Weight Loss Exercise

Six Pack Ab Weight Loss Strategies

Some people are not satisfied with just basic weight loss; what they also want is to get great six pack abs like their favorite celebrities.

You will be happy to know that it is quite easy to do, and doesn’t involve working out rigorously for endless hours either. You have to remember though that you need to lose weight, and that weight will come off your whole body not just your midsection.

In this article I will tell you about two simple loss strategies which will not only help you achieve quick loss but also the six pack abs you desire so much.

Six Pack Ab Weight Loss Strategies

channing-tatum1. Do the correct workouts: The days of long bring cardios are over. Truth to be told, cardios can hardly help you with fast loss, let alone acquiring six pack abs. Instead of cardios, you should focus on intense workouts which not only help you burn fat fast but also build strong lean muscles for you. With the help of lean muscles, you will be able to burn fat even at rest.

It is also important that you have your focus correct when you select your workouts.

The golden rule of loss is that our body typically starts burning fat from the upper and mid sections, that is, your chest, waist, back, etc. Therefore you should focus on workouts which help you burn fat in these areas.

If you think that doing continuous sit-ups and ab crunches would help you acquire six pack abs quickly, you could not be further from the truth. These will build the muscle, but behind the layer of fat.

2. Follow the correct nutrition plan: Eating right is as much important as doing the correct workouts, as one cannot exist without the other. No matter how hard you workout in your gym, they won’t help you if you come back home and start eating junk foods as usual. Since you need to reduce your food intake when trying to lose , you should be extremely selective about the types of foods you eat. You must make sure that your meals are providing your body with the necessary nutrition while at the same time helping you lose .

The Following Foods are Good For 6 Pack Ab Weight Loss

1. Complex carbs: Example: whole grain wheat

2. Protein: Examples: Lean chicken meat, egg, “low-fat” yogurt, etc.

3. Fiber: Examples: Natural fruits and vegetables, legumes, beans, etc.

4. Good Fats: Examples: Fishes such as salmon and tuna, olive oil, nuts, etc.

A healthy diet should include all the above foods.

The Following Foods are NOT Good For Weight Loss:

1. Sugary foods: Sweets, candies, chocolates, processed fruit juices, soda, soft drinks, etc.

2. Fatty foods: Basically, don’t make that trip to Mc Donalds(tm) or your local fast food restaurant anymore and you should be fine.

3. Calorie-rich beverages: Alcohol

4. Diuretics: Caffeine

You should strip those foods out of your diet plan.

Using the correct method of eating is as important as selecting the right foods for yourself. Just because I advised you to eat vegetables doesn’t mean that you should be eating a dozen apples per day.

Stop eating like a maniac and start eating like a normal person. In other words, you should eat five or six small meals per day instead of two or three large ones.

Eating small and frequently would keep your metabolic rate high and help you burn fat fast.

And of course, you would also be able to get those six pack abs using the above eating as well as making sure that you are doing the correct ab exercises such as planks, crunches, and leg raises everyday.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Exercise will boost kids self image

Exercise may fight off depression and improve self-esteem in over children, researchers here said.

But according to one key measure, white children seemed to benefit more from exercise than black youngsters, a difference the scientists found intriguing but not easily accounted for.

In a randomized trial, heavy kids who exercised for 40 minutes a day saw decreases in depressive symptoms and improvements in self-esteem compared with those who remained sedentary, Karen Petty, M.D., of the Medical College of Georgia, and colleagues reported online in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology.

Effects of childhood obesity

kidsChildhood obesity has been associated with many psychological problems, including low self-esteem and depression, but little is known about the effects of physical activity on feelings of self-worth.

So the researchers conducted a study of 207 over and sedentary children ages seven to 11 years.

They noted that the youngsters in the sample were not clinically depressed, with only 4% scoring above the cutoff for depression.

How much exercise do kids need?

The children were randomized to either 20 or 40 minutes of daily exercise, or told to continue their sedentary lifestyle. The exercises periods, which lasted for 13 weeks, included running, jump rope, basketball, and soccer.

The researchers found that the 40-minute exercise group sustained the greatest psychological benefit, with evidence of a dose-response relationship.

