Weight Loss Exercise

Colonoscopy Tomorrow – Not for me

My wife, Michelle,  has been having a lot of stomach problems over the last few months and diarrhea very often. The problem tends to be in the afternoon with my wife having terrible stomach cramps most afternoons.

We have tried lots of stuff including trying probiotics in case it was a bacteria problem, blood tests, urine test, poo testing. Lots of tests and lots of questioning on both my wife and I on what could be causing these problems. We have looked all over her diet and exercise program thinking that this could be a milk allergy or gluten allergy but after taking these out we realized that my wife may have a problem with lactose in milk and other dairy products so she took all milk related products out of her diet, Gluten tests showed that was really not an issue.

So now we are getting ready for the next test. Tomorrow morning my wife is going in for a Colonoscopy to see if there is some kind of problem with her intestines, colon, or bladder. This is not a comfortable test to get ready for and probably not comfortable tomorrow either, we will see about that.

Getting Ready for a Colonoscopy

Colonoscopy Tomorrow   Not for me

Michelle and the Kids

So the prep for the Colonoscopy started a few days ago. Michelle had to drop her daily aspirin (she takes this for blood clot issues she had a few years ago) on Thursday which was 5 days before and anti-inflammatory 3 days before. Now this weekend Michelle had to go to low fiber diet for three days and now today after breakfast no solid foods at all.

For the Colonoscopy tomorrow my wife has to have a completely clear colon so that the camera can see the walls of the colon very clearly and with no obstructions this means that Michelle needs to completely flush her colon for tomorrow morning. To clear the colon she had to take Ducolax pills on Saturday and Sunday nights and then today she needs to take Pico Salax twice tonight and drink 12-16 cups of water between 5pm and midnight. Right now the poor girl is alternating floating from all the water and sitting on the toilet.

I am looking forward to finding out tomorrow if we can get an answer to my wifes problems. She has never had any kind of stomach problems like this and we are both confused as it doesn’t make any sense to either of us. As I am sure you know from my posts here I find confidence within myself that I can find the answers to any health and fitness problems so this last few months have driven me crazy.

I will post tomorrow if we find out anything on this, or probably any news actually.

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Weight Loss Exercise

How to Gain Weight

People who are underweight know that it is as much of a challenge for them to gain weight as it is for obese and overweight individuals to lose weight. Although this may come as a surprise to some, there are people who are hard gainers, or individuals who are naturally thin.

It’s not impossible to add bulk and muscle to your body as long as you follow these ideas of how to gain weight. Just keep in mind that your overall intake of calories should exceed the number of calories that you burn.

How to Gain Weight

Consume more calories – The average daily calorie requirement for a male who performs light activity is 2,200 calories; a female needs about 1,900 calories per day. Actual caloric requirement differs depending on age, activity level, and other factors. If your goal is to gain one pound per week, you need to consume about 500 calories more per day than your actual requirement.

Eat larger portions, but be sure to choose healthy foods.

How to Gain Weight

How to Gain Weight

Choose high-calorie foods – This tip can help you gain weight more quickly. With high-calorie foods, a little goes a long way. Healthy fats and oils are good for the body and provide plenty of calories. Dairy products, eggs, meat, potatoes, whole grain pasta and beans are packed with nutrients and calories.

Include high quality proteins in your diet – Your body needs proteins to build muscles and body tissue. Be sure to include rich sources of quality protein in your diet, such as meat, chicken, fish, eggs, milk and beans. Don’t forget that you also need carbohydrates and fats for energy. The ideal ratios for weight gain are 55% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 15% fat.

Snack frequently – Consuming a lot of calorie-dense, nutrition-packed snacks is a great way to take in more calories. If you follow this tip to gain weight, you’ll start building muscles and developing a bigger physique more quickly. Avoid snacking on junk food. Instead, consume nuts, bananas, dried fruits, milk shakes and smoothies for a healthy, high-calorie snack.

Drink plenty of liquids, including water – Just because it’s calorie-free does not mean you should stop drinking water while trying to gain weight. Keep in mind that the body needs water to function properly, so be sure to drink 8 to 12 glasses of water every day.

In addition to water, you should also drink beverages that supply nutrients and calories. Fruit juices and milk can help you gain weight.

Lift weights – There’s only one way to develop bigger muscles, and that’s by lifting weights. Dumbbell and free weight exercises that target large muscle groups allow you to build muscle mass more quickly. Proper eating is important for weight gain, but without strength training the weight you gain will turn to fat, not muscle.

Gradually increase the amount of weights you lift each time you workout. Your muscles will grow stronger and get bigger.

Get enough rest – Your body needs rest in order to function properly. It is also while you sleep and rest that the body repairs and builds muscles, allowing you to gain muscle mass.

Keep in mind that these tips of how to gain weight will work only if you are consistent and persevere to reach your goals. Although genetics determines your natural body type, an effective strength training program and proper diet can give you the physique you have always wanted.

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
burn the fat feed the muscle is an exercise and diet program. My review of Burn the Fat shows that it is designed and written by an ex-pro natural bodybuilder but is a system that was written for regular guys and gals. Teaching you how to workout and eat to lose weight.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Migraines and Pregnancy

The link between migraines and pregnancy has been observed for quite some time now. Women without any prior history of migraines can suddenly find themselves experiencing splitting headaches. Migraines and pregnancy can be quite a difficult ailment to deal with. While pregnancy can contribute to migraines, typical headache cures can’t always be used due to the pregnancy.

Learning how migraines and pregnancy are linked can help in preventing these pains from occurring in the first place. If you do experience migraines while pregnant, you’ll also learn how to safely and effectively deal with them.

Linking Migraines and Pregnancy

Saying pregnancy is a drastic change can be quite the understatement. During this time, your body undergoes physical and chemical and hormonal changes. You can become quite sensitive to food or changes which didn’t give you migraines before. Your body will respond to changes differently now. While hormones can be a likely cause of this change, there are other several factors which contribute to migraines while pregnant.

Here are some common causes of migraines during pregnancy:

* Chocolate
* Dairy products (cheese, etc.)
* Coffee
* Dehydration
* Fatigue
* Stress
* Changes in weather

If you find yourself experiencing migraines during pregnancy, it can be helpful to keep track of when these episodes happened and what you were doing at that time. You can then make the connection between these occurrences and your migraines. Keep a diary or log to help you out with this. Check if the items above correspond with migraine attacks or headaches.

Remedies For Migraines And Pregnancy

For migraines and pregnancy, prevention of these headaches is always better than going for medication. Some of the best ways to avoid getting migraines are getting enough rest, eating right and regularly and drinking plenty of fluids. If you’ve kept a log of the likely culprits of migraines, you can also work to avoid these triggers or activities.

When these migraines occur, you should be ready as well to combat them. You can do this without taking medication. If you experience migraines, you should sit or lie down and rest. You may experience relief from applying cold packs to your head or affected areas such as the temples or the back of the neck.

Breathing exercises and relaxation techniques can also help. They can help circulate the blood better to lessen headaches and pains. Light exercise can be good for migraines as well. A soft and relaxing massage can also help, therapeutic or whole body massages however are not always advised.

Aspirin and other NSAID (not steroidal anti ?inflammatory drugs) may have side effects for pregnant women. Try to avoid these as much as possible. Acetaminophen, beta blockers and some anti-depressants are relatively low risk for pregnant women. All medication however should be doctor recommended during pregnancy.

Consult with your doctor for other remedies as well as ask about the therapies you are considering taking. Knowing more about migraines and pregnancy can help you have an easier and safer time during pregnancy.

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