Weight Loss Exercise

Does Lifting Weights Burn Fat?

I always get asked does lifting weights burn fat? People who want to drop extra pounds often turn to cardiovascular exercise in order to burn fat. Many trainers recommend aerobic exercises to burn calories, saying that strength training is only good for building muscles.

Does Lifting Weights Burn Fat?

Does Lifting Weights Burn Fat?

Does Lifting Weights Burn Fat?

However, more and more people these days are becoming aware of the importance of muscle development for long-term fat loss. That is why people are beginning to ask, “Does lifting weights burn fat?”

Combine Cardio and Weight Training

Not too long ago, people who wanted to lose weight performed intense aerobic workouts such as running, jogging, swimming, or exercising on an elliptical trainer. Cardiovascular exercise elevates the metabolism during workout and for a short time after the workout session.

Weight training, on the other hand, develops muscle mass and increases the body’s metabolism long after the exercise session is over. The reason is that muscles require more calories to maintain than fat does. Thus, lifting weights actually burns fat faster.

Does Lifting Weights Burn Fat – Higher Metabolism

Strength training builds more muscles in the body. Because muscles use up more calories, your body turns into a fat-burning furnace. With more lean muscle in your body, your metabolism will increase. Lifting weights actually helps you burn fat even while you rest. After your weight lifting session, your body will continue burning more calories for a longer period than you would after an aerobic session.

Build More Muscles

Many people think that bigger muscles are developed during strength training. Lifting weights actually tears down the muscles. Muscle development and repair take place during the rest period following the weight lifting session. It is while you rest and recuperate that your muscles grow bigger and stronger.

Burn Fat Faster

Cardiovascular exercise provides a calorie-burning workout that melts fat from all over your body. However, if you want to keep the fat off it’s necessary to combine weight lifting with your cardio workout. This will increase your metabolism so your body burns more calories even while you are resting or sleeping. Strength training using resistance methods or by lifting weights helps you burn fat and keep it from coming back. For every 3 pounds of muscles gained, you burn about 120 calories more per day.

Avoid Quick Weight-Loss Diets

You may be tempted to go on a miracle or starvation diet when trying to lose weight quickly. This is bad because it will cause the loss of muscle mass. Any weight lost will be quickly regained. It is best, instead, to work towards a gradual fat loss by combining weight lifting and cardio activities. This will allow you to build up muscle mass and increase your metabolism. Although it may take longer to attain your ideal weight, the results will last longer.

So, does lifting weights burn fat? You know now that it does.

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Skin Care Tips For Winter and Summer

Skin care tips are important all year round. As if keeping your skin healthy day to day weren’t hard enough, Mother Nature has to throw us a couple curve balls every year – the summer season and the winter season. Just when we think we’ve got our skin figured out, the season changes and our skin doesn’t look or feel the same way, and certainly doesn’t react the same way to what we put on it. What you need to do is come up with a plan for the winter season that is different from what you do during the summer season.

Winter Skin Care Tips

Skin Care Tips For Winter and Summer

Skin Care Tips

Generally, winter wrecks havoc with our skin because of low humidity. We make it worse by turning up the heat in our house and the car. If you live in an area of the country where winter humidity is low, then consider using a humidifier in your home. A humidifier puts moisture back in the air and can relieve dry itchy skin, and can also stop the “shocks” you get when you touch your light switches. You can get a humidifier that attaches to your furnace or a less expensive portable one that is freestanding.

Don’t turn your shower, bath, or tap water hotter even though it feels so good and warms you. Hot water causes your skin to dry out. Use lukewarm to wash your hands, and keep your shower at a comfortably warm, not scalding, temperature. Your skin will thank you.

Consider switching out your moisturizer if the one you are using isn’t cutting it. Try one that has oil in it, like an ointment or night cream, especially for your hands. It forms a layer that helps protect your skin. An ointment or night cream might not be right for all areas of your body though, and you’ll need to experiment.

Not only should you switch your moisturizer, you should apply it more often. If you’re going to be outside, be sure to put on a lotion with sunscreen. The lotion will help protect your skin from the wind and the sunscreen will protect it from the sun.

Summer Skin Care Tips

The biggest skin care tips I can give you about summer care is to protect your skin from the the sun. You need a good sunscreen that blocks UVA and UVB rays, and you should remember to reapply it every two hours.

Drinking lots of water is important for your overall health, not just your skin, and it’s even more important in the summer when you tend to sweat more. Keep hydrated for your health, and this will ultimately help your skin too.

If your skin is looking oily in the summer, clean it more often, but don’t use drying agents that remove the natural oils. Find a cleansing product that takes away the shine without drying it out.

A change of makeup may be in order for the summer. In fact, summertime may be a good time not to wear makeup at all. If you do want to wear makeup, go lighter. You might want to try an oil-free makeup base as well.

Don’t forgo the moisturizer, just use a lighter one. You still need moisturizer, especially after a day of fun in the sun and wind. I would also recommend doing facial masks to sooth your summer skin.

The winter and summer seasons call for different skin care help. Be aware of what’s going on with your skin and take measures using the above skin care tips to help your skin be at its best.

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Fat Burning Furnace – Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast!

Fat Burning Furnace – Easy Ways To Lose Weight Fast!

When it comes to losing weight here are some techniques that are inefficient and you need more time to see the average results while other techniques are easy to lose weight fast. Never heard the phrase "work smarter, not harder?" Well when it comes to rapid weight loss, you should think this way. Two of these techniques very effective for fat loss calories are "changing" technology and "short burst workouts. The combination of the two combined, you are assured to experience rapid weight loss, all without expensive supplements or diet pills. What is that spending in calories and short burst workouts? Well shifting calories is relatively new to the industry scheme is a system of eating that manipulates your metabolism to burn more calories on a daily basis. It does not require you to eat less, counting carbs or fat grams, which is why people are so appreciated. As for the short burst of training, this technique is not as new as calories moving but has not received too much publicity, only those "in the know" know about it and are using it actively. Workouts short burst are short 15-minute sessions throughout the body that are as effective as hours worth of cardio. They are effective to keep the fat because unlike cardio, they do not burn calories but actually burn carbohydrates. This minor difference is a big problem because when this happens, your body has trouble storing grease especiallyaround the lap and thighs. Interested in these super-effective techniques? The best place to start is with "The Fat Burning Furnace Rob Poulos" program of weight loss. Rob has years of experience with the heat and transfer techniques short burst and has all the information together in one program. More than 9,000 people have already tried these techniques in the fiery furnace and fat lost over 25 pounds in less than 50 days. By working smarter, not harder, you can also get the same results as these people did! Click on the link below to access the program and see all the easy ways to lose weight fast!