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How Is Stress Affecting You? | stress affects

Stress affects is something everyone deals with off and on throughout life. Stress is how our bodies react to the ever changing external influences in our lives. Depending on how we view it, stress can be positive or negative. Most of the time when we feel stressed, we know it. We can consciously say, “I am stressed out.” But sometimes, our bodies do the talking for us loud and clear.

There are many physical symptoms that can be stress-related

How Is Stress Affecting You?

Stress Affects

  • headaches
  • muscle tension
  • poor sleep patterns
  • rashes
  • high blood pressure
  • chest pain
  • stroke
  • stomachaches
  • ulcers
  • possibly diabetes
  • possibly certain types of cancer

Mental symptoms can include

  • anxiety
  • panic attacks
  • depression
  • suicidal thoughts
  • paranoid thoughts
  • apathy
  • relationship issues

Everyone is different in what they consider stressful and in how they handle stressful situations. Stress can never be totally avoided, and some stress is good because it helps us to grow. Stress can be caused by a loved one’s death as well as a move to a bigger house or starting a great new job.

Short term Stress Affects

Short term stress is easier to manage because the end is in sight and the person knows it’s temporary. When stress is seen as long-term, such as a life-long disability, the person needs to learn ways to handle the stress.

There are many acceptable ways of dealing with stress and it’s a matter of finding what will work in each case. It would be wise to learn several coping techniques so that if one doesn’t work, another can be tried. Sometimes it will take several of the techniques to make a dent in the stress.

What triggers the stress?

Examine the triggers and put a name to them so that they’re not lurking in the subconscious. Sometimes it’s best to walk away or avoid situations that can become stressful.

Meditation is a huge stress reliever as well as a stress preventative. Meditation can be practiced for short time periods and still be effective. Keeping the routine going is key.

Exercise is a good coping mechanism, especially when the “flight or fight” response is racing through the body. Taking a brisk walk, running up some stairs, playing a game of racquetball, or following an exercise tape can work.

Sometimes the answer is a vacation to give the body a break from the stress and give the mind a chance to have a fresh perspective on the situation. Even just a day off doing something entertaining can mean a decrease in stress levels.

Talk it out with an understanding and empathetic friend. It feels like such a relief to get it “off your chest”, as long as both people then move on and don’t keep rehashing it.

There are times when it’s best to seek help from a qualified professional. They can offer even more positive methods of dealing with stress.

Some stress is a natural part of everyone’s life and even helps us to take action and grow. When your body is giving you physical or mental signs of too much stress, be kind to yourself and try the coping methods for stress affects mentioned in this article.

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Panic Attack Symptoms

With the number of people suffering from panic attacks in the millions, it seems this problem is more common than you originally thought. If you feel you may have had panic attacks yourself but you are not really sure, read on to see if any of these symptoms sound all too familiar.

First off, keep in mind that you may not experience all these symptoms. Everyone is different and may experience things in different ways. The following are the most common panic attack symptoms:

* tight feeling in the chest
* increased heart rate
* hot flushed feeling
* excessive sweating or clamminess
* shortness of breath
* hyperventilating
* nausea
* muscle tension
* dizziness
* terror
* fear of impending doom

For many people, the first time they experience a panic attack they feel like they’re having a heart attack or are dying. They’re rushed to the hospital only to find that their heart is fine and the doctors can’t find anything physically wrong. If the idea of panic attacks is not brought up, they’re left feeling that something is wrong with them and they begin to visit different medical doctors trying to determine what it is.

Panic attacks occur when the “fight or flight” adrenaline goes into overdrive. Your body believes that it is about to be attacked and brings forth all the responses that would go along with a seriously dangerous situation. The trouble is, the event at hand does not warrant this behavior. Yes, you know your fear is way out of proportion but you are unable to stop it. You can say to yourself, “This is silly, I’m just going to drive on this freeway for 5 miles as I’ve done many times in the past” but your body reacts anyway.

Even scarier is realizing that these attacks can happen at any time. Some people wake up in the middle of the night with them or have them occur when doing something as benign as watching TV.

It is commonly believed that panic attack disorder can be triggered by any of the following:

* stress, situational or long-term
* hormones
* post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
* possibly excessive sugar or caffeine

The worst part is anticipating or worrying that you will have another panic attack. In fact, the worry can be enough to bring on a panic attack. Added to that it seems each episode is burned into your brain and you feel if you’re in the same situation or location, you will surely have another episode. Because of this you start avoiding these situations or locations. But avoidance behavior is not the answer.

If these symptoms ring true for you, seek answers. You don’t have to continue to suffer from panic attacks, there is treatment available.

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How Is Stress Affecting You?

Stress is something everyone deals with off and on throughout life. Stress is how our bodies react to the ever changing external influences in our lives. Depending on how we view it, stress can be positive or negative. Most of the time when we feel stressed, we know it. We can consciously say, “I am stressed out.” But sometimes, our bodies do the talking for us loud and clear.

There are many physical symptoms that can be stress-related:
muscle tension
poor sleep patterns
high blood pressure
chest pain
possibly diabetes
possibly certain types of cancer

Mental symptoms can include:
panic attacks
suicidal thoughts
paranoid thoughts
relationship issues

Everyone is different in what they consider stressful and in how they handle stressful situations. Stress can never be totally avoided, and some stress is good because it helps us to grow. Stress can be caused by a loved one’s death as well as a move to a bigger house or starting a great new job.

Short term stress is easier to manage because the end is in sight and the person knows it’s temporary. When stress is seen as long-term, such as a life-long disability, the person needs to learn ways to handle the stress.

There are many acceptable ways of dealing with stress and it’s a matter of finding what will work in each case. It would be wise to learn several coping techniques so that if one doesn’t work, another can be tried. Sometimes it will take several of the techniques to make a dent in the stress.

What triggers the stress? Examine the triggers and put a name to them so that they’re not lurking in the subconscious. Sometimes it’s best to walk away or avoid situations that can become stressful.

Meditation is a huge stress reliever as well as a stress preventative. Meditation can be practiced for short time periods and still be effective. Keeping the routine going is key.

Exercise is a good coping mechanism, especially when the “flight or fight” response is racing through the body. Taking a brisk walk, running up some stairs, playing a game of racquetball, or following an exercise tape can work.

Sometimes the answer is a vacation to give the body a break from the stress and give the mind a chance to have a fresh perspective on the situation. Even just a day off doing something entertaining can mean a decrease in stress levels.

Talk it out with an understanding and empathetic friend. It feels like such a relief to get it “off your chest”, as long as both people then move on and don’t keep rehashing it.

There are times when it’s best to seek help from a qualified professional. They can offer even more positive methods of dealing with stress.

Some stress is a natural part of everyone’s life and even helps us to take action and grow. When your body is giving you physical or mental signs of too much stress, be kind to yourself and try the coping methods mentioned in this article.

How Is Stress Affecting You?