Weight Loss Exercise

What Is Water Weight?

Going on a weight loss journey can seem overwhelming for the total beginner, with the amount of usually foreign jargon suddenly having to become an important part of life. One of the most used terms with regards to weight loss is probably water weight. But really, what is this water weight everybody keeps talking about? Well, you’re about to find out.

You probably already know this, but our body is made up of mostly water. All our bodily cells contain stored water, which helps keep things moving smoothly. However, when we take in too much of certain substances such as salt, or if we are dehydrated, our body retains even more water, and the weight of this extra water is called water weight.

Water Weight and Weight Loss

Often when people talk about weight loss, they think it’s naturally fat loss. But actually, weight loss is very subjective. When you see the scales moving backward, it could be fat, muscle or water that you are losing.

Most of the time, the first couple of pounds that you lose is usually water weight. This is why in the first week you often lose a large amount of weight compared to the following weeks. When the water is gone, that’s usually when the body chooses between muscle and fat to burn, depending on how many calories you take in. If you take in too few calories, your body will burn muscle instead of fat since muscle provides more calories than fat.

That’s not to say that you will certainly lose water weight at first; if your diet is still high in sodium and alcohol and if you don’t replenish your body with water adequately, then your body will still cling on to your water weight.

How to Lose Water Weight

There are several things you can do if you want to lose that excess water weight. First of all, be sure to drink enough water – that is, more than eight glasses a day if you can manage it. Also, restrict the amount of salt, sugar, and alcohol that you take in on a daily basis. Do note that if you are a woman, it is possible that your body will hold on to up to five pounds of water weight when you are having your menses. So during this period, don’t stress out if you suddenly put on a lot of weight; just keep to your healthy diet, and when your menses are over the weight will slip off again.

Understanding what water weight is can hopefully keep you motivated if you find that your weight is fluctuating in between weighing sessions.



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Weight Loss Exercise

Extra Eating Tips anyone?

As part of my 30 day fitness challenge I am looking at every part of my exercise and diet. Of course there are tons of things to look at and so far I have been making sure I get lots of exercise (are you?).

Anyway the other half, or actually most people say the biggest influence to a huge transformation is how and when you were eating, what you are eating, and how much you are eating.

So today I want to just end you to a couple of articles that will hopefully help with portion control and eating control:

Portion Control Tips – Here are a list of portion control tips. I find that even if we eat good food the trouble can be that we are eating too much. Did you know that your body just can’t use all the protein in a 8 ounce steak? you really should just have 4 ounces of meat in a meal. But there are a lot of other great portion control tips in the article.

10 Appetite Control Tips – Here are more tips for eating but this time these tips are for all of your eating. Some great tips  and strategies that you can implement right away and will make a big difference for you.

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Weight Loss Exercise

The Biggest Secret of Successful Weight Loss

When it comes to successful weight loss, the biggest hurdle that people face is that of getting started. They just don’t have any idea of where to start from. If you are one of these people then this article is for you. It doesn’t really matter whether you want to lose ten or hundred pounds, the tips I am going to share with you in this article are going to help you anyway.

The first step to successful weight loss is to set some goals. Goals should be used in the same way as milestones are used on highways. Just as without any milestone, you will have no idea of where you are going, without a goal, you will have no idea of how much work you need to do to shed all the extra pounds.

Questions To Ask Yourself for Successful Weight Loss

1. How much weight you want to lose?

2. By when you expect to lose all the weight?

The Biggest Secret of Successful Weight Loss

Successful Weight Loss

These successful weight loss answers must be written on a sheet of paper. Oh yeah, before I forget, let me tell you that writing your goals is one of the surefire ways of making sure that you never forget them. Write your weight loss goals on a piece of paper, make copies of that paper, and stick each paper on every place you can.

Make sure you don’t forget to stick this paper on your refrigerator and kitchen, since it is in these places that the demon called temptation tries to ruin your weight loss efforts.

Setting goals is just not enough; in order to make the goals achievable, you must set REALISTIC goals. If you have a goal of losing sixty pounds within a couple of weeks or a month, that is not going to happen. Setting such unrealistic goals for yourself will nullify the very effect of goal setting.

When you set unrealistic goals and fail to achieve the same, you will be disappointed and frustrated with yourself and your weight loss efforts.

Ideally, no matter what you do, you would be able to lose no more than 1-2 pounds per week. So create your goals accordingly. If you want to lose sixty pounds, it will take you at least six-seven months to achieve the same.

Set small and achievable goals for yourself so that when you achieve them, you will feel more confident to move forward. This is the biggest secret of successful weight loss.

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