Weight Loss Exercise

Eliminating Sugar from Your Diet

When following the Paleo Diet you will see that all sugary foods are banned. Even though this might be hard for some people, eliminating sugar from your diet is a good thing!

Yes, sugar does taste good but it also contains fats and huge amounts of calories. Not good for anyone wanting to lose weight! Sugar is addictive and you will find that the more you eat, the more your body will crave sugar.

Eliminating Sugar from Your Diet

Your body cannot handle all this sugar and will store excess sugar as fat. This fat shows up on your hips, thighs, buttocks and stomach.

As well as food cravings sugar is responsible for making you feel tired. If you eat too much sugar you may find that you wake up tired. You don’t feel refreshed at all. You can get rid of this tiredness but eating more sugar but then the cycle starts over again. You feel better from the sugar high but your body crashes leaving you feeling extremely hungry and fatigued.

Breaking the Sugar Cycle

So how do you break this cycle, how do you eliminate sugar from your diet? Well the obvious way is by eliminating as much sugar as possible from your diet.

Eliminating Sugar from Your Diet

Eliminating Sugar from Your Diet

Cutting back on soft drinks, processed foods, crackers, muffins and cookies is a good start. You should also be careful about choosing fruits which are high in sugar. If you are trying to lose weight only eat one or two pieces of fruit per day.

People who eat high amounts of sugar have been found to have high triglyceride levels, plus their good (HDL) cholesterol levels are low. Low HDL levels are a cause for heart attacks.

The amount of sugar that you can safely eat is around 8 teaspoons per day, or 100 calories for women and 150 calories from sugar for men. This amount of sugar can be found in one can of soda!

The best way to eliminate sugar from your diet is to take one step at a time. Start by replacing those soft drinks with herbal tea or water. Water will actually help flush out toxins from your body and jump start your weight loss efforts.

Start eating regularly and allow yourself small snacks in between each meal. Sugar is known to curb your hunger quickly, so not allowing yourself to suffer from those hunger attacks is key. By keeping your body full with nourishing healthy foods you can overcome your sugar cravings and eliminating sugar from your diet within a few days.

If you do decide to quit sugar totally the first two to three days will be the hardest to get through. Your body will crave something sweet so make sure you have snacks such as nuts or berries on hand to eat.

Stress is another cause of sugar cravings and if you find yourself wanting to eat when stressed then it is time to deal with the cause of your stress. Taking the time to find out the root cause and handling it is the only way to remove stress from your life. As well as making you crave sugar stress can cause all kinds of health issues including heart attacks and death!

By following the Paleo diet you will only be consuming sugar that is found naturally in foods. By eliminating sugar from your diet you should experience a sharp drop in your weight quite quickly.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Lose Belly Fat Naturally: 7 Useful Tips

In some people, fat accumulates in the hips, thighs, and buttocks. Others find fat accumulating in their midsection or stomach. While excess fat in any area is bad, visceral fat or fat that accumulates in the abdomen is more dangerous. It increases the risk of developing heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. If you are wary of medical treatments and weight-loss pills, you may want to know how to lose belly fat naturally.

Exercise and diet changes are the best ways to lose belly fat naturally. There are also other steps you can take to reduce belly fat safely.

Lose Belly Fat Naturally: 7 Useful Tips

Have you thought that maybe you have the whole picture wrong about how to get six pack abs? There is this fantastic diet and exercise system that will teach you everything you need to know about how to get a firm and trim midsection and that allows your ab muscles to show through.Check out my Six Pack Abs review now.

How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally

1. Get a good night’s sleep. You need 6-8 hours of sound sleep to maintain a healthy body. When you are sleep deprived, your metabolism drops by 10-15%. Sleep deprivation also causes glucose intolerance and increases the production of cortisol, causing you to feel hungry. Getting enough sleep helps reduce fat storage in the body.

2. Don’t skip breakfast. Mom was right. A good breakfast jumpstarts your metabolism and gives it a boost. Eat more proteins for breakfast. You’ll feel full longer and prevent food cravings that will have you eating more. Eating breakfast will help you lose body and belly fat naturally.

3. Consume low-calorie, nutrient-dense food. Eat more fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds and legumes. Choose lean cuts of meat and low-fat or fat-free dairy products. Avoid highly processed foods that contain high amounts of sodium, fats and sugar. Healthy foods will help you lose belly fat naturally.

