Weight Loss Exercise

Is Creatine The Best Body Building Supplement?

Choosing a body building supplement is not always easy, just because there are so many possibilities. Before you go to the store or go online with credit card in hand to order a truckload of products, check out our guide to creatine. Who should take it and who should not?

Why Take Creatine Body Building Supplement?

One reason for taking creatine is that it gives many of the same benefits as a protein supplement. It is excellent for increasing muscle mass. It is also a natural substance that occurs in the body, so we are not introducing anything new to the body here.

Vegetarians tend to be low on creatine so this is definitely something to consider if you are a vegetarian bodybuilder. Of course you would want to find a vegetarian form of this body building supplement. But it is not only for vegetarians! Anyone wanting to increase muscle mass may benefit from this if not contraindicated for medical reasons (see below).

How Does It Work?

Creatine increases the availability of ATP or adenosine triphosphate. This is the main energy source that muscles use for their power. So if you have more ATP available, you can perform more reps and lift more weight than you otherwise would. This means that you can grow your muscle faster.

Turbulence Training

In other words, creatine does not directly bulk the muscles, but allows your training to be more effective.

How To Take It

Creatine is found in significant quantities in red meat. It would be possible to increase your creatine levels by eating a lot more steak, but of course that comes with a lot of fat and other substances that you might not want in your diet. For this reason, many people prefer to take it in isolated form as a body building supplement. In many cases it comes with aminos, dextrose and other good substances for increasing muscle mass.

There are several different types of creatine body building supplement. Creatine monohydrate was the first type to be developed and is still very popular and effective. Creatine phosphate and citrate are newer variations that are usually more expensive if you compare creatine content gram for gram. That does not necessarily mean they are more effective.

Whatever type you get, it is usually best in powdered form. It is flexible when you want to experiment with your dosage (difficult to do with tablets or capsules) and easily absorbed. You will see liquid creatine on the market but be aware this can be very unpredictable in terms of the amount of creatine that it contains.

The best way to take creatine is to cycle it. Four weeks on and two weeks off is a recommendation that you might want to try.

Who Should Not Take It?

Creatine is not recommended for people with kidney or liver disease. It may affect insulin action so it is best not taken by those with diabetes or other blood sugar related disorders. Like many supplements, it is not recommended for pregnant women or nursing mothers because it cannot be proved safe for them.

Early fears that creatine was dangerous for the general population have been shown to be unfounded by a large volume of research now. It has been shown to be safe for normal healthy individuals. However, anybody considering taking a body building supplement should check it out with their medical advisor.

Weight Loss Exercise

Recap of the first six days

This is our first recap day. I am planning a few of these days as I know that some of the changes that you are making are tough and there is still more tough stuff coming to get you felling better and most of all getting healthier.

Whenever you make any kind of life changes there are a lot of tough times. There are days when everything seems to go right as well as days when nothing seems to click. The reason that this happens is that your attitude starting the day either tells you that YES you are moving ahead and the changes are great or NO everything was find before and the pain of the changes are not worth it. Hopefully to this point you are having more yes days than no days.

Our first day was just a subtle commitment to make changes without really know the impact that it would have in our everyday life except for the excitement that comes with changing for the better.

Our second day was adding more water to our diet and this I thought was a fairly easy start with a high impact result over the fairly short term.

Our third day was getting started doing cardio everyday. We did not go into any details on the cardio because the first most important exercise trait that you want yourself to get used to is some kind of movement. Just as long as you walk, dance, do yoga, run or bike you are doing great.

Day four was taking care of our meal sizes, far to often people eat to few meals and often to large to really give anyone the nutrition they need and giving anyone a great way to gain fat. Many meals are a great way to keep up energy and be more aware of the food you eat.

The fifth day was a day to learn how to stretch. After all that movement and cardio your muscles will be getting sore by this day and stretching is a great way to get the blood flowing to the fibers of your muscles to get rid of a day or two of extra muscle pain as well as giving you extra flexibility.

Day six is the first good nutrient day. Learning about carbohydrates is a great way to see how we eat when we are not conscious of what is an important kind of food. North Americans are really bad for eating a lot of sugars and then eating far to many carbs as well in each meal.

The next few days may be a little more difficult but I will try to keep a few easy days in as these changes are going to still be challenging. I am sure by this point that your new attitude and feelings are great. These 30 days are designed to give you not only a better feeling body but also a fantastic new outlook on life.

Weight Loss Exercise

How To Build Body And Muscle Fast

Finding out how to build body and increase muscle mass is simple. It really comes down to two things: working out, and giving your body the right fuel.

1. How To Build Body Working Out

Obviously, body builders have to train. There is no shortcut here, although of course there are ways to increase the effectiveness of the training that you do. The first of these ways is to make sure that you have an efficient bodybuilding workout routine.

This means deciding which exercises you will do on which days. It is vital to plan this because each muscle needs at least one full day recovery time between workouts. The workout breaks down the muscle and the recovery time is when it builds up again, stronger than before. That’s why more training is not necessarily better.

To build muscle size rather than strength, aim for sets of around 10 reps with a short rest of around 1 minute between sets.

The importance of good form cannot be over emphasized. You must learn to do each exercise correctly in the beginning when you are learning how to build body and have somebody check your form from time to time too. A qualified trainer is best. If you must learn from a video, at least have a buddy there to watch that you are doing everything correctly. You cannot work out and look in the mirror at the same time.

You need to push your muscles to fatigue, so that they are stressed enough to trigger the muscle building during recovery time. However, you should never exercise beyond the point where you have good form. Your last rep should be the last one that you can do with perfect form. If you get tired sooner, reduce the weight; if you could have done several more, increase it.

It helps to have a buddy to act as spotter when you are figuring this out, especially on a bench press. They can help you with the weight and avoid accidents if you find you have lifted one rep too far.

2. How To Build Body With The Right Fuel

When you want to build muscle rather than fat it is vital to have the right food. Avoid junk and sugary foods and concentrate on proteins and complex carbohydrates. Drink plenty of water through the day. Cut down on alcohol.

Proteins include meat and dairy but also beans, nuts and seeds. There is even some protein in vegetables. Complex carbohydrates are whole grain carbs such as brown rice, whole grain bread, oatmeal, corn etc, plus fruit and starchy vegetables like potatoes and carrots.

Most bodybuilders add whey protein, creatine or other supplements to their diets. Remember that these are not intended to replace a healthy diet, only to supplement it.

During your workout, choose a sports drink that includes protein as well as carbs. This is the best combination for reducing muscle damage plus fast muscle building and recovery. Follow this with a high carb drink or snack within a half hour after your workout, to stimulate glycogen production.

Eat often and eat smaller meals to keep your body’s supply of fuel steady and even. Figure out some healthy snacks. When it comes to learning how to build body and muscle mass, it is much better to have 5-6 small meals than 2-3 large ones.

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