For depression, the 40-minute group had significantly lower scores than the control group. The 20-minute group also had lower depression scores than the control group, but the finding was not statistically significant.

The 40-minute group also had significantly better self-esteem scores than the control group. Once again, the 20-min group scored better than the controls, but not enough for statistical significance.

“The 40 min daily dose of aerobic exercise was clearly superior to the control condition for reducing depressive symptoms, increasing physical appearance self-worth,” the authors concluded.

Although the results suggest that 20 minutes of exercise might also help, further study is needed, the report said.

Race, Kids and self esteem

A multivariate analysis revealed that self-perception scores improved only for white children. Although exercise did not impact the general self-esteem of black children, it did improve their depressive symptom scores, the researchers said.

“The unexpected finding that exercise led to increased global self-worth only in whites calls for further study on the influence of race on psychosocial consequences of obesity and exercise,” they said.

Change kids now for their future

“However,” they said, “the effects of exercise on depressive symptoms may be important for prevention of clinical depression in later childhood and adolescence.”

The researchers said their findings may be limited by notions of self-worth that vary by culture. Also, because the 20-minute exercise period did not produce statistically significant results, they suggested further study to see if there’s an effective dose of exercise below 40 minutes.

Still, they concluded that the findings point to the need for exercise programs for all children in order to “reduce depressive symptoms and increase aspects of self-worth.”

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Weight Loss Exercise

Exercise As Power Source – Pick Up That Power!

This day and age it can be very difficult indeed to go to the gym. Life is very hectic and busy, which will create a serious challenge for remaining consistent with exercise each day.

Exercise is however, just what we all need to reduce stress, and give the body the extra energy it needs to carry out normal living.

The best results of exercise are achieved through the use of refined techniques, functional exercises, cardio, the right nutrition, variety, awareness, consistency, and motivation over a period of time.

Use Proper Form While Doing Exercise

Use Proper From While Doing Exercise

Use Proper From While Doing Exercise

The refined techniques mean correct form to isolate muscles or to target areas of the body.

Efficiency is need to ensure stimulation of the muscles. With lift training, which is also known as resistance training, you’ll need to eliminate any type of momentum.

It is also important to move the about using a full range of motion. Full range of motion causes the muscle to contract for the right amount of time and help to ensure the right length of the tendons.

The goal here is to strengthen the joints of your body by stimulating the muscles.

Cadence is also helpful, as it is a term that refers to the rate in which the resistance or the moves. The best results with cadence are gained by slow movements which will cause the muscle to contract for a longer period of time. You can mix in a series of fast and slow cadence, which is very beneficial with sports type training.

Using the correct angles will achieve muscle isolation in target areas and help to decrease the risk of injuries, which is great for those using heavy weights.

Doing Functional Exercise Helps

Functional type exercise is a popular technique that will stimulate the core and torso of your body while you work on another muscle group at the same time. As an example, when you perform a dumbell press while lying on an exercise ball.

group exercise

Your abdominal muscles and the core muscles will contract to hold your body into this position, while your chest and tricep muscles will push the dumbells up. This type of exercise and challenge will cause maximum stimulation to your body and keep the workout interesting and refreshing.

Cardio is another exercise that is great for the heart and lungs. The total number of calories you burn is very important along with maintaining the right heart rate.

The formula for your heart rate is 220 minus your age times 60 for the lower number, then 220 minus you age and times 80 for the upper number.

This is also known as fat burning zone. Cardio will also de-toxify the body and help to strengthen the immune system along with other benefits.

The muscles will contract and pass the lymph along, which will allow the immune system to clear away dead cells and bring new ones in.

Be Sure to Warm Up Before Exercise

Anytime you exercise, warming up is very important, as it will prepare your body for the more demanding workout of cardio.

You should always allow 15 – 30 minutes prior to lifting and 10 – 15 minutes prior to cardio exercises. You should also stretch as well, as this will help get the blood flowing through your musles and get them limber as well.

An ideal schedule for working out is to warm up then follow with cardio. You canlift weights on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday then cardio only on Tuesday and Thursday.

Even though you may think your schedule is simply too busy to maintain a schedule for working out, you’ll find that adding exercise will actually add more time, as you’ll have a lot more energy in your normal everyday life.

You can think of exercise as the batteries that will help to give your life power.

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