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Smoking Withdrawal Symptoms: How To Handle Them

Smoking withdrawal symptoms can be difficult to live through, both for the quitting smoker and for anybody close to them. When we take the long term view, it is clear that quitting is a very positive thing to do, but the first few days or weeks can be a difficult time. In this article we will look at the different withdrawal symptoms that you may have, so that you know what you are up against and can assure yourself that it will pass.

Smoking Withdrawal Symptoms

When we have been smoking for anything more than a few months, quitting can give us smoking withdrawal symptoms including irritation and anger, overeating, depression, difficulty concentrating and anxiety as well as the craving for tobacco products which can be overwhelming at times. Let’s take these one by one.

Irritation and anger

Most people who quit smoking become irritable. They are not a lot of fun to be around for the first few days. Some people may even have violent mood swings. Nicotine replacement therapies such as patches or gum can be very helpful in reducing this symptom. They make it easier on the smoker and on his or her family and friends.

Depression and anxiety

Smoking withdrawal symptoms

Smoking withdrawal symptoms

Some people suffer from depression and anxiety as smoking withdrawal symptoms. These can be serious so if you have this problem, talk to your doctor about prescription meds including Zyban, an anti-depressant that also reduces the physical smoking withdrawal symptoms.


There are two reasons why people often overeat when they quit smoking. The first is the habit of having something in your mouth. You can deal with this by using regular sugar-free gum. But it is also true that nicotine acts as an appetite suppressant.

If you are a slim person without a tendency to overeat, you do not need to be concerned. Any weight gain that you have will almost certainly be temporary. If your weight has not begun to reduce again six months after quitting, you can probably lose the excess very easily by adopting healthier eating habits for a while.

If you are already overweight, on the other hand, the fear of gaining more weight may be enough to prevent you from quitting. If you do quit, you will be tempted to light a cigarette if you gain a single pound. In this case nicotine replacement gum can be an excellent aid. It gives you something to chew on and also delivers appetite-reducing nicotine.

Combat Smoking withdrawal symptoms

Smoking withdrawal symptoms can sound scary. However, the first thing to remember if you are bothered by the idea of smoking withdrawal symptoms is that in fact, these symptoms are caused by the nicotine itself. It’s not because you are not smoking now that you begin snapping at all of your family and friends – it’s because you began smoking all those years ago. If you had never smoked you would not experience these symptoms.

Imagine if you could easily use the same method that allowed Paul Peyton, a heavy smoker for more than 14 years, ? to permanently quit overnight… Wouldn’t that be wonderful?Well, guess what – you can. In fact, ANYONE can do it.But first, you need to understand where you’ve gone wrong in the past… Treating just the physical addiction to smoking. But it can only be removed completely by using targeted psychotherapeutic techniques. NOT by ignoring it and hoping it will go away. And CERTAINLY NOT by throwing even more nicotine at it, in the form of patches or gum. You MUST deal with BOTH parts of your addiction the right way, or you will keep getting those cravings forever…

Specific, step by step instructions ? we show you exactly what to do, so nothing is left to chance. You choose the timeframe ? implement the method at your own pace, as you feel comfortable. Tried and tested method ? this cutting-edge method has been successfully used to cure thousands of happy ex-smokers. Permanently removes your mental dependence at the subconscious level ? resulting in a permanent end to mental cravings.
Check out PermaQuit now.

So how long does it take before smoking withdrawal symptoms end? The answer is that if you quit cold turkey, you can expect them to become much less acute in just a few days. You may continue to feel them in a less intense form for 1-3 weeks, and they may continue to trouble you in a mild form for longer, but the worst of them will be over in 5-7 days. Isn’t it worth holding out against smoking withdrawal symptoms for that short time, in order to be free of addiction for the rest of your life?

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Weight Loss Exercise

Leptin – Fat Hormone Regulation

Leptin is a hormone in our body that controls fat regulation. This post is going to be a work in progress but I wanted to point out a hormone that we all have to deal with when it comes to hunger and fat loss and fat storage (getting fat).

