Weight Loss Products

Weight Loss: How to lose weight fast without exercising

Look after your gut

According to nutritionist Sarah Flower, maintaining a healthy gut with good bowel flora is not only virtual for the immune system, but also helps reduce bloating.

She revealed: “Taking a good quality probiotic daily, as well as eating more prebiotic foods such as kefir, yoghurt, sauerkraut, onions, leeks and garlic can really help you beat the bloat.

“Some people have also found that cutting back on wheat also aids with bloating.”

Grab a coffee

Turn your addiction for coffee into a healthy addiction by swapping your regular latte for a beverage such Skinny Coffee Club coffee, contains a blend of ground coffee, green coffee bean extract, green tea extract, spirulina, Garcinia Cambogia and Siberian ginseng, which boosts weight loss.

Other hot drinks such as green tea will also help speed up weight loss, known to burn an extra 100 calories a day.

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