Weight Loss Exercise

Eliminate Pain with these 3 Keys to Promoting Joint Health

As people grow older, they frequently complain that they have problems with joint pain, hip pain, back pain, neck pain, and other types of pain. They then go on to blame their pain solely on the fact that they are getting older. Sure their body may have been through a lot, but that does not mean that the pain cannot be prevented or fixed.

To fix anything in life, you just have to take the right steps.

Exercise for Joint Health

You know your body needs physical activity on a regular basis. You do not have to go climb a mountain or run an ultra-marathon, you just have to do things that challenge your current fitness abilities.

Exercise is important for maintaining a healthy body weight, keeping muscle tissue strong, and also for promoting joint health. When you exercise, the bones in your joints and the muscles around your joints are strengthened.  It is important to have strong muscles surrounding your joints because they help support the joint. If the muscles are weak, unnecessary stress is placed on the joints. This can cause pain and increase the risk of injury.

Mobility Work to Eliminate Pain

Your mobility is basically how well your joints and soft tissues are able to move.

Every day, your body endures a variety of stresses and strains. Over time little things add up, causing soft tissue and joint restrictions. When your joints and soft tissues are not healthy, they are not able to move fluidly through a normal range of motion, causing pain and discomfort.

The pain and problems associated with these restrictions can be avoided and corrected. You just need to practice moving your body through the motions.

Here are two things you can do to improve your mobility

Stretching: Both static and dynamic stretching are beneficial to the soft tissues in your hip. If you need a stretch to try for your hips, get in to a full squat position.

Here’s how to do a full squat:

  • Stand up straight.
  • Place your heels so that they are positioned below your shoulders.
  • Slowly push your hips down and back, like you are going to sit in a chair (focus on dropping your hips and your knees will automatically bend).
  • As you squat down, you will need to lean your torso forward in order to keep your center of gravity over your feet.
  • Go down until you reach the end of your range of motion and hold that position for a little while.

Squat Tips:

  • Keep your chest up and put your arms in front for balance.
  • When you go to stand up, push your hips back so you do not place unnecessary stress on your knees.

Rotational exercises: These exercises are particularly helpful if you have hip joint pain. They can be used to move each of your joints and their supporting tissues through their complete range of motion. Here is another one you can try for your hips…

 Front to Back Leg Swing:

  • Stand up straight.
  • Lift one foot off of the ground and balance on one foot.
  • Swing the leg that is not in contact with the floor back behind yourself, then swing it in front of yourself.
  • Repeat this motion several times, and then switch legs.

Leg Swing Tips:

  • Use your arms to balance, and hold onto something if you need to.

Eat Properly

Food is essentially a drug.  Due to this simple fact, you can either use food to help yourself or to hurt yourself.  When it comes to keeping your joints functioning well, it is important that you eat foods that contain fatty acids and anti-oxidants. Both anti-oxidants and fatty acids help to reduce inflammation. When you reduce inflammation, you also speed up the healing process which will help relieve joint pain.

In addition to eating foods that help reduce inflammation, you should also eat in a way that helps prevent inflammation in the first place. I am taking about eating to control your body weight. Maintaining a healthy body weight ensures that additional stresses are not placed on your joints. In the long run, this will help reduce the wear and tear caused by daily activities.

Bonus: Drink lots of Water

Other benefits of water have been stated before here on Fitness Tips for Life, here is another one to add to the collection. Drinking lots of water promotes joint health be ensuring that the muscle tissue around your joints have the proper fluids to function smoothly. It also helps the cartilage in your joints to perform optimally.


About the Author:

Dave is a trainer who focuses on sustainable methods of training. He maintains a personal website about hip pain, which can be found here.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Knowing The Types Of Migraines

There are different types of migraines that people suffer from. While most involve headaches and throbbing pain or nausea, there are still other with their own symptoms which are classified as migraines. Knowing the types of migraines and their symptoms can help you get a better diagnosis and the proper medical care.

Types of Migraines

We can start of by discussing the two basic types of migraines, Migraines without Aura and Migraines with Aura. The common symptoms of both types of migraines are headaches or pain on one side of the head. This is usually accompanied by dull throbbing pain at the side of the head or the temples, neck pain and nausea.

Migraines with Aura differ in that those who suffer from it experience sensory phenomenon such as seeing jagged or wavy lines or lights in front of them. Tunnel or impaired vision is also observed. Some also perceive funny or unusual odors. This symptom gradually diminishes and is replaced by the usual symptoms of a migraine.

