Weight Loss Exercise

Female Body Building: Your Workout Routine

Many women are afraid of getting into female body building because they are not sure they want to go all the way to having a seriously muscular body. However, there is no need to be concerned. You need never go further than you want to with female body building.

A sculpted, well toned body is a very attractive look for a woman. In many cases, this is as far as women want to go. That is fine. If you later decide that you want to take it further and work up to entering contests and taking it seriously, you can.

Why You Should Try Female Body Building

Female Body Building: Your Workout Routine

Female Body Building

Female body building is a great way to lose unwanted fat and build muscle. Be aware from the get go that muscle weighs heavier than fat, so you may not necessarily lose weight. Instead, you will redistribute your weight and end up with a strong, lean, sexy body.

The secret to success with female body building is to make sure that the muscles are worked and built evenly. Do not do the same workout every day. You need to give your muscles time to recover and build between sessions. You only need to work any particular muscle group once or twice a week.

This means developing a workout routine that works different muscle groups each day. Make sure that you cover everything without ever exercising the same muscles two days in a row. This is probably even more important than how many reps you do or what weight you lift. Let’s say you want to work out four days a week. That is enough for a female body building beginner. You will surely see results if you concentrate on really working one muscle group intensely at each session. A full week of recovery for each muscle group gives them a chance to build really strong.

Here is how your Female Body Building routine might look

  • Day 1 – legs
  • Day 2 – back and abs
  • Day 3 – rest
  • Day 4 – chest and biceps
  • Day 5 – rest
  • Day 6 – shoulders and triceps
  • Day 7 – rest

In addition you can do some cardio exercise, but again, three to four sessions a week is enough. You might start with 20 minute sessions and work up to 30 minutes. Overdoing cardio is a mistake for female body building because it can increase cortisol which breaks down the muscles. Do not be afraid of weights. You will not turn into Arnold Schwarzenegger by just picking up a dumbbell. Weight and resistance training is what really tones your body. It is not just for the arms either. Many back and chest exercises involve weights.

Motivation in Female Body Building is Key

Keeping motivated can be a challenge, especially if you have a lot of demands on your time. You will find, of course, that when you are fitter and stronger you can actually pack more into a day. You will have more energy and more of a positive outlook. Remind yourself of that any time that you are beginning to think that you do not have the time to go to the gym. Drink plenty of water during your workout and the rest of the day too. And of course, take care of your nutrition. That is essential for fat burning and effective female body building.

Weight Loss Exercise

Can You Lose 25 Pounds in 25 Days?

Have you ever thought that you could lose 25 pounds in 25 days? I am listening to an interview right now by Joel Marion, John Romaniello and Vince Del Monte. These guys are three of the top experts in getting fit and losing weight today.

Can You Lose 25 Pounds in 25 Days?

What these three guys are talking about is really wide ranging but mostly it is around the idea of one of the guys sisters losing 25 pounds in 25 days ahead of her wedding. This interview is really cool for no other reason than it is full of rambling and stories. Here is what is being covered.

How to Lose 25 Pounds in 25 Days

Intermittent fasting – taking a day off of eating one every few days.

Taking a cheat day once every 5 days – Cheating means that you can eat mostly anything that you want for a day.

Working out on a fasting day – I have never worked out on an empty stomach and these guys are saying that it is really great and the workouts are really good.

How to Lose 25 Pounds fast – There is no way it seems that you can lose a pound a day for any length of time.

Depleting Glycogen – This is the energy sitting in your liver and muscles and this should help you lose weight by not retaining fat on your cheat days.

Cycled Eating – You eat for a few days and then cheat. They have added the fasting day after though.

Well the reason that these guys are talking about this is because Joel Marion is going to be launching a new weight loss program called The Extreme Fat Loss Diet – That is a link to a free ebook. I am always intrigued by these diets as they come out so watching the run up to the diet and it seems like doing the intermittent fasting, cycled eating, workouts on fasting days and more stuff is really great.

I will do a full review of the program sometime in the next few days but this really looks like something interesting. Whether you lose 25 pounds in 25 days is up to you.

Weight Loss Exercise

Spring into Fitness Week – Day 2

Fruit and Vegetables

Fruit and Vegetables

Well today I want to write about eating again. I know that I seem to always be talking about eating and exercise and today is the eating portion.

Drinking Water – While you are getting ready for Spring and Summer and the outdoor weather you have to remember that often the humidity is lower outside and you may need to increase your water intake. Do you already drink a lot of water? I find that it makes a huge difference in my energy when I am drinking a lot all day long.

Berries and fruit are popping up as well. We have been eating a lot of variety of berries all Winter but they are so expensive that I know lots of people are missing out. Getting the fruits and veggies that you need will give you the energy you need and gives you lots of extra water and nutrients, and antioxidants.

White Carbs – If you are looking to lose some weight (many people are), then one of the easiest ways for most people is just to cut down on the white carbs. White carbs to me are things like rice, potatoes and breads. I am not saying to get rid of it all but instead just cut back and see how it feels. Lots of people that try this are shocked at the increase in energy and weight loss at the same time and if you have any kind of gluten allergies that you don’t know about…well this would be great.

Finally crack out the barbeque. Mine has been frozen most of the Winter but eating some nice lean barbequed meat is great, increases your iron levels, helps your muscles heal and gets you outside into the sunshine.

Well hopefully these few tips help you out this week. Try and see how you can integrate them into your current lifestyle. Remember that it is the small changes made today that make for the big changes later.

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