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B12 Vitamins and your body

I have recently started taking more B vitamins. As you probably know Vitamin B is important as an antioxidant as well as a great stress reliever.

Most “Stress Buster” pills are a combination of B and C vitamins.

This article by B. Smithers really gives us a good idea why we needVitamin B supplemented in our diet.

Why does your body need B12 and where can you find natural sources of B12?

A person needs two micrograms of Vitamin B12 every day for the following purposes:

Why Do We Need Vitamin B12

benefits of vitamin b12Red blood cells synthesis– Vitamin B12 is an important factor in red blood cell formation (particularly in the production of DNA).

Failure to meet the B12 requirement can result to anemia. However, folic acid can remedy this problem (although excessive intake of folic acid can trigger the effects of such deficiency).

Development and maintenance of the Nervous system– Myelin is an important component and protecting sheath of the nerves and Vitamin B12 helps in myelin maintenance through the sustenance of fatty acids.

Growth and development– Lack of Vitamin B12 can impede the development not only of the nerves but also the whole bodies systems.

Regulating Sleep Cycles– B12 is used in regulating the cycles and sleeping and waking up through a substance called melatonin so a B12 deficiency can possibly affect sleeping patterns.

Avoidance of Alzheimer’s dementia– the most damaging effects of B12 deficiency is damage to the brain and the nervous system.

Where to Get Vitamin B12

vitamin b12 sourcesVitamin B12 is primarily found in dairy products, meat and eggs. Here are some more foods that contain Vitamin B12 – Liver – Mollusks – Salmon, Tuna and Trout – Beef (the sirloin part) – Tacos and Cheeseburger – Yogurt

Research shows that there is a possibility of sourcing Vitamin B12 from plants, seaweeds and soya products.

However, a closer study showed that there is no significant B12 content from these sources.

Nori (the same green seaweed used in wrapping sushi) showed significant levels of B12 but it was attributed to compounds that are similar to B12 in terms of structure.

Incidentally, vegetarians lack the necessary daily Vitamin B12 requirement because they don’t eat meat products. Thus, they can meet their B12 requirement from supplements.

For more articles and information on Vitamin B12 go to

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Principles Of The Raw Food Diet

The raw food diet has been taken up by millions of people, including several celebrities, who are seeking the loss or health benefits that following a raw food diet regime is said to bring.

Some people switch to raw permanently as a way of life, others go raw temporarily to lose or give their bodies a break while they fight disease.

Either way, if you are considering going raw yourself, you need to know something about the raw food diet.

Enzymes Present In Living Raw Food Diet Foods

Raw Food Diet

Raw Food Diet

Foods that have not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit contain enzymes which are the life force of the food. The enzymes will die at high temperatures, like any living thing.

This is why raw food diet is often called living food. Advocates of the raw diet point out that before the use of fire for cooking, we would always have eaten raw foods and this is what our bodies are designed for. They consider that we need these enzymes to be truly healthy and help our bodies to heal.

While it is true that these enzymes are destroyed in the process of digestion, it may be that they can be absorbed in their living form in the mouth during chewing and in the upper stomach before they reach the digestive acids in the intestines.

In dried foods, the enzymes are often deactivated by growth inhibitors which puts foods such as seeds and grains into hibernation until conditions are wet enough for the plant to germinate or sprout.

For this reason, even if you plan to eat these foods without sprouting them, it is a good idea to soak all seeds, beans, grains etc before consuming them, to reactivate the enzymes.

Throw out the soaking water because this will contain the discarded growth inhibitors.

Is Cooked Food Poisonous?

Some advocates of the raw food diet talk as if cooked foods were poisonous. Although this is probably an exaggeration, research has shown that some toxins are produced in certain types of cooking.

how to buy raw food

For example, some oils and other fats will produce trans fats when heated above certain temperatures. Burned and even browned fatty food such as barbecued or fried meats has been shown to contain substances which are harmful to the body. And heating sugars together with proteins or fats (cakes, cookies, candy etc) is believed to produce glycotoxins.

There are also many unnatural substances and additives in most processed foods. So if you do eat cooked food, it is better to prepare plain and simple boiled, steamed and stewed dishes from fresh ingredients.

What If I Cannot Be 100% Raw?

More and more people are adopting the raw food diet as the only source of food these days but you do not necessarily have to buy into the 100% raw philosophy in order to benefit from eating more rawfood.

Just increasing the amount of rawfood in your diet can have an extraordinary effect on your health and wellbeing even if you still have some cooked food too.

So if you do not want to go all the way, consider replacing two meals a day with raw foods.

You could have a large fruit based smoothie with some leafy greens added for breakfast, and

a large green salad with avocado and sunflower seeds for lunch.

Or try grated carrot or celery root with pumpkin seeds. There are many delicious dishes you can make as part of your raw food diet.

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Freedom Comes At The Bottom

One of my favorite movies of all time is Fight Club. This movie is considered by many to be one of the great movies of a generation.

What does it have to do with fitness? What about health?

Well, Fight Club at its essense is really about relationships. The relationships we have with others, and especially, I believe with the relationship that we have with ourselves.

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Fight Club also teaches us that even when we think that life is fine that we are likely wrong. The boredom that we feel sitting on the couch watching TV to enlighten us is not the same as true enlightenment that we find from experiencing life to it’s fullest.

Accept that you can be better. Accept that you are not close to where you want to be. When you realize that you know just how far the climb is to your Greatest Self

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