Weight Loss Products

Bronson Point Management Boosted Time Warner (TWX) Stake; NUTRAFUELS (NTFU) SI Increased By 10.71%


Market News


June 20, 2017 – By wolcottdaily

NUTRAFUELS (OTCMKTS:NTFU) had an increase of 10.71% in short interest. NTFU’s SI was 6,200 shares in June as released by FINRA. Its up 10.71% from 5,600 shares previously. With 116,800 avg volume, 0 days are for NUTRAFUELS (OTCMKTS:NTFU)’s short sellers to cover NTFU’s short positions. It is 0.00% or $0 reaching $0.46 per share. It is down 0.00% since June 20, 2016 and is . It has underperformed by 16.70% the SP500.

Bronson Point Management Llc increased Time Warner Inc (TWX) stake by 22.22% reported in 2016Q4 SEC filing. Bronson Point Management Llc acquired 20,000 shares as Time Warner Inc (TWX)’s stock rose 1.19%. The Bronson Point Management Llc holds 110,000 shares with $10.62 million value, up from 90,000 last quarter. Time Warner Inc now has $77.80B valuation. The stock declined 0.28% or $0.28 reaching $99.62 on the news. About 1.25M shares traded. Time Warner Inc (NYSE:TWX) has risen 36.37% since June 20, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 19.67% the SP500.

NutraFuels, Inc. manufactures and distributes oral spray nutritional and dietary products. The company has market cap of $29.21 million. The Company’s oral spray products are designed to provide more absorption than capsules or liquid formulas. It currently has negative earnings. The Company’s products include NutraFuels sleep spray; NutraFuels Energy Spray; NutraFuels Garcinia Cambogia Spray; NutraFuels Headache and Pain Spray, and NutraFuels Hair, Skin and Nails Spray.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.09 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.07, from 1.02 in 2016Q3. It improved, as 65 investors sold TWX shares while 344 reduced holdings. 154 funds opened positions while 293 raised stakes. 608.00 million shares or 0.40% more from 605.61 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Beacon Financial Grp Incorporated reported 8,867 shares stake. Mark Sheptoff Fin Planning Ltd Liability Corporation accumulated 8 shares or 0% of the stock. Sol Capital reported 19,163 shares. Fincl Counselors has 0.07% invested in Time Warner Inc (NYSE:TWX) for 12,682 shares. Montag A And Assoc reported 38,714 shares. Equitec Proprietary Mkts Limited Liability owns 600 shares. Winslow Asset Mgmt owns 62,633 shares or 1.27% of their US portfolio. Stellar Mgmt Ltd Limited Liability Company accumulated 2.56% or 32,292 shares. Teacher Retirement System Of Texas has 0.65% invested in Time Warner Inc (NYSE:TWX) for 933,715 shares. Gabelli Funds Ltd Company has 0.8% invested in Time Warner Inc (NYSE:TWX). Principal Financial holds 0.15% or 1.24 million shares in its portfolio. 134,065 were reported by Van Eck Assocs Corporation. Dowling Yahnke Ltd Llc has invested 0.71% in Time Warner Inc (NYSE:TWX). Ameritas Investment Ptnrs owns 19,379 shares. Cim Invest Mangement Inc reported 5,207 shares stake.

Bronson Point Management Llc decreased G (NASDAQ:GIII) stake by 267,600 shares to 245,000 valued at $7.24 million in 2016Q4. It also reduced Mead Johnson Nutrition Co (NYSE:MJN) stake by 57,009 shares and now owns 10,000 shares. Hain Celestial Group Inc (NASDAQ:HAIN) was reduced too.

Since February 21, 2017, it had 0 insider purchases, and 1 insider sale for $16.67 million activity. Another trade for 172,932 shares valued at $16.67 million was sold by BEWKES JEFFREY L.

Among 33 analysts covering Time Warner Inc. (NYSE:TWX), 16 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 17 Hold. Therefore 48% are positive. Time Warner Inc. had 80 analyst reports since August 6, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. As per Thursday, November 5, the company rating was maintained by Wunderlich. Brean Capital downgraded the stock to “Hold” rating in Friday, December 23 report. On Monday, April 11 the stock rating was maintained by JP Morgan with “Overweight”. On Monday, October 24 the stock rating was downgraded by Atlantic Securities to “Neutral”. The firm has “Buy” rating by Moffett Nathanson given on Thursday, November 17. The rating was maintained by Deutsche Bank on Thursday, August 4 with “Buy”. On Thursday, December 22 the stock rating was maintained by FBR Capital with “Outperform”. Topeka Capital Markets maintained the stock with “Buy” rating in Thursday, October 8 report. The stock of Time Warner Inc (NYSE:TWX) earned “Outperform” rating by Barrington Research on Friday, November 6. Pivotal Research maintained it with “Buy” rating and $82 target in Wednesday, November 4 report.

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