Weight Loss Exercise

Weight Loss Fast Also Has Health Benefits

Many religions use fasting as part of their faith and as an opportunity to slow down and meditate about spiritual issues. Fasting is also a method to begin a weight loss program on a positive note by removing toxins and pollutants from your body. A weight loss fast might be drinking only water, juices or tea for a day or more, or it can mean that you drastically cut your calories for a length of time.

When you cut calories, your body is forced to rely on the stores of fat it’s accumulated for energy. It’s normal to feel lethargic and experience headaches and dizziness during a strict weight loss fast, but that usually lasts for a short amount of time. You may want to fast one day or alternate days while you’re going through a weight loss plan if you have a busy schedule and don’t have time to rest during the day.

Another good weight loss fast plan is to skip meals. Skipping a dinner, for example can drastically cut calories and give your digestive system a rest while you’re sleeping. It’s been scientifically proven that when we restrict the calories in animals, they’re healthier, keep off unwanted weight and also enjoy longer lives.

Heart disease is a major problem among overweight or obese people, so we’re beginning to study and find ways to restrict calories and lose weight for health as well as to feel better about our bodies and look better in our clothes. A scientific study in Utah revealed that heart disease among people of the Mormon religion is significantly lower than the rest of the population. Mormons usually fast on the first Sunday of the month and also maintain healthy diets, avoiding caffeine, nicotine and alcohol.

Longevity is another reason to periodically engage in a weight loss fast. By cutting calories, losing weight, eating a healthy diet and avoiding processed, chemical- and pesticide-laden foods and other things you ingest that plug up our systems, your body performs better and your immune system is better prepared to ward off diseases. As you age, changes occur in your insulin level and body temperature. Periodic fasting and restricting calories on an every day basis can slow those changes and help you to age more gracefully.

Begin a weight loss fast carefully by researching which type of fasting plan is best for the lifestyle you live. One thing to beware of when fasting is that your metabolism will slow down during the fast and when you resume your normal diet, you’re likely to put the pounds back on unless you ease into it.

Along with the weight loss fast, choose an exercise plan that you can stick to. It doesn’t have to be rigorous ? a walk around the block with your pet can do wonders in keeping your metabolism up and your weight down. Good luck!

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General Weight Loss Tips

Can Fitness Help You Hit Your Goals Faster Or Will Nutrition Do It?

 It’s the current hot fad conversation for the the fitness magazines and has even been on the national news networks.  They are saying that diet is better for your to accomplish certain things and exercise is better for other things.  Before we really get going, it’s important to know that one may be more effective than the other on certain things, but you will always need both to accomplish your goals. 

With that said, let’s take a look at some different aspects of health and see how diet and your exercise routines fit into each one.   While you will probably roll your eyes, I really want you to understand that you need both to hit your goals… one will not just do. 

 Losing Weight – This is the one goal that almost every person is really going for.  In this case, if you want a faster impact then diet is quicker than exercise to help you lose weight.  When you consume less calories consistently, you will find that your body will drop body fat very fast, at least faster than exercise.   However, exercise is vital to your health because if you don’t do that then you will, overtime, lose muscle mass and that will lead to a lower metabolism. 

 Your Body Energy – The energy that you bring to your activities is really important.   I guess that I would have to give the slight advantage to exercise. Exercise allows you to very quickly boost your metabolism, but remember that you need the right diet to support that or it won’t happen.   So in this case you really can’t have one without the other… actually you can never have one without the other. 

Happiness – Being happy is one of the best benefits of exercise and in this case I will give exercise the upper hand. Exercise makes you happy because you accomplish something and when you see results, you feel wonderful.  However, keep in mind that when you eat really healthy, you feel great too because you have that sense of accomplishment and knowing that you are doing something good for your body. 

As you can tell, both are super important and both definitely feed off each other to help provide the best results from your workout plans. It’s not about one of the other… it’s about both!

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Diet Pills

Fat Loss 4 Idiots – Weight Loss That Works!

There are many products on the market today that promise this and guarantee that!  How do you know what will work? How do you know what to choose? This is a universal problem. What I turned to after losing maybe 5 pounds and then gained it back depending on what day it was, I swear to God I would not buy another fat loss pill. I have stayed true to my promise and went in another avenue to address my weight problem. Oh, where did I go you want to know?  Fat Loss 4 Idiots a sure cure because it is natural, it does not involve taking a pill an hour before you eat several times a day. It is not a powdered drink that needs to be mixed at different intervals in a 12 hour period. It is not synthetic with numerous side effects.


Do you think diets work? The fact is you cannot lose weight by counting calories, low carb or low fat intake. Also, the human body cannot be starved to death, all it does is go into survival mode because it needs to retain nourishment for the future. The other fact to starving yourself everything that passes your mouth down to your stomach will turn into fat. Another option is diet organizations that claim to help you lose weight for XXX amount of dollars. How do I know this? Been There! Done That Too!  I openly admit I have probably tried most of the weight loss fads and did not experience any desired results until I discovered the secrete behind losing those nasty inches and literally watched the pounds being shed and they stayed off.


This weight plan is about fixing your diet not starving yourself naturally. You eat small portions several times a day for 11 days  then you take one day and eat anything you want. ( I love that day) This is to fool your body that you are not dieting. Then you are ready to start anaother 11 days on this affordable diet not spending hundreds of dollars on auto shipment for diet pills, or food delivered to your door from a diet organization. I don’t know about you, but my wallet was exhausted from auto shipments!

The mystery is taken out of what foods to eat; it is all set up with instructions. Every 11 days you log into your members account and choose another set of foods and you are on your way again. How easy is that? This weight loss plan is not only easy to follow, it teaches you exactly what to eat to lose weight/fat in the shortest amount of time and acturally keep it off. I know this works. I am now at my desired weight and keeping it off. . . . . It is Heart Healthy to keep your weight gain at a minimum and also health wise because of other issues it can cause.

To Your Health!


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