Weight Loss Exercise

Guide to a Great Weight Workout

There is always a lot of confusion over how to do a proper weight workout so I will try to explain what I think is important. There are five parts to your workout; the warm-up, stretching, weight workout, cool down, and post workout meal.

Warmup and Stretching

First when you walk into the gym or basement it is always important to warm up and then stretch. If you think about how you are doing a workout and what kind of stress you are putting on your muscles then you have to be aware of how if they are not warm they can stretch or rip¦this is not a good thing.

To do a proper warm up you should probably use all of your muscle groups. Do not warm-up by doing hard cardio for a half hour as this will tire you out for your weight workout. For a warm-up the best machine I have found is an elliptical trainer. An elliptical trainer will allow you to use all of your muscles, is low impact and forces you to focus a little on your balance so you can get focused on what the workout will bring. Only do your muscle warm-up for about 5 to 10 minutes and not at a high intensity but rather medium intensity so you only break a little sweat and get your muscles warm.

Next get water and do some stretching. I am in favor of stretching all of my muscles before a workout not just the muscles that I will be training that day. Find some good stretches and spend another 5 to 10 minutes stretching and focusing on your breathing, you want to be sure to have good oxygen in your system during your weight workout so that you always feel that you energy is up.

Doing your sets

Next get a drink again and the start your weight workout. I will not delve into the sets and reps as that can be covered better by itself. During your workout though make sure that you are waiting one to two minutes between sets and taking in water whenever necessary. Your weight lifting portion of your workout should take about 40-60 minutes. To short a workout and you will not have time to really hit your muscles hard enough but at the other extreme if you workout too long you will have to little energy at the end of your workout and you also risk not being able to recover between workouts.

After you finish your weight workout it is a good idea to stretch again as stretching will allow the muscles to stop cramping, increase blood flow throughout the muscle and relax you before you get back into the car. In the past I found that if I did not stretch after my workout then my arms would be shaking when I got behind the wheel of the car to go home (not much better when I got on a bike instead).

Rest and recovery happen later

It is important to remember that you do not make your gains in the gym; you make strength and mass gains while your body recovers with proper rest and exercise. One of the critical things that you can do diet wise after your workout is to take in lots of carbohydrates to replenish the energy lost during the workout. Some people take Creatine or a Gatorade/sugar drink which can be expensive but if you are trying to replenish your carbs the best thing to take is some sugar in water. Kool aid would be good if you could drink enough but a potato or rice are not good as they will take to long for your body to be able to use the sugar.

About an hour after your workout you can take in some protein, some people try to get in the protein even earlier with some people trying to get in a double sized meal within an hour of the end of the workout. I on the other hand usually can not stomach a large heavy meal that quickly after a workout and am not rich enough to take in a $5 energy drink after every workout.

Follow these simple workouts and you will get better results, have better workouts, recover better, and have a better, healthier time in the gym.

Weight Loss Exercise

Power walking is Healthy Exercise

Ever since I took a power walking class in college, I have been hooked. If you are thinking about learning how to power walk, I strongly urge you to do so. It is fun and a great way to get in shape and stay healthy. Friends and family members can join in, and it ends up being a great way to bond as well. So, spend a little bit of time learning about power walking. You may find that it is just what you are looking for. We will discuss the fundamentals of power walking, as well as go over a list of the equipment that you need to get started.

What is Power Walking?

Power walking is Healthy Exercise

Power walking is Healthy Exercise

Many people may ask what exactly is power walking? You have been walking for years, but chances are, you haven’t been utilizing all of your muscles. Power walking is achieved by walking at a brisk pace, while tightening up all of your muscles. You should feel your abs and butt tighten as you walk. You can pump your arms for added resistance as well. When done correctly power walking can give you the benefits of cardio and strength training at the same time. When you first begin power walking, you will notice the difference right away. Your entire body may be sore after your first workout. This is completely normal and means that it is working!

Before you head out, you will need to get a few supplies. Most of them you probably already have, so it won’t take much to get you started. The most important piece of equipment is a good pair of shoes. Power walking takes a toll on your feet, so it is important to have good arch support. You can probably use a pair of shoes that you already have, but I would invest in a good arch support insert to breathe new life into your shoes. You will also want to invest in some good workout clothes. Choose fabrics that are breathable, and reflective if you plan on power walking outdoors.

Dealing with Weather for Power Walking

Choosing where to walk is also important. If weather permits, you can always head outdoors to do your walking. Look for a local track or park that offers no traffic or distractions. Treadmills offer a great alternative for those that like to power walk at odd hours or in the privacy of your own home. Look for one with a long deck so that you can stretch out your legs between strides.

Last but not least, make your walk fun. Bring along a cd player or Mp3 player to keep yourself entertained. Bringing along a friend is also a great way to keep entertained, and catch up on the latest gossip. Of course, you can also take your power walking time to reflect on yourself. Think about the upcoming week and center yourself. If you are using a treadmill, try to put up pictures of an exotic local, so that you can pretend that you are walking on the beach, etc. Or you can always catch up on your TV watching. Whatever you decide, make it fun. You are more likely to walk longer and get a better workout if you are enjoying yourself.

Marcy Jenkins is a personal trainer and freelance author. She is a contributing writer to a site providing free treadmill tips and consumer information. Marcy wrote this article on Power walking.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Body Building At Home: Can It Be Done?

So can you do body building at home? That is, can you effectively work and build all of the necessary muscles to have a toned, sculpted and overall big muscular body without all of the specialized equipment that you will find at a gym?

Of course, you could set up a home gym with your own equipment and then there would be no problem following a routine for body building at home. But let’s assume that you do not and cannot have a fully equipped home gym. What are the bare essentials that you need for effective body building?

Unfortunately you are not going to be able to do body building at home successfully with no equipment at all. There is no way that you can hope to build serious muscle mass without some weights.

Dumbbells are cheap and easy to store in the smallest apartment or dorm room. If you really do not even have the money for those – for example if you are a teen with no job and a tiny allowance – then you could start out by using plastic water bottles, the kind that you can easily grip in the middle. However, you will soon want to move up in the weights, so plan on saving your allowance or asking for a set of dumbbells for your next birthday, Christmas or as a random gift from any family member who is feeling generous.

Hint: you will find that family members are much more likely to buy stuff for you if they can see that you are going to use it and get the value out of it. If you ask before you even start working out, they may say no automatically. If you ask after you have been working out regularly for a month, the answer may be very different.

The next thing that you will need is a flat/incline adjustable bench. This will cost you a little more and it takes up more storage space too but it greatly increases the number of exercises that you can do. The bottom line is that an adjustable bench is going to be essential if you plan on doing any serious body building at home.

Finally, a barbell with a set of barbell weights completes the basic equipment. You can manage with either dumbbells or a barbell, you do not strictly need both, but if you have the space and a few more dollars this can add variety to your workout.

Your workout can then include bench press exercises with and without weights, and the full range of dumbbell or barbell exercises (rows, curls, extensions and raises). Be sure to plan your routine so that you are covering different muscle groups each time. Do not work out every day but have two or three rest days in the week.

So how long will it take before you see results? It would be great if we could bulk up overnight, but that simply does not happen. Be patient, keep to your routine as you planned it for body building at home and you should start to see results in a couple of weeks.