General Weight Loss Tips

Don’t Let Your Mind Bully Your Body

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I found this print by Lori Weitzel on pinterest and had to put it up. Isn’t this the truth? I deal with my mind every single day. It likes to justify and convince me that my bad habits are survival. That I need to eat until I can’t move or until I’m sick. That it’s just this one time, tomorrow I will be good. It’s as though food is oxygen and even though I’ve had enough, it wants more. And every time I turn it down and say no, the bully gets weaker. I imagine it takes a very long time for the bully to play a very small part in my life. So small, that he won’t even make it to the end credits.

I’ve made a list of all the reasons why I don’t want to eat too much food. This list is best written after eating too much, because for me, it’s more true and it hits harder. This list is helpful for when the bully or the lower brain works with me to justify making me sick. It tells me I’ve earned it, that I’ve had a bad day or that I’m not worth the trouble. It tells me that food will smooth things over and make everything uncomfortable go away.

One thing on my list is how dramatically different I feel. When I’ve had just enough food, I feel like I can do anything. I feel hopeful, excited, and optimistic. When I eat too much food I feel depressed, moody and hopeless. It feels as though the earth will open up and swallow me. It feels like I will never make anything great happen. Knowing the truth helps me to ignore the bully, it makes me stronger.

What’s on your list?

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General Weight Loss Tips


choppedsalad1 Chopped

I’m going to go ahead and congratulate myself again for prepping vegetables last night. It was late, I was tried and so ready for bed, but I convinced myself to cut up all the vegetables anyway. Thank you self. I was able to throw this salad together in about five minutes. Spinach, cherry tomatoes, red cabbage, green onions, cauliflower, monterey jack, cucumber, one egg and couple of pan-fried slices of polenta.

choppedsalad2 Chopped

And then the dressing, oh the dressing. Let me just come clean once and for all: I’m a creamy dressing person. Blame it on my West Virginia upbringing if you will, but I love ranch dressing. That love runs deep. And while I do like the occasional homemade vingrette, my heart and soul truly wants creamy dressing. And because I don’t always have ranch on hand, this is a good thing, I decided to make something up.

Creamy Salsa Dressing

1 T sour cream, 1/2 T mayonnaise, and 2-3 T homemade salsa. Mix it up, toss it with your fixings and behold, a better alternative to ranch. I love it so much that I could dedicate myself to a salad every single day.

I also had a serving of trail mix for a snack. Trail mix is hilarious. Have you seen what a serving looks like?

This was my first time cooking with pre-made polenta and I really enjoyed the added texture and flavor in my salad. I have a whole polenta log left, any idea as to what I should make with it?

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General Weight Loss Tips


I’ve written this sort of post before, but I just haven’t had a lot to say this week. So I’m posting to say that I’ve been exercising every day as well as counting calories (staying around 1,600 a day) and things are going well.

I’m in a groove. My food posts wouldn’t be very interesting because I’m eating the same meals over and over again right now. It’s just comforting to eat 1/2 c meusli with 1/2 C of milk and know that it will be good and keep me full for hours with only 255 calories.

For lunch, I am eating a hot sandwich using my panini press. Usually chicken and muenster on whole wheat. Maybe a side of spinach or carrots.

And for dinner you will find us eating rice with either a lentil/onion indian dish or thai red or green curry with shrimp or chicken and vegetables. Coconut milk and basmati rice are in regular rotation around here.

After my workout, I break out the food processor for a frozen fruit smoothie. One banana, one cup strawberries, one cup blue berries, juice of one tangerine and one cup milk. If I have it I’ll add mango, or vanilla almond milk.

Sometimes it varies, but right now, this is good, healthful, comforting food for me. It’s predictable. Something I usually hate. I love variety and I’m sure next week I’ll switch to eating something else every single day. But this week, I know what I’m probably going to eat. And I know that I am most definitely going to exercise and push myself.

I feel good. I feel a vibration of health running through me. I don’t even know what that means, but I was at the grocery story last week, several hours after yoga and I just felt whole and balanced. Standing there in the aisle, I unexpectedly felt whole. Things are happening, and I feel like I’m on my path.

I realized in an almost alarming way that I am content right now. Not settled, not stunted or too comfortable, but content. I don’t want for anything at the moment. I don’t feel a push to be more than who I am being right now. I know it’s because of exercise and eating well. I know it’s because I have 10 bags of stuff to donate to goodwill today. I know it’s because I’ve hit a balance that I am pleased with.

I feel good.

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