Weight Loss Exercise

Yoga for Back Pain Research

Yoga for Back Pain Research came out this past week and the results were very interesting. According to the latest research, doing yoga daily is more effective in healing your chronic back pain than other conventional back pain treatments. There are also more side effects as a result of using the conventional treatments, such as painkillers and muscle relaxants.

Yoga for Back Pain Research

The researchers closely monitored 228 adults who suffer from acute and chronic back pain problems. They were separated into three groups with two groups attending daily yoga sessions and the remaining group doing different exercises for a few weeks.

At the end of the program they discovered that 50% the participants who attended yoga sessions felt much better compared with only 20% of the other group.

Yoga is More than Meditation

Yoga for Back Pain Research

Yoga for Back Pain Research

The Yoga for back Pain research forces us to look more deeply into what Yoga actually is. Yoga is not just a form of meditation as some people perceive it and the benefits are not just limited to strengthening muscles, improve flexibility and balance. Yoga is an extremely good therapy for relieving back pain, shorten recovery time, reduce swelling and increase blood circulation. Practising yoga daily will help improve your posture and keep your spine in proper alignment.

There are many forms and poses of yoga and not all can help your back condition. In fact some can even worsen it. It is best to attend classes under the guidance of certified yoga instructors as they can advise on what poses are suitable for you.

Back strengthening poses serve not only to strengthen your muscles around the spine, but also help to activate your kidneys and increase the energy in your body. Back releasing poses will help to reduce tension and muscle spasm and improve spinal mobility. These exercises will help to nourish your back muscles and muscle tissues, and are good for people suffering from lower back pain. Stretching other muscles in your body such as the hamstring and thigh will make them stronger and more flexible and lessen the amount of stress on your back. This will finally reduce the tension and relieve your back.

Easier Way to do Yoga

Performing poses on the floor are easier than standing poses as they require less strength and balance. One very important aspect of doing yoga is to learn how to breathe properly, especially when holding the poses. Choose poses with longer hold times (inhaling and exhaling) as they are easier to do.

When you master the art of deep and rhythmic breathing, your body will relax, freeing you of pain-inducing restrictions and eases proper circulation.

Do not eat at least one to two hours before you practise yoga and refrain from drinking too much water before the session.

You should practise yoga daily for an average of 30 minutes, depending on your schedule, objective and fitness level. It is better to practise more often with shorter duration than less often with longer duration as this will produce better result.

If you are seeking relief from back pain, yoga is certainly one of the best lower back pain exercises. Like all forms of exercises, do not push your body to the limits. If you still experience pain after doing yoga, stop and consult your doctor.

Back Pain Treatment is a blog full of interesting information on back pain problems, treatment options and prevention tips. Visit this site for current events and stories relating to back pain and share your thoughts. So now that we have this interesting Yoga for back pain research it is time for you to learn to do Yoga

  • Yoga for Back Pain Research

Yoga for Back Pain Research

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Women’s Health Tips

Many women are busy taking care of the family, work, and other things that they tend to forget about their own health and wellness. If you are one to take your health for granted then it’s time to start prioritizing your health just like you do other important aspects of your life. Living a healthy lifestyle will help you function at a higher level so that you can do all the things you have to do that much easier, faster, and better.

Top 5 Women’s Health Tips

Womens Health Tips

Women’s Health Tips

Create a workout plan that works for you. Women lead different lives and have different needs when it comes to physical health and maintenance. In order for you to stay healthy you must find time to workout. By creating a workout plan that suits your lifestyle you will be able to fit exercise in without missing a beat. Exercise becomes increasingly important as you get older.

Maintain a well balanced diet. The saying, “we are what we eat”, is a true and faithful saying. So it is important to opt for a healthier array of foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and skip the processed junk food. Having a much healthier diet can do wonders for the body and it can reflect in a woman’s physical appearance, mind and attitude.

Get plenty of rest each night. It’s important to prioritize sleep at night because of its healing and reenergizing capabilities. The key is to get the proper amount of sleep on a consistent basis each night. In addition, taking a break once in a while (15-20 minutes will do) can do wonders for the mind and body as well.

Protect the skin. As a woman, it is important to take care of your skin. Your skin says a lot about your overall health, therefore, it should be a priority to take good care of it. One of the most effective ways to go about it is to stick to a healthy diet and protect your skin from UV rays by applying moisturizer with sunblock each day and night.

Work-Life balance. At the end of a busy week, it’s important to have some time for yourself to unwind and relax. You should always strive to achieve that work-life balance in order to recharge the mind, body, and soul, and to gear up for another busy week ahead. It also helps to use vacation time wisely by going somewhere where you can freely relax and rejuvenate yourself.

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Spicy Honey Chicken

We’re high-tailing it back to West Virginia this morning for our first Thanksgiving of the season. It’s like pulling teeth to get anyone in my family to let me cook, but I’ve got a few recipes I’m itching to try out. What are you making? Any new twists on traditional recipes?

This isn’t a traditional Thanksgiving recipe, but after making it last week, I’m starting to think it should be. I see this on a cozy winter evening, when you want something hearty, savory and a little sweet.

I followed this recipe almost exactly from The Girl Who Ate Everything. The only exception was the vinegar, I used pear infused balsamic. Not because I’m trying to make this recipe gourmet, but because I used all of my regular vinegar to pickle my silver.

Please make this one, it’s kind of amazing. And then tell me about it, so that I can live vicariously until I make it again.

I took this photo with my giant natural light bulbs around 8pm. Those bulbs are the best!

I found these organic, boneless, skinless chicken thighs on sale. I never thought I’d be a thigh-woman, seeing as how I’ve always gone for the breasts, but these thighs are tender and juicy! Take that for what you will.

Roll your chicken in the dry rub. To me, a dry rub is significant. It says that you’re about to make something delicious and you’re taking it very seriously.

Spray a little garlic infused olive oil on your griddle. Sadly, I’m all out of infused oils. I love infused oils. This is a hint to my husband. (note: olive oil burns at a high heat. I recommend a canola or vegetable oil to prevent excess smoke.)

Do you have a cast iron griddle? It’s the best thing ever. Grilled food year round! I’m forever in debt to the fine folks who gave this to us just for getting married. And to let you know how much I love this thing, I’ve used it on our glass-top stove for over a year now without any problems. I took the risk for you and will never look back.

castirongriddleIf you add it to your holiday wish-list, I guarantee it will be the best, most used gift you get. I love hyperbole!

Let the chicken cook on one side for 4-5 minutes before turning. I did us all a favor and deleted the photos of half-cooked chicken.

Look at those grill marks!

Brush your chicken with the honey and vinegar mixture right before the chicken is done. Don’t forget to reserve about 2 T of the honey for later.

This is the vinegar that I used. I picked this up only because it said “Made in Italy” which like the dry rub, says to the world, I take my cooking seriously. I like to make a lot of assumptions about what makes me look like a serious cook.

Now it’s time to pour on the honey glaze. I worked hard to get this food porn shot. Whoever you serve this to will forever love you. And then you can start singing The Wind Beneath My Wings, “It must have been cold there in my shadow“. That’s how this chicken will change your life.


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