One of the problems that I have found, and my wife as well, when Leptin is explained is that science is not very nice to us common folk. I suspect that you want to know how to lose weight and are not really too interested in becoming a biochemist to do it.

How Leptin controls fat stores

Leptin is that starvation hormone that decides that our body has to store fat if we are in a starvation situation (like animals getting ready for winter hibernation) or to burn our calories quickly (like when animals are in a hunting or hunter situation).

Basically when we eat too much food and do not exercise enough we store fat. Leptin controls that storing of fat in our body just like it would in animals but we as people with supermarkets, fast food, and easy access to the smells and tastes that we like. We kind of mess things up as far as eating when hungry comes in and do have to do something to regulate it on our own.

Okay, have you got that straight? Hope so. So when we are on any kind of a regular diet what will happen is that we lose weight for the first few days or couple weeks and then we plateau. The other crappy side effect is that our energy drops and we have trouble working out. The plateau is caused by our our Leptin levels dropping which causes our metabolism (energy burning) to slow down and at the same time our body stores as much fat as possible.

This means that we have to do something to take us out of this fat storage problem

How to Reset Leptin Levels

Leptin   Fat Hormone Regulation

Reset Leptin Levels

There is a simple way to rest our Leptin levels and this is to stop our bodies from thinking we are starving. What will happen is that you will diet for a week or week and a half and then take a day or two off and remind our bodies that we are not in a starvation phase. Some diets do this already and they call it different things. Fat Loss for Idiots calls it calorie shifting, in 24/7 Fat Loss Joel Marion calls it a cheat day.

On any diet that uses this strategy you don’t just go and gorge, you eat normal size meals until satisfied but not worrying about fat content of the foods or carbohydrate types.

The important thing about this method is to make sure that you are reminding your body that you are safe, you are not starving, and to bring your Leptin levels back so that you are again able to lose fat and not have your body store fat.

Diet and Leptin Levels

Now that you know how this Leptin business works you have all the information you need to make your current diet or to further evaluate a diet. What you need to do is never diet hard for more than a week or two without taking a day or two off. Although these cheat days can cause a bit of weight gain if done incorrectly you will be doing more help then any single diet day to making sure that you are going to have long term weight loss success.

Weight Loss Exercise

How much water to drink

How much water to drink

How much water to drink

How much water to drink? Water is your most important nutrient. Everyone knows that the majority of our body is water. The single most important nutrient in your diet is water. Here are some facts. babies are 70% water, adults are 50-60% water and in breaking your body down, Blood is made up of 83 percent water, bones are 22 percent water, and muscle is 75 percent water. So water is really important. As you exercise and gain weight with muscle you can see that muscle is mostly water.

Most people do not drink much water if any at all. In fact both Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig both have their customers drink between 8 and 10 glasses of water a day and most people find that they lose 2-10 pounds in the first week on their diet, primarily from the water loss.

How much water to drink

Hydration is a very interesting thing. If you do not drink enough water your body seems to retain it to protect itself, once you start to drink a LOT of water you will find that for the first few days you will be running to the bathroom every hour but your body quickly adapts and you regulate quite well.

When drinking your water you will also find that your concentration gets better and you are more attentive. I have also found a very interesting attitude amongst others around me, when they see you increasing the water in your diet they will in a very condescending tone tell you that yes in fact drinking water is good for you. You are going to see this with many of the new habits that you pick up that people will seem to know these things and sometimes feel guilty to see someone else follow through on them.

One thing you will really find after you discover how much water to drink  is that your energy and concentration will improve by a significant amount as you drink more water on a daily basis.

Finally just one thing that I have found is that I kick start my day by drinking about 3 glasses of my water first thing before I get on my bike to start my day. I think that how much water to drink is up to you and that more is usually better.

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