General Weight Loss Tips

It’s Time

I gave myself three weeks to get over not eating sugar by allowing myself to eat pretty much what I want in the amount that I wanted. What did I discover? I can still eat a lot of calories even when sugar isn’t involved. But I already knew that and I bet you did too.

What else? white bread + real butter is crack. For real, I love bread with butter, just as much as I love a good brownie- if not more. I think.

So while I love that I’m not eating sugar, not eating it alone won’t tackle this excess weight. And that is kind of the point. I’ve been having serious conversations with myself lately in the form of:

  • How am I going to lose this weight?
  • What am I willing to sacrifice/change in order to make it happen?
  • Am I ready? (thanks to Roni for that one)
  • Why is weight my struggle?
  • And finally: WHY do I want to lose weight?

A lot of you comment/email me and mention how honest and candid I am, and I really try to keep that in my blog. I try to be as real and as honest with what I’m dealing with as possible (without totally embarrassing myself or my family) and I want to be more of that. Why?

Because I think there is a certain level of denial that goes into being a fat person. There are things I tell myself to make it okay. And why shouldn’t I? I have to function in this world, and to constantly be “woah is me” about my weight can be a waste of time. Besides, who wants to hear it? I’ve realized that few people in life care as much about my weight as I do.

I make an effort in my real life to not put myself down about my weight. I don’t play the “I’m so fat” “I have no willpower” “I’ll never be thin” “I’m off the wagon–again” card with anyone. I used to, in college, but I’m too old for that now. Nor do I praise those who seem to be effortlessly thin.

I say this all to say: denial is a big word. It’s huge, and it means something different to everyone. So I’m asking myself lately to really dig deep:

What am I telling myself to make this lifestyle okay?

How do I justify sabotage?

How do I explain eating four thousand calories in a day?

I don’t have immediate, easy, or uncomplicated answers for these questions. I’m not even sure there is one answer to them. What I do know is this: I sabotage myself out of fear. Fear of greatness. Fear of accomplishment. Fear of what other people will think. Fear that bad things will happen once I lose weight.

Illogical fear, that right now, I cannot explain. Remember that episode of Seinfeld where George says to his therapist :”God would never let me be successful; he’d kill me first. He’d never let me be happy.” Therapist: “I thought you didn’t believe in God?” George: “I do for the bad things.” It’s as crazy as that. For some reason I believe that I’m not worth caring for myself on that level. And as I type this, I know that is very silly and in my case George’s God would be me.

This is what I came up with:

How am I going to lose my excess weight? According to those often debated BMI charts I need to weigh somewhere between 108-145 lbs. The 108 made me laugh. I have no interest in weighing 108 lbs. I haven’t weighed that since I was in 4th grade. This means that I need to lose 160 pounds to be in a normal weight range for my body.

And according to the basal metabolic calculators I need to eat (at my current weight) about 1,700 calories a day with 5-6 days of exercise a week to lose a minimum of two pounds a week. And those are the mathematics of it all. I’ve discussed this here before.

But how do I make this happen? The answer leads me to…

What am I willing to sacrifice/change in order to lose weight? This is a good question and one that I’ve avoided answering for a long time. Making my weight loss a priority rather than an option is one mental shift I need to change. I want to lose weight, that is a given, but I’m not willing to do it by eating foods I don’t love, that is also a given. But what I have to understand and implement in my life is that I don’t need so much food to be a healthy, functioning adult. I don’t have to eat 100 calorie packs of popcorn for lunch to be thin. I don’t have to skip meals, drink diet soda, eat frozen meals or drink meal replacement shakes to lose weight.

But I do have to plan. I do have to be prepared. I do have to compromise and stop believing that I deserve to eat so much food instead of feeling pain. That is something that I need to come to terms with.

My next answer touches on the Am I ready? question. Am I ready to plan my meals out the day before? Am I ready to stop bringing trigger foods into the house? Am I ready to make dinner even if it’s easier to order pizza? Am I ready to take care of myself on days when it’s hard to get out of bed? Am I ready to choose the smaller portion? Am I ready not to give in to any desire to overeat? Am I ready to take the time to count calories? Am I ready to keep a journal? Am I ready to become a healthier person? Am I ready to believe I deserve to become this person? Am I ready to exercise even when I’m tired or too busy?

Up until now…I don’t think I was ready. I know I wasn’t ready, or I’d be there. I would have done this. I wanted it to be easy. I wanted to eat whatever I wanted in the amounts that I wanted and still be thin. I wanted to make few changes if any at all. I wanted to rely on a diet or a program to change me. I wanted to just buy the book, or the exercise dvd or the gym membership. I wanted the results, but I did not want to change my actions the get them.

Why do I want to lose 160+ pounds?

I truly, truly want to know what it’s like not to be fat. Not to feel overweight, not to squeeze my thighs into chairs. I want to know what it feels like to make this happen.

I want to be accepted into a health care plan. Right now, I would be denied and I couldn’t afford it. I’ve tried.

I want to get pregnant and not be fearful. I don’t want to be fat and pregnant. I don’t want to worry about a c-section, or being a high risk pregnancy. I don’t want to be exposed on the table in front of people at this weight. The thought is absolutely terrifying.

