Weight Loss Exercise


Most beginner dieters, weightlifters, heck any fitness person is impatient to get started and skip the most important step – setting smart goals. As a result, they soon lose focus and motivation. The first burst of energy that starts us on the road to building a great body soon fades away, especially since most beginners quickly wear themselves thin by overtraining. If you do not have clear goals to keep up your motivation at this point, you can easily lose your way.

Creating SMART Goals

So take some time right now to write down your goals. Like any goals that you might set in work or life, your goals in bodybuilding should be S.M.A.R.T. – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. Let’s look at what each of these smart goals parts means in terms of bodybuilding workouts.

SMART Goal – Specific



A specific smart goals is one that clearly says what you want to accomplish, along with how, when and where you will do it. ‘Get a great body’ is not a specific goal. ‘Go to the gym 4 days a week after work and train to build muscle mass’ is a more specific goal.

Even better, say exactly which muscles you will work on which days, and note down your routine. The routine for your bodybuilding workouts will change as you make progress but the overall goal of going to the gym 4 days a week to build muscle mass will remain the same.

SMART Goal –  Measurable

When you are working toward smart goals, it is very important to have some way to measure your progress.

If your goal is going to the gym for bodybuilding workouts 4 days a week, you can easily track that in a diary. But with a goal like ‘get a great body’, there is nothing to measure. So if you want to set goals in terms of the physical result, do it in terms of inches gained or weight that you can lift.

SMART Goal – Attainable

It is important to know when you have reached your smart goals. That way you can plan a reward or celebration, have a sense of achievement and start thinking about your next bodybuilding workouts goal.

This means that the goal itself, as well as your progress toward it, must be something that you can measure and know whether or not you have achieved. So your goal is to go to the gym 4 days a week – but for how long? The rest of your life? If you think that way, you will never be able to congratulate yourself on having achieved the goal. A month would be good for a beginner. Then set a new goal.

SMART Goal –  Realistic

Your smart goals needs to be something that it is possible for you to attain in a reasonable period of time. Remember that goals can change. You do not need to start out with the goal of winning the Mr. Universe contest. If contests are your thing, start with winning your division in a local contest. However, if you believe you can win Mr. Universe, then go for that. It is all a matter of believing you can do it.

SMART Goal – Timely

Whatever type of smart goals you set, it is good to give it a timeframe. Are you going for this year’s contest, next year’s or two years from now? Be specific about how much time you have to achieve your goal, and you will be set for success in any of the beginner bodybuilding workouts that you choose.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Small Changes Make a Big Difference

Small Changes Make a Big Difference

First Step to Big Change

When you are trying to get motivated to get something done then the best place to start is with something small that you can build on. A great part of motivation is the small step that you need to do to get forward momentum and once you have that you are unstoppable, but how to make that first step?

First Step to Big Change

Well there are many ways to make that first step, Leo at Zen Habits says that you should just do the minimum possible, like 2 minutes of exercise. Another thing you can do is decide that you will drink 2 cups of water first thing in the morning, or eat a healthy breakfast of Oatmeal and a banana. You can decide to park in the furthest lot at work or get off a train one stop early.

The fact is you do not have to do all of these things just do one today and again tomorrow and then without saying anything to your resistant brain do one more of these things the next day, you now have two and the momentum is there. Three weeks from now you have turned you life around with a bunch of little changes that you would not even think are possible today.

This is the best way to start this one step at a time process. Do not even look at goals for this one just get ideas and write them down and then take the easiest one and do it today. Lets say you want to improve your health. You can probably come up with 50 things along the lines of stretch while watching TV tonight, or one of the above. If you want to spend less money you could think of a great dinner for tonight and make a little bit too much and have it for leftovers tomorrow, I love leftovers.

Example – How to be more Outgoing

If you want to be more outgoing and are afraid then maybe just make it a task to go out and get a latte tonight and sit in the coffee place for 10 minutes before you leave with your coffee in hand, or sit in a crowded dog park bouncing a ball (the dogs will follow the ball and the owners will follow the dog).

The fact is that just getting out there and making small changes is the only way to any goal. If you wanted to lose 100 pounds or do the Hawaii Ironman Triathalon there is no way that you could just start hard core training, you would have to start with small steps and work up. The human mind resists change so if you trick it with these small changes you will be successful before you brain figures out that you are changing.

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Weight Loss Exercise

How To Lose Weight With MMA Training

The thought of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) for most people brings to mind two men locked in a cage, trying to knock each other out or making the other person submit through painful joint lock or choke. However, MMA is much more than that. For example, it is a great way to lose weight and get fit. Joe Riggs, a former Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC) fighter, started MMA training weighing almost 300 pounds. He made a name for himself in the UFC fighting at 170 pounds. He lost all of that weight through MMA training.

MMA Training

There are three main martial arts involved in MMA:
1. Muay Thai kickboxing
2. Wrestling
3. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)

MMA schools typically offer courses in the individual disciplines with a combined MMA class for those who are more serious and considering actually engaging in an actual MMA fight. Because of the skill level and physical conditioning required to fight MMA, most schools will not let people train Mixed Martial Arts until they have achieved a proven ability in at least one of these three arts.


The workout for any of these arts is intense. Students can expect a warm-up that includes a series of body-weight exercises, some with a partner and some without, that prepare the body for what it is about to face. After the warm-up comes a technique portion where the instructor teaches a skill followed by the students practicing, or drilling, the technique until they have it down. The technique portion of the class is followed by live drilling that allows the student to practice that technique against a fully resisting partner. Students who wish to focus only on the technique and not engage in the live drilling can elect to do that instead.

Improved Fitness

Lose Weight With MMA Training

Lose Weight With MMA Training

People who train MMA notice an improved level of conditioning pretty quickly. They are learning not only how to move their own bodies in ways that they never have before but they are learning to physically manipulate other people as well. These classes leave the individual exhausted, exhilarated and ready to come back for more. MMA students will lose weight and stay fit regardless of whether they actually decide to engage in an MMA fight or not. For those interested in fighting, understand that good MMA trainers will not let their students fight until they are capable of defending themselves in the cage.

Robbin Grey is a freelance writer who loves writing about MMA and other various martial art styles. Robbin is currently writing for the MMA Zone where she specializes in combining MMA training with health and fitness.

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