diets available, for almost any type of lifestyle. Some of the most popular ones include:

· Juice fasts ? Drinking only fruit and vegetable juices is a form of detox diet. No food is consumed during the fast ? only juices and water. Juice fasts are used for fast weight loss and stubborn pounds that you’re having difficult losing.

· Raw food fast ? A great alternative to strictly liquid diets, you can munch on raw veggies and fruits during the day and of course drink plenty of water. Sometimes juice is allowed on a raw food fast, depending on which one you choose.

· Tea fast ? There are certain types of teas that promote body detoxification and help you lose those stubborn pounds. Just be sure that you choose organically grown teas that are free from additives.

There are several different ways you can fast ? or make up your own. Fast on the weekends if you wish or fast one day and eat healthily on the next. When you’re attempting to lose weight, it sometimes helps to lessen caloric intake drastically for awhile. Your taste buds will be ready and willing to accept healthy foods that are free from chemicals and additives.

When fasting does its job, your entire system will be cleansed of most of the harmful side effects of eating what most of us are guilty of eating ? fast foods, processed foods and too much starch and sugar. The cravings for these foods will eventually disappear as you replace a “normal” diet with a healthy one.

Since your organs are more effective after a fast, they can do their jobs better and weight loss will be rapid. There are so many health benefits when you fast, but you also have to be careful about which fast you choose. For example, if you’re pregnant or suffer from a disease like diabetes, fast diets probably aren’t something you should try. Before any type of diet change be sure and get a complete checkup from your health care provider.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Vitamins and your health | vitamins and health

Vitamins are a little controversial as there are two sides to an argument as to whether our diets in North America have enough nutrients or not.

I eat what I think is a full diet of the good food that I need but still am not sure as to weather I eat all the vitamins and minerals necessary to stay healthy and to allow myself to rebuild my body from the environment and my daily exercise so I take some Vitamins.

Here is what I take:
2 multivitamin pills per day one in the morning and one in the evening
1 calcium pill in the evening with dinner
1 omega 3-6-9 in the evening with dinner

This may seem to some as overkill but I know that I have always felt better day in and day our when I am remembering to take multivitamins.

There are a few things to look for in a multivitamin that I always look for myself. The first thing is looking for B vitamins; B vitamins are good for combating stress to the body so I find they are important. In a multi you will find that the B vitamins are usually 2-3 milligrams as they are more expensive to produce and most companies minimize their costs by keeping the amount of this essential vitamin down. Look through all of the multi vitamins in the stores nearby for B vitamins in the 40-50 milligram range instead but still be aware of the price that you are paying.

I try also to stay away from the health food and nutrition stores as the vitamins that they sell are a lot more expensive and I am not sure that they are worth it, so I usually just go to the local grocery store or pharmacy and look there.

Among the other vitamins that I take Calcium I take as I am not sure that I am taking in enough and my wife worries about osteoporosis and who would really want brittle bones anyway. I take the Omega vitamins as they are good for your heart. Also be aware of antioxidants, these are vitamins Beta Carotene (Vitamin A), C, and E are thought to slow down the aging process by removing free radicals from your body.

Although I may be a little aggressive with my vitamin intake compared to some people it seems to me good prevention to at least take a multivitamin once a day and to try to keep up with nutritional info as you see it in the news.

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General Weight Loss Tips


I’m entering (or have entered) a new chapter in my life. A chapter that isn’t marked by a graduation, marriage, or child. Instead, it is marked by a change in perspective or enlightenment. To the outside world I probably appear to be the same person I was a few months ago, but to me I feel like I’ve just shed a skin. I’m still me, of course, but now I actually believe I deserve goodness in my life.

I can’t explain it, and honestly I see it all around me, but none of us truly seem to believe we are worth the extra effort. The investment in our lives to make it exactly the way we want it to be. It feels indulgent, and selfish once you’re here; there is the usual fear stuff that pops up. This chapter is scary for me, because it’s new.

What exactly do I mean? I’m taking inventory of my life right now and liking what I see. And not only do I like what I see, but I feel like I deserve what I’ve brought to myself. I don’t mean perfection, I just mean satisfaction. I deserve a healthy body that can move, so I exercise. I wanted to be around creative people, so I sought them out. I wanted a beautiful space, so I created one. I wanted a good marriage, so I chose the right person (it helps that he chose me too). I wanted to feel and share love, so I adopted two kitties and sponsored a child. I want to learn new things, so I read ( a lot). I want to connect, so I reach out. I want to explore, so I travel. I want to eat good food, so I cook. I want to express myself, so I blog.

All of these actions bring me to the space I want to be in. The space I never really believed I deserved. I look at all of these little things and think “how did I get so lucky?” and realize that it’s not just luck, it’s intention. And sometimes all of these intentional actions make me feel like an alien in a world of people who do not see themselves, or me, as deserving. But we are. And I am. Even though I’m sometimes scared to admit it.

There is a lot of guilt that comes from living your life to the fullest (whatever that means), especially when there is so much suffering in the world. Should we not dress well because many people cannot? Should we not make our space as beautiful as possible? Should we not exercise our bodies because some people are not able? Should we not eat the best food possible because others are starving?

I think about these things a lot. And I’ve come to realize (for now anyway) that to not be the best version of myself, to deny opportunities, to not exercise the body that can move- would be a disservice to myself. If I am presented a door and choose to not open it, no one benefits.

I believe that when I fully take advantage of my gifts (and believe I deserve to) not only do I improve my life, but those around me. I cannot help anyone if I don’t believe I’m deserving of goodness.

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