I want to be a better wife. My husband deserves a healthy wife- long term. He deserves to not worry about me having a stroke, cancer or heart attack when I’m in my 50’s.

I want to be able to run for three miles without having to stop and walk. Or having my feet go numb.

I want to go to the doctor and not have the weight talk. I want to go to the doctor and not have everything be about my weight. Like the time I had an ingrown toenail and the nurse practitioner was convinced it was because I was pre-diabetic. I wasn’t, I just needed the toenail removed.

So there you have it. I’ll be back tomorrow. It’s time to make this happen…

Diet Pills

Crack the Fat Loss Code – Start Losing Weight Today!

The human body is able to resist hunger and starvation by holding on to fat. This is the reason why it’s too difficult to lose the extra pounds no matter how hard you try. Nutrition specialist Wendy Chant has developed a lifestyle plan to Crack the Fat-Loss Code. The book was written to help you outsmart the natural cycles of the body when it comes to storing calories and burning fat. Crack the Fat-Loss Code sets itself apart from other weight loss program by focusing on speeding up your metabolism – this is done through “macro-patterning”. While the process sounds intimidating, what it actually does is to set up a routine in which you need to alternate your carbohydrate intake -carb-up, carb-down – to trick the body into believing that it doesn’t need to be so dependent on fat to resist starvation.
Crack the Fat Loss Code allows you to reprogram your body so that it will burn the fat and keep it at bay. Reprogramming involves changing your eating habits. But before you begin the program, you will appreciate the fact that the book will help you get a clear understanding of how your body works and how it responds to certain changes, specifically in the intake of certain kinds of food. With a better understanding, you will learn to appreciate the program because you see science at work and your body is the beneficiary. The first few chapters of the book will help you understand what carbohydrates, proteins, and fat are, and how the body is using them. This will give you the right mindset when starting the program. The effects of Crack the Fat Loss Code program can be seen in as early as eight weeks. It also has sample meal plans that will guide you on what types of food to eat and what food to avoid. This is not to say that you will not be able to enjoy your favorite food. You still can eat what you like once your body has been reprogrammed.
While the main goal is to lose the excess fat, the program also will help you realize that the food you are used to eating is the wrong type of food. This has a positive impact in your eating habits and you will develop the discipline to eat healthy food without craving for trashy food. One interesting explanation in the book is that most of us don’t wait for our blood sugar to level before pumping our body with sugar and carbohydrates. This is logical and yet we are al guilty of the deed. The book also tells about the danger of not eating or skipping meals only to give in to hunger pangs in the next days and be at the risk of overeating.
Crack the Fat Loss Code lets you have a better understanding of how the body stores and uses fuel. Knowing the process will help you outsmart your body. This can be the start of your journey to a healthier and leaner body.

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Diet Pills

Crack The Fat Loss Code

Sooner or later you finally say to yourself, I have to lose weight. It could even be your doctor give you the ultimatum. "Losing this weight now or you will have serious health problems soon," he said.

You may also feel depressed, which is also a double-edged sword. When we need to lose some fat in our body, we sometimes depressed about it. Depression tends to make us want to eat and eat and eat. We eat and eat, we get bigger than we were. It's a vicious circle.

You've tried all the pills and gimmick diets. Still no weight loss. You've joined Weight Watchers, still no weight loss.

So what can we do to our lives in order and find that the secret to losing weight is so elusive? What can we do to crack the code for fat loss?

Fortunately, there are programs out there that makes sense and go beyond stupid diet pills, plans for the year. You must do what your body wants to do naturally. Maintaining its own weight. Your body is designed to manage control your weight. This is true for almost everyone except perhaps someone who may have a thyroid problem or another, but most everyone has an integrated mechanism to control your weight.

Your body has a metabolism that is responsible for keeping everything in balance. Over load it and you'll never see weight loss. Under load the file and you can have serious medical problems. You can start to gain weight under load (not eating). Your weight problems begin because your body hungry and willing to take all the fat it can generate, because she is confused and does not know when your next meal will be.

The metabolism of your body is actually too smart for his own good, but it is basically a survival mechanism that most of us really need more because we have abundant food. Formerly, when food was scarce, we need to store calories as fat and then use the fat when food was hard to find.

Now that food is abundant, your body stores the calories away as fat and plans to use them. If the need ever comes to use no fat loss so you get more and more.

Some people have the metabolism is faster than others, which means they can eat and eat and never seem to gain a pound. Then others have a slower metabolism, which as long as they eat, the body decides to store fat. The older you get, the slower your metabolism, so when you get older, you start gaining weight.

It is anticipated that use and train your metabolism (almost incentive) to use your store fat and then eat the calories needed. Some seem a bit harsh but the facts, terms and methods of working the way your body wants to work. They are a training system for your body metabolism. No pills, gimmicks or tricks. Just pure science of the base. Your metabolism will speed up and keep your calories burned. It tells you exactly what to eat, when to eat and why. You must decide yourself, but if this plan is right for you and for all plans. No regime there will not work if you do not commit to it.

So. . . launch a program of weight loss, to decipher the code fat loss and start losing weight. Begin to feel better about your self and depression will also escape. It's a win-win. A happier, healthier you.