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Thankgiving Eating Tips

I received these Thanksgiving eating tips from one of the fellows at Better Body Better Life and though I would pass them on. We all need to think about these every day now just on big holidays but the problems is that on holiday meals like on Thanksgiving we end up eating the wrong foods and too much of them.

Thankgiving Eating Tips

Portion size is key.  You can enjoy turkey (white meat is healthier), stuffing and all the foods that come with Thanksgiving, but know how to ration them on your plate. Ideally, you should have three fist size servings on your plate, one for protein (turkey), one for carbohydrates (stuffing) and one of veggies (sweet potato or green beans).

Thankgiving Eating Tips

Thankgiving Eating Tips

Eat breakfast.  Skipping a meal to “save” your calories so you can eat more at dinner is a bad idea.  Not only will you be starving your body of calories needed for energy, you’ll actually eat more erratically at the big meal to soothe your hunger.

Save leftovers for the next day. Remember that it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to let your brain know that’ you’ve had enough, so if you’re thinking about eating more, wait at least 20 minutes and then re-evaluate the situation.

Make time for exercise.  Although you might find yourself extra busy this time of year, you’re also probably more stressed.  Exercise shouldn’t be neglected this time of year.  Even 20 minutes a day of walking or some physical activity is good for you both physically and mentally.

Switch out the products.  If you’re involved in preparing the food, use products lower in calories, fat and sugar.  Use healthier substitutes for ingredients like oil and butter; use evaporated skim milk instead of heavy cream and plain fat-free yogurt instead of sour cream.

Drink plenty of water.  It will keep you feeling full and boost your metabolism.

Stay out of the kitchen and dining room.  Make the center of your Thanksgiving holiday the living room or outside in the fresh air, and only enter the kitchen to cook and the dining room when it’s time to eat.

Have you ever seen these thankgiving eating tips before? Probably. But have you followed them at all? I bet never! I am terrible if left to my own devices so before I open that door to go into my sisters house for Thanksgiving or a friends house for Christmas dinner I have to think about these tips so that I will apply them an not get caught messing up.

How about you?

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Healthy Foods for Weight Loss

Healthy Foods for Weight Loss are very important for anyone trying lose weight. A lot of people focus on what they cannot have while they are on a diet. This is a very negative way to view dieting and weight loss. Instead, take a look at what you should be eating while you are on a diet and you just might find the eating healthy foods for weight loss changes your whole outlook on your diet.

Healthy Foods for Weight Loss

Portioned controlled healthy foods for weight loss. Remember to eat all of these in moderation and some of them maybe all daily.

Whole Grained Breads– These foods will make you feel fuller and they are full of fiber. This means that they digest slowly and help you to maintain a stable blood sugar level.

Oatmeal– This breakfast food should be the rolled oats kind, rather than the instant oatmeal. This is a whole grain food that is low in sugar, high in fiber and high in protein. It will make you feel fuller longer.

White Meat– White meat is generally considered the breast meat of a bird. This meat is leaner and often favored for cooking anyway. Enjoy this healthy meat, but be sure to eat it without the skin.

Lean Beef– No one can blame you for eating beef. By eating lean beef and then draining any fat that comes off of it, you can save yourself some cholesterol and fat, keeping this meal healthy.

Healthy Foods for Weight Loss

Healthy Foods for Weight Loss

Fresh Fruit– Fresh food is significantly better for you than canned or frozen food because it is fresh and unaltered. Enjoy fresh fruit whenever you feel a craving for something sweet.

Canned Fruit– This can be good for you if it is canned in unsweetened juice or if it is canned in water. However, this fruit has been cooked; therefore some of the vitamins might not be as prevalent.

Frozen Fruit– This is the second best way to enjoy fruit. Use these frozen fruits when making protein shakes or other frozen treats. These are also great on hot days for cooling off and enjoying a sweet.

Fresh Vegetables– Fresh vegetables are ideal because they have a lot of protein, very little sugar, and a lot of fiber. Feel free to enjoy these at every meal.

Olive Oil– While oils are fats, this fat can actually help you to lose weight and look better. Olive oil is high in vitamin E, therefore it can keep your skin soft and your hair manageable.

Skim Milk– This fat free milk has all of the vitamins and minerals that whole milk has but without the fat. This beverage can take time to get used to, but one you have gone skim, you never go fat again.

Enjoy these health foods for weight loss, and you can soon find yourself in the best swimsuit shape you have ever been in. It is important to remember that even though these are healthy foods, they should not be eaten in excess. Always practice portion control to lose weight. Eat all the above foods in moderation and always remember these Healthy Foods for Weight Loss

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Weight Loss Exercise

Healthy Foods for Quick Weight Loss

Healthy Foods for Quick Weight Loss

Healthy Foods for Quick Weight Loss

Healthy Foods for Quick Weight Loss are very important for anyone trying lose weight. A lot of people focus on what they cannot have while they are on a diet. This is a very negative way to view dieting and weight loss. Instead, take a look at what you should be eating while you are on a diet and you just might find it changes your whole outlook on the weight loss program.

Healthy Foods for Quick Weight Loss

Portioned controlled healthy foods for quick weight loss. Remember to eat all of these in moderation and some of them maybe all daily.

Whole Grained Breads– These foods will make you feel fuller and they are full of fiber. This means that they digest slowly and help you to maintain a stable blood sugar level.

Oatmeal– This breakfast food should be the rolled oats kind, rather than the instant oatmeal. This is a whole grain food that is low in sugar, high in fiber and high in protein. It will make you feel fuller longer.

White Meat– White meat is generally considered the breast meat of a bird. This meat is leaner and often favored for cooking anyway. Enjoy this healthy meat, but be sure to eat it without the skin.

Lean Beef– No one can blame you for eating beef. By eating lean beef and then draining any fat that comes off of it, you can save yourself some cholesterol and fat, keeping this meal healthy.

Fresh Fruit– Fresh food is significantly better for you than canned or frozen food because it is fresh and unaltered. Enjoy fresh fruit whenever you feel a craving for something sweet.

Canned Fruit– This can be good for you if it is canned in unsweetened juice or if it is canned in water. However, this fruit has been cooked; therefore some of the vitamins might not be as prevalent.

Frozen Fruit– This is the second best way to enjoy fruit. Use these frozen fruits when making protein shakes or other frozen treats. These are also great on hot days for cooling off and enjoying a sweet.

Fresh Vegetables– Fresh vegetables are ideal because they have a lot of protein, very little sugar, and a lot of fiber. Feel free to enjoy these at every meal.

Olive Oil– While oils are fats, this fat can actually help you to lose weight and look better. Olive oil is high in vitamin E, therefore it can keep your skin soft and your hair manageable.

Skim Milk– This fat free milk has all of the vitamins and minerals that whole milk has but without the fat. This beverage can take time to get used to, but one you have gone skim, you never go fat again.

Enjoy these foods, and you can soon find yourself in the best swimsuit shape you have ever been in. It is important to remember that even though these are healthy foods, they should not be eaten in excess. Always practice portion control to lose weight. Eat all the above foods in moderation and always remember these Healthy Foods for Quick Weight Loss

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