Most of the other types of migraines usually fall under either of these two main groups. Some migraines may have different kind of pain such as in the location or duration and intensity of the migraine attack. Some types of migraines do not have headaches at all, only the other symptoms are experienced.

Other Types of Migraines

Silent Migraine ? this type of migraine is associated mostly with the occurrence of aura but the absence of headaches as a symptom. Common indicators are mostly the observation of waves, lines and colors in what we see. Nausea and other physical illness may also be felt.

Basilar-Type Migraines ? usually characterized by loss of vision or partial blindness while the migraine attack is occurring, it differs as there isn’t any motor loss that occurs with the migraine attack.

Hemiplegic Migraines ? characterized by occurrence of aura, nausea, vomiting and loss of motor functions or paralysis. Episodes are rather severe and are prolonged.

Retinal Migraines ? characterized by temporary loss of vision, usually in one eye. Lights, spots and other visual disturbances are also felt.

Ocular Migraines ? migraine symptoms include increased sensitivity to light, vision problems and hearing difficulty. Disorientation and confusion as well as slurred speech have also been included as symptoms.

Status Migrainosus ? a migraine type without aura. The headaches are very severe and can last for well over a day or two. Dilation of blood vessels inside the brain is the main culprit and should be addressed immediately to prevent the occurrence of stroke.

Transformed migraines ? these are described as migraine attacks that get worse in frequency and intensity over time. It is suspected that the cause would be overuse of typical medication for headaches and migraines.
Getting Treatment

To better treat your migraine you should definitely consult a physician. Describe in detail what your symptoms are as well as how often and what you were doing. Migraines can be first treated using analgesic medicine such as NSAIDs, aspirin and other pain relievers, these can usually take care of the pain symptom. However there are some migraine types that need to be addressed directly and specific medication should be administered.

Ask your doctor for more information about the types of migraines and how you can get treatment for your specific case.

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Migraine Neck Pain – More Than Just A Pain In The Neck

Migraine neck pain is both a symptom and a trigger of migraines. It is in fact a very common feature of most migraine attacks. While neck pain is common for people with migraines, they don’t associate it with migraines right away. This leads to misdiagnosis and the problems with migraines and neck pains don’t get any better.

Knowing Migraine Neck Pain

Migraine neck pain is most often described as ‘a tightness’ in the neck. Some can feel it at the base while some describe migraine neck pain as coming from the neck and going up towards the head. This is usually followed by a migraine headache where they may experience the symptoms of a migraine such as aura and pain. Nausea and dizziness can also follow.

Migraine Neck Pain   More Than Just A Pain In The Neck

Migraine Neck Pain

While neck pain can be common symptom of other ailments, if it is linked with a migraine then migraine treatment is the most appropriate response. Treatment using muscle relaxants, tranquilizers and other pain relievers can prove ineffective. These treat only neck pain and not the migraine.

What To Do About Migraine Neck Pain

Avoiding Neck Pains

Stress and posture have a lot to do with migraine neck pain. Whether the neck pain starts the migraine attack or is a symptom of it, you can benefit a lot from preventing neck pain. Relax your neck muscles by adopting proper posture, especially if your work requires you to sit in front of a computer. Adopt an ergonomic workstation setup so you aren’t tense while sitting down.

Practice proper breathing and relaxation techniques. You may want to attend classes on how to avoid from being too emotional or stressed while at work. Go for therapeutic massages or spas once in awhile.

Medicine for Migraines

For your migraines, you can take several types of medicine. Aspirin and other analgesics are the usual recourse to lessen the intensity of a migraine. While these can work, some medicine may have side effects which may not work well if you have other medical conditions.

Other medication such as anti-depressants, anti-epilepsy and heart medicines have been found to have good effects in preventing migraines. While they do not stop headaches or migraine attacks, they can lessen the frequency and intensity of migraines.

A Final Word on Neck Pain and Migraine

Migraine neck pain prevention and therapy is just one part of the solution. To completely solve migraines, you need to learn what the other triggers of your migraine attacks are. Food as well as other factors can play a role in triggering a migraine. Keep a log of what you do and eat each day so you can see if what you’re doing or eating is the reason for the migraine.

Whatever the course you may take it is important to consult a doctor. Both neck pain and migraines are serious ailments and can also be signs of other conditions. Describe neck pain fully and in detail, especially if accompanied by migraines. This makes the diagnosis of your ailment much easier.

Remember that you need not suffer from migraine neck pain if you act on it early and take the right steps.

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