4. Perform cardiovascular exercises. Cardio workout should be done for at least 30 minutes to encourage fat burning. Brisk walking, jogging, biking, swimming, and kickboxing are excellent forms of aerobic or cardio exercise.

5. Develop your abdominal muscles. Targeting your abs will help tone and flatten your belly. Some of the best abs exercises that will help you lose belly fat naturally include crunches, sit-ups, leg raises, and pelvic tilts.

6. Get stronger. Lift weights to develop your muscles and increase muscle mass. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat does, even while at rest. When your muscle mass increases, your metabolic rate will also increase. Your body will burn more calories and you will lose belly fat naturally.

7. Eat less but eat more often. Have a light snack once every two to three hours between meals to increase the rate of your metabolism. Snack on fruits, vegetables, healthy nuts, and other natural foods. Include whole-grain cereals in all your meals. Whole grain cereals are high in fiber, low in calories, and will keep you feeling full longer. Try some fat-burning foods that will help you lose belly fat naturally.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Final Phase Fat Loss 2 (Pre Release)

Final Phase Fat Loss 2 (Pre Release)

Final Phase Fat Loss

Final Phase Fat loss 2 is not yet released but today and tomorrow there is a half off sale for it. I am really busy these days updating content on this blog and I almost missed this cheap offer.

It seems that John Romaniello, who released Final Phase Fat Loss last year is doing a re-release now I got a link to the presale and for two days it is on sale for 52% off and there are a bunch of bonuses as well right now.

John is not one of those really famous guys in training. He isn’t famous like Bob Harper or Jillian Michaels but the funny thing is that many of the big name internet based trainers go to him for losing weight. Guys like Vince Del Monte the writer of No Nonsense Muscle Building and Isabel De Los Rios the author of The Diet Solution Program use this very program to lose their last few pounds.

Although the Final Phase Fat Loss program isn’t for everyone, I would recommend it IF you fall into one of these 3 categories (Male or Female):

– You’re struggling to lose the last 10-20 lbs of stubborn fat.

– You’ve lost “some” weight, but have hit a plateau.

– You suffer from regional “problem areas” (belly, hips, thighs, etc.)

Here is a link to the program to check it out

Questions about Final Phase Fat Loss

What if I have more than 10 lbs to lose?

Final Phase Fat Loss 2 (Pre Release)

Final Phase Fat Loss

Even with more than 10 pounds to lose, you can ABSOLUTELY still benefit from using Final Phase Fat Loss! You see, FPFL can work for a host of people because it is one of the most advanced and sophisticated fat loss programs available. Now, while I certainly can’t list them all, I’ll give you the top 3 types of people who can benefit from the program.

1) Anyone who has hit a fat loss plateau. If you have been struggling at the same weight for a while and need to break through and start your fat loss again, Final Phase Fat Loss can do that.

2) Anyone who has been doing fat loss training for a while, and is looking to take it up a notch and bring their programming and their physique to the next level.

3) Anyone trying to lose the last 5-15 pounds. If that’s you, you NEED to be on this program. Now, I am going to guess if you’re reading this, you fall into at least one of these categories. So, isn’t it obvious by now? YOU will benefit from this program!

Can this program really help me lose fat from my “problem areas”? Absolutely! Problem areas are problems because of the hormones that create them. The places you store your fat the easiest, and from which it is the hardest to lose, are generally heavily influenced by certain hormones. As an example, if you store fat mostly in the belly, then chances are you have high cortisol. This is a special program.

Not only are the unique workouts exceptionally good from a general perspective in terms of overall fat loss, but they ALSO have been designed to specifically call for the release of certain hormones that will help to offset your hormone related fat storage. For example, if you do have belly fat, lactic acid training (which produces growth hormones) will help you to burn it.

Final Phase Fat Loss 2 (Pre Release)Is Final Phase Fat Loss for men or for women?

Men and women can benefit equally. Fat doesn’t discriminate when it comes to who gains weight, and neither should programs discriminate on the fat they fight. Quite a few of my best clients are women; they tend to be the hardest workers…especially the brides! In fact, I’ve never seen ANYONE work harder in the gym than a women preparing for her wedding! As for men, generally speaking, guys have a higher level of familiarity with weight training…therefore the learning curve is a bit smoother for them.

As well, men MAY have a slightly easier time in the beginning (but not for long!). So go to the following link and just check out what John is offering.

Final Phase Fat Loss 2 (Pre Release)

But it is important to do it today or tomorrow as it will be gone soon and back up to the regular price. Final phase fat loss may be exactly what you are looking for to build that beach body.


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